How the Ukraine situation should end.

What?!?! The U.S. didn’t lead the coup, insinuating we caused it. We gave misguided moral support for it.

It wasn’t that simple. But Ukraine did have advantages being pro-Russian. The country was a basket case with all their corruption.

Russia is the poster boy of government corruption. It is run by a dictator and incredibly wealthy oligarchs. Putin was one of Cyprus banks presidents and it was the laundering bank for Russia.
Russia is the poster boy of government corruption. It is run by a dictator and incredibly wealthy oligarchs. Putin was one of Cyprus banks presidents and it was the laundering bank for Russia.

I know. Uk as a country was in an almost impossible position in 2014. Moderate Uk nationalists wanted a western turn to democracy. Right wing extremists used their protests as a pretext for the coup. Putin offered Uk cheap gas for use of Sevastopol as a port and guarantees of protection for Russians in Donbas.
Both Minsk Accords failed.
The country has been a festering powder keg for a while.
It would have been best for the Ukrainians to sort it out for themselves but as usual neither Russia or the U.S. would stay out of it. Victoria Nuland, an extremist neocon in Obama’s State Dept. was right in the middle of it, egging on the the far right Svoboda Party with the notorious war pig, John McCain standing shoulder to shoulder with their fascist leader.
The EU was not eager to get involved.
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I know. Uk as a country was in an almost impossible position in 2014. Moderate Uk nationalists wanted a western turn to democracy. Right wing extremists used their protests as a pretext for the coup. Putin offered Uk cheap gas for use of Sevastopol as a port and guarantees of protection for Russians in Donbas.
Both Minsk Accords failed.
The country has been a festering powder keg for a while.
It would have been best for the Ukrainians to sort it out for themselves but as usual neither Russia or the U.S. would stay out of it. Victoria Nuland, an extremist neocon in Obama’s State Dept. was right in the middle of it, egging on the the far right Svoboda Party with the notorious war pig, John McCain standing shoulder to shoulder with their fascist leader.
The EU was not eager to get involved.

A lot of good points, but there's one that you're missing, namely that Ukraine had started a major offensive against the Donbass Republics mere days before Putin decided to start his military operation. I personally believe that this was the main reason that Putin started the operation when he did. Former Swiss Intelligence Officer Jacques Baud wrote an article I thought was truly eye opening in regards to this. I made a thread about it here:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |
What?!?! The U.S. didn’t lead the coup, insinuating we caused it. We gave misguided moral support for it.

It wasn’t that simple. But Ukraine did have advantages being pro-Russian. The country was a basket case with all their corruption.

Yeah, we did. It's time for people to consider that we may be the bad guys.
I believe that Ukrainians chose to defend their nation because they wanted to defend their nation. I doubt America could push them into defending their nation. If the Ukrainians had wanted to surrender to Putin, they would have done that.

I have been to Finland. They are much weaker than Ukraine, and did not have the support of the USA when they fought the Russians. They fought because they wanted to remain independent. They lost territory, and a huge amount of their forces, but in the end remained free. When they think back on that, they are proud.

The war in Ukraine is not over yet, but most likely Ukrainians will be proud that they fought for their freedom and very lives. They will almost certainly be grateful to those that supported them.

Nice of you to take time explaining shit to Hawk. Just know, unless it's a one-line insult to him, personally, he will never address anything in your post or debate you. Why? He doesn't read the posts at all. He operates as a megaphone, only. A megaphone for Tucker Carlson. Hawk thinks Tucker's a prophet.
Nice of you to take time explaining shit to Hawk. Just know, unless it's a one-line insult to him, personally, he will never address anything in your post or debate you. Why? He doesn't read the posts at all. He operates as a megaphone, only. A megaphone for Tucker Carlson. Hawk thinks Tucker's a prophet.

You're a fucking moron and shouldn't criticize anyone. Seriously, you're one of the dumbest mother fuckers I've ever seen on the Internet and that's saying something.
With the help of Biden and NATO, Ukraine has stopped Putin's invasion dead in it's tracks and has been gradually recapturing formerly occupied territories.

Russia's great "ally" China is practically sitting on the sidelines and providing no military assistance to Putin, probably because the Chinese have no desire to back a loser.

What we're hearing from these MAGAs is the same isolationist shit the American Nazi sympathizers were doing prior to WWII.

So fascinating how history keeps repeating itself. Checklist:

Cozying up to foreign authoritarian dictators - Republicans
Attacking the free press - Republicans
Attacking minorities - Republicans
Promoting hatred of Jews - Republicans
Amassing weapons and forming militias - Republicans
Planning a violent overthrow of the US Government with Violence - Republicans.

It's happening again.
Putin's supporters are already talking about claiming parts of the USA. We have to wonder if the alt right "Americans" would be willing to fight to defend America, or whether they would surrender quickly like they demand Ukraine surrenders.

The Alt-right American dream is an all-white, all-Christian nation. J6 demonstrates the alt-right/MAGAs are willing to do anything to achieve that including murder and treason.
I'll take five Ukrainian female soldiers in the foxhole with me over two dozen MAGAs.

You can't trust that MAGA will just desert and crawl on their hands and knees to surrender to invaders.

Yeah, the stench when the MAGA pooped their pants in fear would be the price to pay in that foxhole.
The alt right seems to forget that we all will remember the nonsense they say. Maybe they did not mean any of it, but we will remember.

That's why MAGAs hate it when we bring up twump. They know he says hateful, insane shit. They just can't stand to be reminded of it.

"TDS", to me is translated into MAGAnese, thusly: "We only get to troll you, we cannot handle you trolling us back because we're evil cowards".

So, there you go. So my plan is to keep reminding them until they either grab a clue and some morals or shut the f up.
Putin and his followers predicted 3 days. I think he missed it. Putin will go broke and have to quit. He cannot train his inductees. His soldiers just want to go home. Putin made a real mess.

Such a tragedy for both the Ukrainian and for the Russian people. People like Earl, Guille, they don't understand we'll be in the boat if we surrender our will to an insane authoritarian like twump or Putin. Their hatred of themselves and everyone else has shorted out their brains.
How the Ukraine situation should end.

Well, this is more-than-likely how it will end!

One well aimed Patriot missile the US gave the Ukraine will take care of Pooty-Pie!



You know, I never watched "Dr. Strangelove" all the way through. I really should before I die <looking at my watch> wow! I better hurry :)
What?!?! The U.S. didn’t lead the coup, insinuating we caused it. We gave misguided moral support for it.

It wasn’t that simple. But Ukraine did have advantages being pro-Russian. The country was a basket case with all their corruption.

There are pro-Russian Ukrainians. Their names are Steve and Dave. The majority are not. How would you feel if Canada invaded us claiming we're all "pro-Canada"? That's what you're doing to Ukraine.
Russia is the poster boy of government corruption. It is run by a dictator and incredibly wealthy oligarchs. Putin was one of Cyprus banks presidents and it was the laundering bank for Russia.

This is exactly where we were headed under trump. So weird the MAGAs couldn't see it.