How the Ukraine situation should end.

Yet another example of a war mongering left winger. Good,....maybe this time my side of the aisle can break out the huge anti war peace protests! Im sure CNN and MSNBC will give them all the positive coverage in the world. If were real lucky maybe we can get Brian Stelter and Rachel Maddow to team up and serenade us with a chorus of..........." All we are give peace a chance" :rolleyes:

Pointing out your naïve stupidity is not war mongering, dude. Get a fucking clue.

If the 2020 presidential election had not been stolen, the invasion of the Ukraine would not have happened.

After Putin watched one year of the feckless, weak, spineless, sin huevos Biden, he decided to take the Ukraine.

Taiwan to follow.

Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....
I am sure Putin would love to drop a thermobatic bomb on the day of the SOTU address.

Let’s go Brandon.
Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....

Sounds like the 1930's when hitler said he just only wanted the Sudetenland

Russia Ukraine crisis: Does the Nazi invasion of Poland is indeed similar?
Yes, and Donald told us he would have just asked Putin to do him a favor and get out of Syria. ROTFLFMAO!!!! Maybe we should have tried to reason with Hitler too, eh smart guy?

So what is your plan? Should we have Joe send him a strongly worded letter? :laugh: He''l laugh at us. He has already told us what he thought of the sanctions by invading anyway. He didnt give a fuck. Should we go to war? Short of that there is nothing we can do. You ready to commit to war? All we have done is drive them further into China's arms by not preventing this before it happened. In fact,...I think they may be working in concert and Ukraine is just a trial balloon to gauge what our reaction might be to a Taiwan invasion by the Chinese. No son,.....this administration are the ones that are the dumb fucks. Both China and Russia got exactly what they wanted.
Something doesnt smell right about this whole thing. Not saying it is, but this whole thing has a kind of STAGED feel to it. Ukraine has a 300,000 man army, and we all know what Russia can do. So,...WHERE is all the death and destruction? There are Russian troops walking freely in the capital already and the entire death toll up to now as just reported by cbs news is under 200 people. :thinking:
And then everyone celebrates with rainbows and unicorns and rivers of chocolate!!!! The Easter Bunny and Santa Claus sign the historic treaty and Jesus is there to serve the bread and wine. lol stick to your day job doofus.

Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid.

Yes, and Donald told us he would have just asked Putin to do him a favor and get out of Syria. ROTFLFMAO!!!! Maybe we should have tried to reason with Hitler too, eh smart guy?

mo·ron | \ ˈmȯr-ˌän \
1: a foolish or stupid person

Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....

Why should they promise to never join NATO?
Pointing out your naïve stupidity is not war mongering, dude. Get a fucking clue.

\ ˈsmär-mē \
1: revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness
a tone of smarmy self-satisfaction
2: of low sleazy taste or quality

douche·bag | \ ˈdüsh-ˌbag \
an obnoxious, offensive, or disgusting person[/IMG]

dumb cunt
An extremely stupid person.

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats
Sounds like the 1930's when hitler said he just only wanted the Sudetenland

Russia Ukraine crisis: Does the Nazi invasion of Poland is indeed similar?

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats

re·pug·nant (rĭ-pŭg′nənt)
1. offensive or repulsive: morally repugnant behavior.
2. Logic Contradictory; inconsistent.
Donbass gets folded back into the Russian Federation. New lines are drawn. Ukraine signs agreement to remain neutral with the promise of never becoming a NATO country but also remaining free and independent of Russian federation. ALL Russian troops withdraw from Ukraine immediately with "token" reparations paid to Ukraine to go towards rebuilding damage from invasion. Balance to be paid by UN, IMF, and Ukraine itself. This is actually what SHOULD have happened before a single shot was fired BTW....
LMAO. Doing Putin's bidding again?

Here's a better deal...Putin gets removed from office and thrown into prison.

Navalny is freed, and he runs the nation as the majority of Russians wanted.