How The Great Social Justce Warriors Up North Kept Blacks Out Of Their Establishments

philly rabbit

Verified User
How they did it in the south .. up front and sanctioned by the government no less.


How the great social justice warriors who were for liberty, equality, and social justice for all did it up north.


Ladies and gentlemen, you may begin your discussion of said topic at your discretion.
This topic doesn't interest anyone?

I grew up in a segregated city back in the fifties.

And you'll never guess where it was.

Clue - It wasn't in the south.
It's a good thing I don't have to see those damned "Reserved" signs when I walk into a nice restaurant these days, because it would make it that much harder to find an open table.
It's a good thing I don't have to see those damned "Reserved" signs when I walk into a nice restaurant these days, because it would make it that much harder to find an open table.

Well that's how blacks felt.

That's why they had their own restaurants.
For all these claims about Northern support for blacks, let it never be forgotten that the South had to push through the anti-States Rights Fugitive Slave Laws in order to stop Northerners from setting blacks free and letting them reside within their Patrician states.
says the guy with his racist flag avatar. Germans don't use the swastika anymore but the defeated losers of the south still proudly wave the flag they used to surrender.
says the guy with his racist flag avatar. Germans don't use the swastika anymore but the defeated losers of the south still proudly wave the flag they used to surrender.

I'm thinking of buying a nazi and Confederate flags. I'll make a collection of the flags of peoples my ancestors have defeated.
The point about chattel slavery is that it undercuts wage slavery - nothing whatever to do with social justice, everything to do with profit.
I'm thinking of buying a nazi and Confederate flags. I'll make a collection of the flags of peoples my ancestors have defeated.

The hatred for the southerner is just as strong now as it was a hundred and fifty years ago.

There's one thing that you northern, liberal university fag boys could never accomplish no matter how many southerners you killed or how much you amplify your hatred for southerners and all things southern, an idea.

My flag represents that idea that lives on just like the religion you despise lives on and will endure long after you turn to dust, the idea of self determination and resistance to government.

So you call it a racist symbol and call for it's banning but even when you're successful, that STILL wont kill the idea it represents.
says the guy with his racist flag avatar. Germans don't use the swastika anymore but the defeated losers of the south still proudly wave the flag they used to surrender.

So how many relatives did you have / had that kept blacks out of their establishments with clever things like reserved signs?

And what makes you think that you're so morally superior to myself?

You're a simple PC hater, that doesn't make you superior, that simply displays your PC hatred.

How long would it take me to find mementos such as love beads and roach clips in the residence of your rearing which would explain your computer trained manners .. little Mr. better than I am?
For all these claims about Northern support for blacks, let it never be forgotten that the South had to push through the anti-States Rights Fugitive Slave Laws in order to stop Northerners from setting blacks free and letting them reside within their Patrician states.

Lincoln supported the fugitive slave laws.

Northern states wouldn't let free blacks vote, move form one state to the next, and charged them admission fees to keep them out of their states usually at the tune of a thousand dollars as if freed blacks had a thousand bucks to begin with.

So the cultural bigot with the compulsory education will now tell us how his relatives up north kept blacks out of their establishments.
The queer politics thread on the other board has now turned into a novella like I knew it would knowing how popular those things are on the internet.

And my thread is barely two pages long and it contains a handful of religious and cultural bigots who all have racist relatives and racist ancestors but hate the south because it's supposedly the racist center of the country.

Am I jealous.
Religious bigot - you're too young to remember a segregated America, I grew up in such.

And by the way, I don't support the government telling anybody how to run their business including the owner of a restaurant who wishes to exclude blacks or whoever on racist grounds.

Yes, pagans are known for religious intolerance especially in matters of race.

And for the record, nor do I. I support freedom of association. But like I said, you're going to need to provided proof of your claim.
The hatred for the southerner is just as strong now as it was a hundred and fifty years ago.
Yes, hatred of traitors tends not to die. We don't worship Benadict Arnold for example, though you might.

There's one thing that you northern, liberal university fag boys could never accomplish no matter how many southerners you killed or how much you amplify your hatred for southerners and all things southern, an idea.
Yes, the idea of racial inequality. Shame we can't kill that.

My flag represents that idea that lives on just like the religion you despise lives on and will endure long after you turn to dust, the idea of self determination and resistance to government. Owning black people is perfectly ok and encouraged

So you call it a racist symbol
Not inherently, though it is a traitorous one.
and call for it's banning
Uh huh, got a cite to back that up? Hell, ya know what, if you can find a post made by me where I suggest banning ANYTHING, I'll give you $10,000.
but even when you're successful, that STILL wont kill the idea it represents.
Perhaps not, but I'll be damned if I don't try to kill such traitorous ideas.
Yes, pagans are known for religious intolerance especially in matters of race.

And for the record, nor do I. I support freedom of association. But like I said, you're going to need to provided proof of your claim.

So your ancestors were part of the "blue invasion of the south' eh.

They murdered innocent people, deliberately starved innocent women and children, deliberately denied ill children medicine, tore apart and burned down homes and farms, destroyed fences, killed livestock, raped both black and white women, tore families apart and sent women and children north as slaves never to be reunited with family again and were active participants in the death and carnage of hundreds of thousands of people in the worst war in American history that killed more people than all the other wars combined that America was in from the original war for independence to Vietnam.

Those dirty non dude white Christians down south really got what they deserved ... didn't they ... DUDE?
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