How The Great Social Justce Warriors Up North Kept Blacks Out Of Their Establishments

I've met very few libertarians and you're one of them who support central planning and oppose state sovereignty. You will oppose every imperialist war effort America has been involved in except the war between the federal government and the southern states. So the question must be asked, why?

Where is the bedrock of American conservatism?

Does the south cover a large section of the Bible belt?

The answer to these two questions explain your hatred of the south and your rejection of the confederacy, states rights, and the confederacy's right to self determination, and your support of the war under the false pretense that the war was necessary to free the slaves.

Why do you believe that non-whites are property to be exploited for your own personal gain? Why do you support the murder of Jews and currently advocate their wholesale slaughter? Why do you deny history and facts?
You owe me $6 for the beer that I spit out reading that.

You...debating....laughable in the extreme. You do understand that the FUNDAMENTAL tenets of debate require the presentation of evidence don't you? Not nonsensically shouting DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE DUDE over and over again like it's some sort of argumentative point.

I expect criticism and I welcome it.

What I wont tolerate is trolling.

Your associate is a troll on this thread and he can leave this thread until he's ready to place a civil tongue in his mouth and he's ready to dispute what I say on here in a civil manner without personal attacks and smears.
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I expect criticism and I welcome it.

What I wont tolerate is trolling.

You're associate is a troll on this thread and he can leave this thread until he's ready to place a civil tongue in his mouth and he's ready to dispute what I say on here in a civil manner without personal attacks and smears.

If you don't like the decorum you can post in APP... DUDE.
I've met very few libertarians and you're one of them who support central planning and oppose state sovereignty. You will oppose every imperialist war effort America has been involved in except the war between the federal government and the southern states. So the question must be asked why?

Where is the bedrock of American conservatism?

Does the south cover a large section of the Bible belt?

The answer to these two questions explain your hatred of the south and your rejection of the confederacy, states rights, and the confederacy's right to self determination and your support of the war under the false pretense that the war was necessary to free the slaves.

It did not take a civil war to end slavery. There was no "civil war" to begin with.

The confederacy's goal was to force the union to grant them their independence after Lincoln attacked them. They had no desire to take control of Lincoln's government, they wanted to leave it, not overtake it.

Who drove the south to secession were the rich planter's class .. this is true who held slaves because they saw the northern government being taken over by the Republican party which came into existence to serve northern business interests and not the interests of the planters.

You can't really blame the Planter class for the whole affair because they certainly weren't the only ones marching around on the battlefield, producing war materiel, etc. Everyone took part in the treason except for the often lauded hill folk of Appalachia, who may even have supported Lincoln, but in no way represented the Southern society at large.

If the South is truly the bedrock of American conservatism, then it is a truly dead philosophy, because nothing good can come of it.

I will actually agree with you that the term "civil war" does not fit the definition of what actually transpired.

Finally, you can't claim that the South supported state's rights when it supported such federal laws that trampled on Northern state's rights such as the Fugitive Slave Laws and the Dred Scott ruling. Let's also not forget that the Democrats broke with Northern Dems over the candidacy of Stephen Douglas because he took the state's rights stance of Popular Sovereignty, which would have potentially allowed for new states south of the Missouri Compromise line to be admitted to the Union as free states.
Why do you believe that non-whites are property to be exploited for your own personal gain

I didn't say I supported it, did I? What I did say was both north and south were practicing this until the north determined that using cheap labor in the form of white immigrants from Europe was more economically advantageous and more profitable than using the slave labor system that the south was using.

Why do you support the murder of Jews and currently advocate their wholesale slaughter? Why do you deny history and facts?

Quote me.
You can't really blame the Planter class for the whole affair because they certainly weren't the only ones marching around on the battlefield, producing war materiel, etc. Everyone took part in the treason except for the often lauded hill folk of Appalachia, who may even have supported Lincoln, but in no way represented the Southern society at large.

If the South is truly the bedrock of American conservatism, then it is a truly dead philosophy, because nothing good can come of it.

I will actually agree with you that the term "civil war" does not fit the definition of what actually transpired.

Finally, you can't claim that the South supported state's rights when it supported such federal laws that trampled on Northern state's rights such as the Fugitive Slave Laws and the Dred Scott ruling. Let's also not forget that the Democrats broke with Northern Dems over the candidacy of Stephen Douglas because he took the state's rights stance of Popular Sovereignty, which would have potentially allowed for new states south of the Missouri Compromise line to be admitted to the Union as free states.

Is that why King Abraham invaded and occupied Missouri and Maryland?

I said the rich planters class were the ones behind the push for secession. It was indeed a rich man's war and a poor man's fight.

They should have let the lower cotton states secede peacefully then used reason and compromise instead of war to keep the upper south states in the union which they would have done if Lincoln wasn't so anxious for war.
Is that why King Abraham invaded and occupied Missouri and Maryland?

I said the rich planters class were the ones behind the push for secession. It was indeed a rich man's war and a poor man's fight.

They should have let the lower cotton states secede peacefully then used reason and compromise instead of war to keep the upper south states in the union which they would have done if Lincoln wasn't so anxious for war.

That's pretty funny, because Lincoln wasn't going to be able to let out his anxiety if some retarded Southerners hadn't opened fire on an American fort, thus initiating the war.

