How the Ukraine situation should end.

Why should they promise to never join NATO?

If Ukraine gives up all defensive weapons, like Stone demands, will Stone be willing to provide defense? Obviously, he is too old, and stupid to actually provide defense, but there could be a special tax on people like Stone to pay for a defense.
Why did we insist Cuba not have Russian nukes? Doesnt Cuba have the right to do what they want within their own country?

Russia was offered all sorts of assurances on offensive missiles, and turned them down, so the Cuba comparison falls apart. In the end, we have accepted that Cuba can have whatever alliances they want.

Why should they promise to never join NATO?

You should stick to scamming insurance companies, Brad**.

Russia has been trying since 2015 to get Ukraine to uphold the Minsk agreement that Ukraine signed.

Russia has also asked the West for security agreements for over 30 years, and was ignored by the US and its allies.

Only after Zelensky disavowed the Minsk Agreement and said it was no longer valid did Russia recognize the two breakaway areas of Eastern Ukraine as independent, sovereign nations.

This is totally in accord with the UN's founding documents, which include a declaration of a people's right to self-determination.

The Dombass (not "dumb-ass", Brad**, that's Y O U) declared independence under the UN Charter. The UN also says that a nation has a right to sovereignty and should not be interfered with by outside nations, which is the part that the West claims was abrogated by Russia.

The irony in this, which will escape Y O U, Brad**, is that the US and is allies have a long history of interfering in dozens upon dozens of other countries' rights to self-determination.
If Ukraine gives up all defensive weapons, like Stone demands, will Stone be willing to provide defense? Obviously, he is too old, and stupid to actually provide defense, but there could be a special tax on people like Stone to pay for a defense.

Are you totally FUCKING crazy or just that big of a liar? Where did I say that ukraine would have to give up all defensive weapons?
You should stick to scamming insurance companies, Brad**.

Russia has been trying since 2015 to get Ukraine to uphold the Minsk agreement that Ukraine signed.

Russia has also asked the West for security agreements for over 30 years, and was ignored by the US and its allies.

Only after Zelensky disavowed the Minsk Agreement and said it was no longer valid did Russia recognize the two breakaway areas of Eastern Ukraine as independent, sovereign nations.

This is totally in accord with the UN's founding documents, which include a declaration of a people's right to self-determination.

The Dombass (not "dumb-ass", Brad**, that's Y O U) declared independence under the UN Charter. The UN also says that a nation has a right to sovereignty and should not be interfered with by outside nations, which is the part that the West claims was abrogated by Russia.

The irony in this, which will escape Y O U, Brad**, is that the US and is allies have a long history of interfering in dozens upon dozens of other countries' rights to self-determination.

Excellent post. Filled with actual facts.
Maybe Walter should defend Ukraine. He will have a pretty interesting time if those Chechen troops get a hold of him. They just love Jewish people....:rolleyes: :laugh: Stay calm Walter and try not to lose your head.
Why did we insist Cuba not have Russian nukes? Doesnt Cuba have the right to do what they want within their own country?
Ukraine agreed to get rid of nukes, in exchange for being a free nation. Google 'Budapest Memorandum' before you start talking about broken deals.
I don't mean that. I meant your reference to Salty Walty's religion.

BTW, Ukraine is full of neo-Nazis - real ones - the kind Salty Walty purports to hate.

It was an attempt at humor. The Chechen troops are Muslims who dont care for Jews much, say the least.
Where did I talk about broken deals? Dummy.

He means this, and he's wrong.

Back in 1994 there was the Budapest Memorandum... wherein the United States, Russia, and Britain committed to assurances protecting Ukraine from invasion and respecting the borders of Ukraine if they disarmed themselves by giving up their nuclear weapons to Russia. Russia has ignored its promises and the US promise of "serious interest" has been replaced with sanctions that cannot be effective while a global superpower (China) continues to support Russia.

While Yeltsin (then President of the Russian Federation) respected the independence of the former satellite states, Putin does not..

US interests in Ukraine are tied to US Promises made to Ukraine and whether we are interested in keeping them.

Now these assurances are not the same thing as guarantees of protection that NATO relies on for their protection, however Ukraine had to rely on these assurances at that time to believe that they were safe while disarming themselves.

What US interests are there in Ukraine? That depends entirely on what we believe these United States should do when a nation we have given assurances to in regards to their protection when we are demanding they disarm themselves has been invaded.

What say you? What should the US do from here? Do you believe that these "super sanctions" will stand while Italy has a pass on selling Gucci shoes to Russia, or while other nations have a pass to sell Diamonds, or while the US and the West cannot agree to sanctions on oil? Do you believe that in two months we'll be "standing strong" and that these will suddenly be effective?

(once again, this is written by me, it is not from an article somewhere, do not expect a link to something other than this thread itself...)
The current president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will be murdered soon.

The Russian Federation will install a puppet government.

The entire country of the Ukraine will be part of the Russian Federation.

This is unavoidable, under the weak, spineless, sin huevos Biden.

I hope you're wrong, but I kinda doubt it. :(

You know, an uncle of mine (not blood) came to the US in 1933 fleeing the turmoil there. He came here and started a new life.

He taught us how to make pierogies.

Lawrence Welk was from the Ukraine, too.
And then everyone celebrates with rainbows and unicorns and rivers of chocolate!!!! The Easter Bunny and Santa Claus sign the historic treaty and Jesus is there to serve the bread and wine. lol stick to your day job doofus.

why are you assuming Kamala will take control of the Oval Office......