How the Ukraine situation should end.

I'm sure they do but most MAGAts are all talk. Consider that not a single JPP MAGAts heeded Trump's call to Washington on 1/6. They all stayed home where it was safe.

Sure, they act tough from behind their anonymous keyboards, but the FBI knows they are harmless.

That was the weird part. All these message board MAGAs spent years blustering about the fight for precious freedom.

But when Trump told them the election had been stolen by dark forces, the fate of the republic was in the balance, and to come down to DC to stop the steal, these message board Rambos just stayed at home typing on their keyboards and eating junk food.
That was the weird part. All these message board MAGAs spent years blustering about the fight for precious freedom.

But when Trump told them the election had been stolen by dark forces, the fate of the republic was in the balance, and to come down to DC to stop the steal, these message board Rambos just stayed at home typing on their keyboards and eating junk food.

Exactly. They're all talk. Keyboard Kommandos. Chatty Kathy's. Blowhards.
Only in your own head. Crimea was always Russian- you may recall the Crimean War ?

The Crimeans were never consulted when Krushev signed them over to Ukraine in the 50's. They held a fair referendum. They are Russian. Fly over and tell them otherwise.

Palestine, on the other hand, has been invaded and illegally occupied , its inhabitants murdered and its towns and villages taken over by parasitic squatters- and you support it.
That makes you a hypocrite- or a schizophrenic. Which do you prefer ?

I read your opinion....I printed it on toilet paper......I used it.......I flushed......for the first time since you got here your opinion had value......
The far left liberals have almost completely destroyed the greatest nation on earth, the shining city on the hill.

With their open borders, sanctuary cities, out of control crime and inflation, we now have the prospect of a senile, old, spineless, sin huevos Biden at the helm of the ship of state, facing Putin.

What could go (further) wrong?

Stand by for updates, film at eleven.

70 yr old cancer-ridden Putin? Is that who you are talking about?
They claim to be always right, but that claim just turned out to be one of the ways they are usually wrong.
Putin and his followers predicted 3 days. I think he missed it. Putin will go broke and have to quit. He cannot train his inductees. His soldiers just want to go home. Putin made a real mess.
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Putin and his followers predicted 3 days. I think he missed it. Putin will go broke and have to quit. He cannot train his inductees. His soldiers just want to go home. Putin made a real mess.

It ain't Russia with no power, water or food. The well of donations isn't bottomless.
Russia voted that Crimea should be Russia.......Russia voted that Ukraine should be Russia.....Moon voted that Crimea and Ukraine should be Russia.......I am sensing a trend here......

That stupid lying fucker McMoonshi'ite just makes up shit, it's always the same. Here is the truth, the Crimea was ethnically cleansed by Stalin and replaced by Russians.

After the Nazi occupation and Soviet liberation of the Crimea in 1944, however, Stalin deported the Crimean Tatars to Central Asia in for allegedly collaborating with the Nazis. Although it is true that some Crimean Tatars did collaborate, recent scholarship has shown that Tatar treason was no more prevalent than that of any other nationality, including Ukrainians and Russians. Most of the male deportees had fought against the Nazis. More likely, Stalin’s motive in deporting the Crimean Tatars mirrored the fears of his Tsarist predecessors during the Crimean War: the Crimean Tatars were a “fifth column” due to the large diaspora in Turkey, and Sevastopol’s Black Sea Fleet was too important to Soviet strategy to risk.

Memorial to Mass Deportation of 1944 in Sudak (Wikimedia)​

This mass deportation of Crimean Tatars, and not Khrushchev’s gift of the Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954, was the most important action taken by Moscow in determining the current demographic and geopolitical situation in the Crimea. KGB officials quickly deported the entire population of Crimean Tatars (over 200,000 people) to Central Asia in May 1944. During the process, over 40% of Crimean Tatars perished as a result of horrible transit conditions and starvation once they arrived in Central Asia. On June 30, 1945, another order from Moscow liquidated the Crimean ASSR and the territory became the Crimean Oblast, officially now part of the Russian RSFSR. At the same time, KGB and non-Tatar Crimean authorities removed all signs of Tatar life, while state media painted the Tatars as traitors. So when Khrushchev “gave” the Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR, just a year after Stalin died, on February 19, 1954, historical documents show that the demographic situation and the autonomy of local populations had already been greatly altered.
More orders concerning the Crimea following Stalin’s death are equally relevant. Crimean Tatars were one of dozens of Soviet nationalities deported during World War II, but many of the other deported nationalities such as Chechens and Ingushetians saw their autonomous republics reestablished by order of the Kremlin on January 9, 1957. The only large nationalities prohibited from rehabilitation were Crimean Tatars and Volga Germans. An order by Kliment Voroshilov on April 28, 1956 did absolve Crimean Tatars of being traitors and did allow Tatars to move outside of Central Asia, but did not allow them to return to the Crimea or reclaim confiscated property. While the refusal of the Soviet state to reestablish the Crimean ASSR may seem like a technicality, it is very important today. In other autonomous or Soviet Socialist Republics where indigenous ethnic groups remained in control of some governance, national groups have either gained independence from Russia or, as is the case with Volga Tatars, have their own autonomous republic.
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How the Ukraine situation should end.

Well, this is more-than-likely how it will end!

One well aimed Patriot missile the US gave the Ukraine will take care of Pooty-Pie!


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Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....

I disagree. The way this ends is the Ukraine ceasing to exist.
There would then be a pro-Russian Ukrainian government- which is where we were before the US-led coup against the last one.
What?!?! The U.S. didn’t lead the coup, insinuating we caused it. We gave misguided moral support for it.

It wasn’t that simple. But Ukraine did have advantages being pro-Russian. The country was a basket case with all their corruption.