Poor man's war also, when they wind up going off to fight in it, rather than round up all the traitors to be hanged.
I didn't say I supported it, did I? What I did say was both north and south were practicing this until the north determined that using cheap labor in the form of white immigrants from Europe was more economically advantageous and more profitable than using the slave labor system that the south was using.

Quote me.

Demanding evidence as I use the exact same 'debate' tactic you do. Hilarious. Fun when your opponent makes claims about what you said when you actually didn't say that huh?
That's pretty funny, because Lincoln wasn't going to be able to let out his anxiety if some retarded Southerners hadn't opened fire on an American fort, thus initiating the war.

Poor man's war also, when they wind up going off to fight in it, rather than round up all the traitors to be hanged.

Your hero Lincoln turned a rich man's dispute into a full scale war when he invaded the south with his federal armies.

Then the common man in the south took up his gun to defend his family and his home against an invading foreign force.
Demanding evidence as I use the exact same 'debate' tactic you do. Hilarious. Fun when your opponent makes claims about what you said when you actually didn't say that huh?

No ass hat.

I want some quotes from me proving that I supported the extermination of the Jews.

This is a very serious allegation and your never ending theme here is once again social justice which tells me that you are about as much a libertarian as Howey is and you're actually instead a refugee from a university humanities seminar.

I told you before that if you're going to start tagging people with this Nazi label, you'd better be prepared to back it up which you cannot do.

You are parroting the NAACP and being pegged pants politically correct in doing it.
Your hero Lincoln turned a rich man's dispute into a full scale war when he invaded the south with his federal armies.

Then the common man in the south took up his gun to defend his family and his home against an invading foreign force.

Correction, when he responded to an attack upon an American fort with an invasion force.
No ass hat.

I want some quotes from me proving that I supported the extermination of the Jews.

This is a very serious allegation and your never ending theme here is once again social justice which tells me that you are about as much a libertarian as Howey is and you're actually instead a refugee from a university humanities seminar.

I told you before that if you're going to start tagging people with this Nazi label, you'd better be prepared to back it up which you cannot do.

You are parroting the NAACP and being pegged pants politically correct in doing it.

Most people who sport the Southern swastika are antisemites that want to exterminate the Jews...
Most people who sport the Southern swastika are antisemites that want to exterminate the Jews...

If you're implying that I'm a Nazi Klansman and you are, then I can just as easily imply that you're a pegged pants faggot and a murderer who death wishes an entire human sector of the country into extermination.

You're not doing that, are you little theeeedeeee?
Most people who sport the Southern swastika are antisemites that want to exterminate the Jews...

Little theeeedeee is inside his salt mine .. in his little office cube .. dressed in his cute little cube suit .. whit his whittle tie .. watching his computer screen.

And later he'll leave his salt mine and he's been such a good boy lately, tonight he just might "get a little" as his reward.

So let's review:

The federal government created the states and ratified the constitution.

The southern states seceded and formed the confederacy as soon as Fort Sumter was fired on.

King Abraham .. AKA the great emancipator himself Lincoln sent his holy knights dressed in blue into the south on a crusade to free all the slaves and kill all those nasty, fundie, white hillbillies who wanted slavery to be legal because they all owned at least one slave and usually two.

And Little Theedee and Backwash up above here will meet all of you at the weekend tailgate party .. weather permitting.
Your hero Lincoln turned a rich man's dispute into a full scale war when he invaded the south with his federal armies.

Then the common man in the south took up his gun to defend his family and his home against an invading foreign force.

You are a fucking idiot. You don't even know what your own beloved war was really about.
There are three trolls on this thread who are vermin.

It's time to wrap this thread up and if I could find a close feature, I'd close it.

There's no debate going on here, just personal attacks from three south haters who cannot do anything except launch personal attacks and troll.

They are dumbed down moral midgets and PC programed as reactionaries.

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If you're implying that I'm a Nazi Klansman and you are, then I can just as easily imply that you're a pegged pants faggot and a murderer who death wishes an entire human sector of the country into extermination.

You're not doing that, are you little theeeedeeee?

Yes, I do wish we had exterminated the Southern pest in the 1860s. Too late now, unfortunately...
Little theeeedeee is inside his salt mine .. in his little office cube .. dressed in his cute little cube suit .. whit his whittle tie .. watching his computer screen.

And later he'll leave his salt mine and he's been such a good boy lately, tonight he just might "get a little" as his reward.

So let's review:

The federal government created the states and ratified the constitution.

The southern states seceded and formed the confederacy as soon as Fort Sumter was fired on.

King Abraham .. AKA the great emancipator himself Lincoln sent his holy knights dressed in blue into the south on a crusade to free all the slaves and kill all those nasty, fundie, white hillbillies who wanted slavery to be legal because they all owned at least one slave and usually two.

And Little Theedee and Backwash up above here will meet all of you at the weekend tailgate party .. weather permitting.

Virginia and Tennessee chose to join the nation that had fired upon Fort Sumter, thus becoming a part of the war their chosen nation had initiated.

The CSA was officially formed on February 4th, 1861, and the constitution was drawn up on March 11, 1861. The attack on Sumter was not until April 12th.
There are three trolls on this thread who are vermin.

It's time to wrap this thread up and if I could find a close feature, I'd close it.

There's no debate going on here, just personal attacks from three south haters who cannot do anything except launch personal attacks and troll.

They are dumbed down moral midgets and PC programed as reactionaries.


:hand: :hand: :hand: