How the Ukraine situation should end.

I haven't seen any evidence that Walt is trying to deceive anyone. I can easily believe that he is simply misinformed. I responded to this post of his as well in my previous post with evidence as to the West's duplicity here and how that has led to Russia's trust in the west sinking to new lows. Let's see how Walt responds.

Walt is what they call a merchant of doubt. They're on every political and finance site, especially those with conspiracy theories showing hard evidence against the official narrative. Walt doesn't care how much evidence you pile on; his job is to bring doubt to the facts.

What I find ironic is that this idea that it's someone's job to propagate some narrative has been foisted on me, not to mention others here, without any solid evidence that I've seen. At this point, I honestly wish there were more people like Walt. He's been unfailingly polite with me, which I find to be rare when it comes to those who strongly disagree with one's point of view, here and elsewhere. I think civilized discussion between those who disagree is at the very heart of productive debates.

Now, if you have what you believe is evidence that Walt doesn't actually believe what he states, by all means present it. Otherwise, I will consider that he honestly believes what he says and will continue to try to politely persuade him that he is mistaken on certain points.
Walt claims to be an expert but the only thing he spews is the Regimes narrative, which he knows backwards forwards and sideways.

Have you not considered that he honestly believes what he says? Also, based on my limited amount of conversations with him, he seems to have some doubts in regards to whether or not Assange and Manning truly deserved the consequences that the U.S. government foisted on them. If he were only going for government narratives, I don't think he'd state those doubts.

This is a narrative warrior...who only tells the truth on the rare occasion that he calculates that the truth is going his way.

Again, I've seen no evidence that Walt doesn't believe what he says he believes.
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Have you not considered that he honestly believes what he says? Also, based on my limited amount of conversations with him, he seems to have some doubts in regards to whether or not ssange and Manning truly deserved the consequences that the U.S. government foisted on them. If he were only going for government narratives, I don't think he'd state those doubts.

Again, I've seen no evidence that Walt doesn't believe what he says he believes.


I only run my life, do what you are wrong but that is not my problem it is yours.
I was on a site when a woman had access to edit Wikipedia to make it match her argument. That's how desperate people are to keep the facts from getting out.

It's not that hard to edit a fair amount of Wikipedia articles. I've done it myself, though generally I've only done minor edits.

Walt's job is to give JPP hope that NATO can beat Russia.

Again, I don't see why Walt can't honestly believe that NATO can beat Russia if that's what he's stated. I don't believe NATO can do it, barring a nuclear war that would leave most if not all people dead (truly a pyrhic victory), but that's my belief and I respect that others can believe other things.
People here still insist Russia started the war in Ukraine. They don't care how many times Putin tried to negotiate peace until he was left with no other choice but to fight for the survival of Russia.

We're on the same page here, but I respect that others don't see things the way I do. Where I tend to draw the line is if they feel the need to insult me or my sources because they don't fit into their worldview.
Have you not considered that he honestly believes what he says? Also, based on my limited amount of conversations with him, he seems to have some doubts in regards to whether or not Assange and Manning truly deserved the consequences that the U.S. government foisted on them. If he were only going for government narratives, I don't think he'd state those doubts.

Again, I've seen no evidence that Walt doesn't believe what he says he believes.


I only run my life, do what you are wrong but that is not my problem it is yours.

I'm glad we can agree to disagree. We may not always agree, but I consider you a friend here and I doubt anyone likes publicly disagreeing with their friends. But doing it in a civil manner makes all the difference I think. I just checked, I sent you a friend request a long time ago, but you never responded :-p.
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I'm glad we can agree to disagree. We may not always agree, but I consider you a friend here and I doubt anyone likes publicly disagreeing with their friends. But doing it in a civil manner makes all the difference I think. I just checked, I sent you a friend request a long time ago, but you never responded :-p.

I am not doing friends here....I did that at DP....put a lot of effort into making friends/ I created my highest quality content ever....I have massively scaled back my efforts here....but I was still thrown out of DP.....which tends to be what happens to heretics such as me in dark ages such as this.
I am not doing friends here....I did that at DP....put a lot of effort into making friends/ I created my highest quality content ever....I have massively scaled back my efforts here....but I was still thrown out of DP.....which tends to be what happens to heretics such as me in dark ages such as this.

I made some friends on DP too. I wasn't thrown out, I left before they threw me out. The old "You can't fire me, I quit!" :-p.
What I find ironic is that this idea that it's someone's job to propagate some narrative has been foisted on me, not to mention others here, without any solid evidence that I've seen. At this point, I honestly wish there were more people like Walt. He's been unfailingly polite with me, which I find to be rare when it comes to those who strongly disagree with one's point of view, here and elsewhere. I think civilized discussion between those who disagree is at the very heart of productive debates.

Now, if you have what you believe is evidence that Walt doesn't actually believe what he states, by all means present it. Otherwise, I will consider that he honestly believes what he says and will continue to try to politely persuade him that he is mistaken on certain points.
I like Walt too but he doesn't care about reality. Walt will insist the unemployment rate is 3.8 percent and inflation is 3.5 percent. No matter how much reality you provide, Walt will not look at it. Walt is here to push the government narrative on everything.
I made some friends on DP too. I wasn't thrown out, I left before they threw me out. The old "You can't fire me, I quit!" :-p.

i was told "You are leaving, it can either be on points or you go on your own"...which is admission that their claims of fairness and being run by rules is a lie. According to me I was thrown was not my decision that I not be there.

