How do we solve the gender gap?

So explain why the majority of people with college degrees are Dems and the overwhelming number of people with Graduate degrees are Dems and most poor white working class guys with HS education or less are Republicans?

If you want them to believe that you may want to try working harder and actually set the example instead of talking.
Gaining a higher education isn't proof against being the biggest pussies on the male side of the spectrum. You say you're not a democrat but just about every fucking thing that oozes from your keyboard is PC compatible. In essence, YOU are a tool of the DNC and I am not.

You see, pervert, my strength is my belief system. And I'll stack that against yours any day of the week. And since your belief system doesn't extend beyond your own self absorbed preservation, I pretty much kick the shit out of you by default.

I have my college education, and I have my faith in God, as well as my allegiance to this country. You simply sit on your ass and pretend to be important. That's the real difference between us.
Or you can quit whining, thank your blessings and get your ass to work. Correcting the blatant wrongs of the past are no doubt controversial forms of social engineering but quit making it an excuse. If you can't make it in this country son than you just aren't packing the gear and if you can't make it as a white guy you not only don't pack they gear you're lazy too.

sure then cancel affirmative action special scholarships for women and minorities and make everything merit based.

Pushing for equality only when certain people are not equal but not caring when other people arent equal is bigoted and sexist.
Everything boils down to race with you, doesn't it.

Everything boils down to hypocrisy with you.

Let an issue involving difference in race occur where blacks are underrepresented and your first, last, and only thought is they are being discriminated against. Let the issue be what it is here where men are underrepresented and all sorts of reasons are given as to why it occurs.

Seems those who apply the discrimination claim when it's minorities underrepresented rarely, if ever, look at it the same way when something like this occurs.
sure then cancel affirmative action special scholarships for women and minorities and make everything merit based.

Pushing for equality only when certain people are not equal but not caring when other people arent equal is bigoted and sexist.

Even if you got rid of AA everything wouldn't be merit-based. Case in point: legacy preferences. Your messiah, dummy bush, never would have gotten into the Ivies without them.
In the US for every three males in a STEM major there is one female. Only 18% of engineering majors are Female. The single largest major women study in the US is social sciences.

I know that this is anecdotal but when I was in college the major academic goal of the sorority crowd was finding a husband. I remember some snarky queen bee snob type when I was in my Junior year asking me what my GPA was and then making a sarcastic comment when I said a 3.0 and she bragged about having a 3.8. I asked what her major was and she replied elementary education to which I replied that I'd have a 4.0 and would spend less time studying if I was an elementary education major. Needless to say she stormed off in a huff and called me an arrogant asshole (she wasn't wrong).

Yes social sciences, psychology and biology. Also the majority of legal graduates are women as well, seemingly making things is far less important than suing someone's arse. There are precious few in IT as my sons can readily testify to, those are the facts!!
sure then cancel affirmative action special scholarships for women and minorities and make everything merit based.

Pushing for equality only when certain people are not equal but not caring when other people arent equal is bigoted and sexist.

How about this white guy getting AA?

Dan Quayle
Quayle’s academic struggles didn’t start with his infamously ill-fated attempt to spell “potato.” According to a 1988 Cleveland Plain Dealer story, he wasn’t a bang-up student at DePauw University, either. Quayle’s grades were so lousy that he wouldn’t ordinarily have been able to earn admission into Indiana University’s law school, but he secured a spot thanks to an equal opportunity program. During the 1988 presidential campaign a Quayle spokesman explained that high marks were simply hard to come by at DePauw.
How about this white guy getting AA?

Dan Quayle
Quayle’s academic struggles didn’t start with his infamously ill-fated attempt to spell “potato.” According to a 1988 Cleveland Plain Dealer story, he wasn’t a bang-up student at DePauw University, either. Quayle’s grades were so lousy that he wouldn’t ordinarily have been able to earn admission into Indiana University’s law school, but he secured a spot thanks to an equal opportunity program. During the 1988 presidential campaign a Quayle spokesman explained that high marks were simply hard to come by at DePauw.

id say go one way or another. Either help all minority groups be equal or end all Affirmative action. Any other solution is just another word for discrimination.
How about this white guy getting AA?

Dan Quayle
Quayle’s academic struggles didn’t start with his infamously ill-fated attempt to spell “potato.” According to a 1988 Cleveland Plain Dealer story, he wasn’t a bang-up student at DePauw University, either. Quayle’s grades were so lousy that he wouldn’t ordinarily have been able to earn admission into Indiana University’s law school, but he secured a spot thanks to an equal opportunity program. During the 1988 presidential campaign a Quayle spokesman explained that high marks were simply hard to come by at DePauw.

What equal opportunity program? Was it based on race? Did Quayle being white have anything to do with it?
id say go one way or another. Either help all minority groups be equal or end all Affirmative action. Any other solution is just another word for discrimination.

christiefan's doesn't consider males as a minority despite the percentage of males being less than 50% of the population and the only other option, female, being over 50%. In other areas where the group in question had less than a 50% number, they would be in her eyes and she'd twist herself into a pretzel trying to help them and/or claiming that they are being discriminated against purely because the numbers participating in something aren't up to their percentage in society.
christiefan's doesn't consider males as a minority despite the percentage of males being less than 50% of the population and the only other option, female, being over 50%. In other areas where the group in question had less than a 50% number, they would be in her eyes and she'd twist herself into a pretzel trying to help them and/or claiming that they are being discriminated against purely because the numbers participating in something aren't up to their percentage in society.

thats so sad :( that just makes you a racist or sexist bigot to the people you ignore :(
thats so sad :( that just makes you a racist or sexist bigot to the people you ignore :(

Let blacks participation, enrollment, etc. not be up to their percentage of the population and christiefan automatically assumes it has something to do with racism, bigotry, discrimination, etc. However, let the situation exist for males and she has all sorts of reason why it's OK and/or tries to justify it. It's her nature.
51% of babies born in the US are male. Maybe you should research why this changes over time.

The percentage of male college students is less than their makeup in society. The percentage of female college students is greater than their makeup in society. To you, nothing to see. However, let the percentage of (fill in the blank with a minority) be less than their makeup in society and to you it's automatically discriminatory, racist, sexist, bigoted, etc.