How The Great Social Justce Warriors Up North Kept Blacks Out Of Their Establishments

I'm thinking that hit I found on the police captain is incorrect. The name I searched is on the wrong side of the family to be looking for anyway. Damn, I am getting some cool info about my ancestry, though. For one thing, I just realized I only knew the full name of one of my grandparents, and now I have them all down.
Not sure on the details. It's not like he was some important player in the war, despite his officer rank. Lot's of wounded veterans carried shrapnel in their bodies for the duration of their lives after the war because the medical community couldn't safely remove it. He was probably lucky just to have all four limbs and not get transformed into an amputee. Since all four of my grandparents heralded from Nebraska (which I will have to visit sometime, and check out the farm land my dad inherited in 2007), I would surmise that he was one of many postwar vets to travel west, and that he wound up there.

So in other words, he didn't get shot in the vicinity where he lived, he got shot in somebody else's backyard instead.

So what the Hell was he doing in somebody else's backyard wearing a federal uniform with a gun and a saber?
Fillmore County

But you're pretty sure he wasn't shot in Filmore County, he was shot in somebody else's county wearing a menacing blue uniform and waving around a saber and a gun.

Did he shoot any racists while he was at it? He could have stayed in Filmore County Nebraska if he wanted to shoot racists, he didn't have to invade somebody else's property to do that.
He was killing Nazis.

Did he stand by and pretend to look the other way while his boys raped white women and black women?

Did he order the burning of homes and leave old people alone on the road without roofs over their heads?

Did he tear apart fences, kill live stock, burn farms and leave little children with nothing to eat?

No wonder your ancestor hero son of a bitch got shot.
He was killing Nazis.

Did your stupid ass ancestor hero think that eight year old children were Nazis?

Is that why he burned down their houses and leave them homeless?

Is that why he wouldn't give them any medicine and let them die from disease on purpose?

Maybe they should have put up a statue of your stupid ass ancestor hero in Washington DC knowing what a great American hero he was.