DP is WOKE, this some regulated and mostly compliant opposition....true opposition such as me is not allowed.
I like Walt too but he doesn't care about reality. Walt will insist the unemployment rate is 3.8 percent and inflation is 3.5 percent. No matter how much reality you provide, Walt will not look at it. Walt is here to push the government narrative on everything.

The WOKE Death Cult owns every center of power....the government is just the military/SS and financial wing.
The WOKE Death Cult owns every center of power....the government is just the military/SS and financial wing.
Russia and China are on the phone with Iran 24/7 trying to talk Iran down from retaliating against israel. The US can do nothing but sit back and watch.
Russia and China are on the phone with Iran 24/7 trying to talk Iran down from retaliating against israel. The US can do nothing but sit back and watch.

For like the tenth time: Russia/China/Iran.... the founding members of the New Chinese Empire....are doing everything in their power to keep America from torching the world in a fit of rage as it is removed from power for cause...for Abuse and being generally shit quality people.

The odds are not looking great at the moment.
For like the tenth time: Russia/China/Iran.... the founding members of the New Chinese Empire....are doing everything in their power to keep America from torching the world in a fit of rage as it is removed from power for cause...for Abuse and being generally shit quality people.

The odds are not looking great at the moment.
Buckle up. The next few days will determine if Russia and China can prevent WW3.
Buckle up. The next few days will determine if Russia and China can prevent WW3.

Did you notice that the Ukraine's are attacking a nuclear plant?

We live in insane times...a very bad dark age...where the masses are again being enslaved.... most of them take to their chains willingly.
Did you notice that the Ukraine's are attacking a nuclear plant?

We live in insane times...a very bad dark age...where the masses are again being enslaved.... most of them take to their chains willingly.
No, I heard nothing about it. I'm looking for info on Iran. I don't see how anyone can talk them out of retaliating.
No, I heard nothing about it. I'm looking for info on Iran. I don't see how anyone can talk them out of retaliating.

The American Empire and the West are collapsing on our own, and we are threatening to burn down the world on the way out...their objective is to get America and the West dead with the world still here.....all they have to do is wait us out.
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What I find ironic is that this idea that it's someone's job to propagate some narrative has been foisted on me, not to mention others here, without any solid evidence that I've seen. At this point, I honestly wish there were more people like Walt. He's been unfailingly polite with me, which I find to be rare when it comes to those who strongly disagree with one's point of view, here and elsewhere. I think civilized discussion between those who disagree is at the very heart of productive debates.

Now, if you have what you believe is evidence that Walt doesn't actually believe what he states, by all means present it. Otherwise, I will consider that he honestly believes what he says and will continue to try to politely persuade him that he is mistaken on certain points.

I like Walt too but he doesn't care about reality.

I haven't yet been accused of this type of thing directly as far as I know, but I can easily imagine someone hitting me with it :-p. Where I think we can agree is that not all of Walt's views are based on the reality/truth. I imagine Walt and others could accuse me of the same. Ultimately, I think that the best way to resolve who is right on any given point is by civilized discussion.

Walt will insist the unemployment rate is 3.8 percent and inflation is 3.5 percent.

I imagine you're talking about the U.S. unemployment and inflation rates? It's a subject I know little about, so can't participate here.

No matter how much reality you provide, Walt will not look at it. Walt is here to push the government narrative on everything.

I think the most important point is what Walt himself believes. Hawkeye has accused him of lying, which generally means to deceive. I've seen no evidence of this. As to what Walt will look at, that's up to him. I know he doesn't respond to everything I saw, but he certainly responds to some of it, which is fine by me. I think we're in agreement that Walt is polite in his disagreements, and when it comes to disagreements here, that's pretty rare.
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I made some friends on DP too. I wasn't thrown out, I left before they threw me out. The old "You can't fire me, I quit!" :-p.

i was told "You are leaving, it can either be on points or you go on your own"... which is admission that their claims of fairness and being run by rules is a lie. According to me I was thrown was not my decision that I not be there.

I wasn't told that I was leaving, but the points were racking up and the writing was on the wall as far as I was concerned. So I made a thread in their complaints forum ("Where's my Binky", whatever that means), had it out with some of the mods there and stopped posting there after that. My last post there was almost 1 1/2 years ago.

DP is WOKE, this some regulated and mostly compliant opposition....true opposition such as me is not allowed.

As far as I know, some of my friends are still over there. One of said friends had an account here, perhaps still does, but he says he prefers Debate Politics because it's more civilized. And it certainly -can- be, if your views don't differ too much from the mods there, but if they do, you tend to get those negative points rolling in, so it's basically as they told you- you can leave on your own or they can boot you out the door instead. Or perhaps post a bit, stop when you get a certain amount of points, and then post again once they expire. I chose to leave on my own. Wasn't even the first time I did it- I'd encountered similar problems with moderation around 10 years ago, so I left for 9 years. When I returned, the mod who'd given me so much grief before was gone, but I soon found out that new mods with similar leanings were there to continue the old biased traditions. When I left, I suggested perhaps I might check them out again in another 9 years. That'd leave around 7 1/2 years :-p.