How the Ukraine situation should end.

The Kherson Oblast has been annexed

Most of Kherson was occupied, but not all. Putin declared he had annexed all of it, but then lost the capital of the oblast. Now he is slowly losing the rest of the oblast.

Whether he can legally annex land he occupies is one question, but he certainly cannot actually annex land he does not occupy. Dukkkha's post did not age well.

As to Odesa: the anti ship missiles have kept the Russian unable to use much naval assets
but I have to think that's next on Putin's list (not Kyiv)

We are seeing this over and over again. Putin throws everything he can find into attacking, but then runs out of steam, and collapses. The fact is Russia is not as strong as we have been led to believe. They were not able to take Odesa, and now are stuck retreating.
BTW,...there was the League of Nations that came into existence at the end of WW1 to prevent a WW2. Didnt work. :laugh: Disbanded in 46 then NATO took over.

The League of Nations was replaced by the United Nations, not NATO.
They chose this after being pushed into it by America....when this is all over and they look around I wonder how they will feel about that.

I believe that Ukrainians chose to defend their nation because they wanted to defend their nation. I doubt America could push them into defending their nation. If the Ukrainians had wanted to surrender to Putin, they would have done that.

I have been to Finland. They are much weaker than Ukraine, and did not have the support of the USA when they fought the Russians. They fought because they wanted to remain independent. They lost territory, and a huge amount of their forces, but in the end remained free. When they think back on that, they are proud.

The war in Ukraine is not over yet, but most likely Ukrainians will be proud that they fought for their freedom and very lives. They will almost certainly be grateful to those that supported them.
So what is your plan? Should we have Joe send him a strongly worded letter? :laugh: He''l laugh at us. He has already told us what he thought of the sanctions by invading anyway. He didnt give a fuck. Should we go to war? Short of that there is nothing we can do. You ready to commit to war? All we have done is drive them further into China's arms by not preventing this before it happened. In fact,...I think they may be working in concert and Ukraine is just a trial balloon to gauge what our reaction might be to a Taiwan invasion by the Chinese. No son,.....this administration are the ones that are the dumb fucks. Both China and Russia got exactly what they wanted.

With the help of Biden and NATO, Ukraine has stopped Putin's invasion dead in it's tracks and has been gradually recapturing formerly occupied territories.

Russia's great "ally" China is practically sitting on the sidelines and providing no military assistance to Putin, probably because the Chinese have no desire to back a loser.
Something doesnt smell right about this whole thing. Not saying it is, but this whole thing has a kind of STAGED feel to it. Ukraine has a 300,000 man army, and we all know what Russia can do.

So,...WHERE is all the death and destruction?

There are Russian troops walking freely in the capital already and the entire death toll up to now as just reported by cbs news is under 200 people. :thinking:

Russian troops were never just freely walking around Kyiv, and the Ukrainian armed forces decisively defeated Russia at the Battle of Kyiv and drove them back Into Belarus.

As to your predictions of light casualties, most western estimates are reporting 80 to 100 thousand dead or wounded Russian soldiers.
I believe the end game will be Ukraine recapturing the Crimea. It’s becoming increasingly clear that it is the main strategic prize in this war, for both sides, for whoever holds it controls the Black Sea and the entrance to the Sea of Azov. And the cherry on top is Sevastopol, the main naval port. Ukraine may then decide to hand over the Donbas, it's virtually destroyed anyway, in peace negotiations.
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If Ukraine gives up all defensive weapons, like Stone demands, will Stone be willing to provide defense? Obviously, he is too old, and stupid to actually provide defense, but there could be a special tax on people like Stone to pay for a defense.

The real story here is that certain MAGA posters who spent message board careers blustering about fighting for freedom, were screaming for Ukraine to lay down their arms and submit as early as the ~second day of the invasion
The real story here is that certain MAGA posters who spent message board careers blustering about fighting for freedom, were screaming for Ukraine to lay down their arms and submit as early as the ~second day of the invasion

Putin's supporters are already talking about claiming parts of the USA. We have to wonder if the alt right "Americans" would be willing to fight to defend America, or whether they would surrender quickly like they demand Ukraine surrenders.
Putin's supporters are already talking about claiming parts of the USA. We have to wonder if the alt right "Americans" would be willing to fight to defend America, or whether they would surrender quickly like they demand Ukraine surrenders.

I'll take five Ukrainian female soldiers in the foxhole with me over two dozen MAGAs.

You can't trust that MAGA will just desert and crawl on their hands and knees to surrender to invaders.
I'll take five Ukrainian female soldiers in the foxhole with me over two dozen MAGAs.

You can't trust that MAGA will just desert and crawl on their hands and knees to surrender to invaders.

The alt right seems to forget that we all will remember the nonsense they say. Maybe they did not mean any of it, but we will remember.
I'll take five Ukrainian female soldiers in the foxhole with me over two dozen MAGAs.

You can't trust that MAGA will just desert and crawl on their hands and knees to surrender to invaders.
JPP MAGAts have already discussed fragging Americans. IMO, they're all traitorous, anti-American fuckers.
The alt right seems to forget that we all will remember the nonsense they say. Maybe they did not mean any of it, but we will remember.

A couple months ago a MAGA tried to backtrack and claim that 'everyone' knew conquering Ukraine would be very difficult -- that's when I have to pull out the quotes of MAGA posters from the first week of the invasion proclaiming imminent Russian victory
Crimea was Russian and voted to return.
Palestine was never Israeli - but you support Palestine's occupation.

Such hypocrisy verges upon schizophrenia.

Russia voted that Crimea should be Russia.......Russia voted that Ukraine should be Russia.....Moon voted that Crimea and Ukraine should be Russia.......I am sensing a trend here......
Russia voted that Crimea should be Russia.......Russia voted that Ukraine should be Russia.....Moon voted that Crimea and Ukraine should be Russia.......I am sensing a trend here......

Only in your own head. Crimea was always Russian- you may recall the Crimean War ?

The Crimeans were never consulted when Krushev signed them over to Ukraine in the 50's. They held a fair referendum. They are Russian. Fly over and tell them otherwise.

Palestine, on the other hand, has been invaded and illegally occupied , its inhabitants murdered and its towns and villages taken over by parasitic squatters- and you support it.
That makes you a hypocrite- or a schizophrenic. Which do you prefer ?
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A couple months ago a MAGA tried to backtrack and claim that 'everyone' knew conquering Ukraine would be very difficult -- that's when I have to pull out the quotes of MAGA posters from the first week of the invasion proclaiming imminent Russian victory

They claim to be always right, but that claim just turned out to be one of the ways they are usually wrong.
Good point. They might frag fellow Americans in the foxhole if they suspect they are Democrats.

Exactly. It proves how greatly they hate their fellow Americans.

I say that too. 400 million guns in america. We can fight back. Night-time drive-by shootings into the homes of these traitors is a very effective yet low risk way of keeping the anti-american fascist lefties in check.
FBI needs to keep a watch on that MAGA

I'm sure they do but most MAGAts are all talk. Consider that not a single JPP MAGAts heeded Trump's call to Washington on 1/6. They all stayed home where it was safe.

Sure, they act tough from behind their anonymous keyboards, but the FBI knows they are harmless.