How the Ukraine situation should end.

The thing to notice is that RT is more likely to tell the truth than is WP or NYT's.

That's what I believe, at least in terms of Ukraine. But at the very least, I think people should at least pay attention to articles coming out of Russia to balance what they hear from the western mainstream media. Or one can look at alternative western media, a lot of good stuff there too I think.
The current president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, will be murdered soon.

The Russian Federation will install a puppet government.

The entire country of the Ukraine will be part of the Russian Federation.

This is unavoidable, under the weak, spineless, sin huevos Biden.

Earl, you have always just made it up as you go- as if life on Earth is your personal fantasy to toy with or something- NOTHING NEW HERE!

You are the same old traitorous anti-Democratic TRUMPTARDED FOOL!!

That's what I believe, at least in terms of Ukraine. But at the very least, I think people should at least pay attention to articles coming out of Russia to balance what they hear from the western mainstream media. Or one can look at alternative western media, a lot of good stuff there too I think.

The odds of more than a few of these fucks wising up in time to help approach zero.

This son of a bitch (civilization) is going down.
I did my best to help....But the quality of the people is shit now...This son of a bitch is going down.....Might as well Party:

That's what I believe, at least in terms of Ukraine. But at the very least, I think people should at least pay attention to articles coming out of Russia to balance what they hear from the western mainstream media. Or one can look at alternative western media, a lot of good stuff there too I think.

The odds of more than a few of these fucks wising up in time to help approach zero.

This son of a bitch (civilization) is going down.

If we're lucky, we'll survive. I'm thinking it may be a bit like the fall of the Roman Empire. The Dark Ages followed, but then the Rennaisance after that.
If we're lucky, we'll survive. I'm thinking it may be a bit like the fall of the Roman Empire. The Dark Ages followed, but then the Rennaisance after that.

I will be dead soon....the chances that I am here in two hands of years approach zero.

Even one handful is doubtful...I have no stake in the outcome so like Carlin at the end I watch and I laugh my ass off....its either that or cry....which is not my style.
If we're lucky, we'll survive. I'm thinking it may be a bit like the fall of the Roman Empire. The Dark Ages followed, but then the Rennaisance after that.

I will be dead soon....the chances that I am here in two hands of years approach zero.

Even one handful is doubtful...I have no stake in the outcome so like Carlin at the end I watch and I laugh my ass off....its either that or cry....which is not my style.

I don't mind shedding tears myself. I may also live for significantly longer than a decade. But I'm certainly not certain. Sometimes, best to just take things one day at a time and see how things go.
I don't mind shedding tears myself. I may also live for significantly longer than a decade. But I'm certainly not certain. Sometimes, best to just take things one day at a time and see how things go.

You are talking to a Zennist...we train up on living in the moment.
This is awesome:

"I am Russian! I am proud!"

Russians certainly have a long history. I don't know if I've ever met a Russian in person, but I liked 2 people online who claimed they were Russian. One was a young woman who I played a few call of war games with her as a team mate until I decided I didn't want to play the game anymore- the game encouraged players to make enemies way too much for my taste. The other one, I invited to this forum, but he had some issues here (technical and perhaps otherwise) and only made a few posts. I can't even remember either of their names now. Time has a way of blurring the past.
Russians certainly have a long history. I don't know if I've ever met a Russian in person, but I liked 2 people online who claimed they were Russian. One was a young woman who I played a few call of war games with her as a team mate until I decided I didn't want to play the game anymore- the game encouraged players to make enemies way too much for my taste. The other one, I invited to this forum, but he had some issues here (technical and perhaps otherwise) and only made a few posts. I can't even remember either of their names now. Time has a way of blurring the past.

They are not currently in collapse as the West is.
China is mocking us for getting tied up in Ukraine and as servants to the Evil Bastard Zionists:

"You dont have the bandwidth to be picking a fight with us...sit your ass down (paraphrase)"
The Chinese and the Russians are getting downright rude to our so-called diplomats, who are almost all moronic order givers...could not listen and negotiate to save their lives...only Burns at CIA has any diplomatic skills say my grapevine.

China Bloc shakes their head...there is nobody for them to talk to generally.

The West has completely rotted out.

Buckle Up...this WILL hurt.
Our Generals are not any better...just look at all the wars they lose.....and Mileys moronic spring offensive....not remotely rooted in reality.

Buckle Up, this WILL hurt.
There is no way the peace agreement or more likely unconditional surrender is signed without the Ukrainians sure that we betrayed them.

Buckle Up, this WILL hurt.
I personally recommend taking a look at Oliver Stone's Snowden film, as well as the Citizenfour documentary. Both explain what got Snowden to decide that blowing the whistle on what the U.S. government was doing was the right thing to do.

So American media is allowed to take Snowden's side? If they even tried to opposition's side in Russia(even legal opposition), they would be murdered.

Maybe leaking was the right thing to do, but it was illegal. And more importantly, it was legally not whistle blowing. It was at best leaking.

Snowden may never be able to go to the U.S. again, at least if he values his freedom.

Manning stayed behind, and served his time. He was released, and now is 100% free. Snowden has been unwilling to face his consequences.

Manning should have been declared a hero for what she revealed, not jailed.

Heroes have to face consequences. The facing of those consequences is what makes them heroes. I don't completely agree with everything Manning did, but I have no doubt she has a strong moral compass.

I know that Navalny died while in prison, but I've seen no evidence that Putin murdered him.

Putin tried to murder him repeatedly. Putin has basically taken credit for murdering him. It is silly to argue this.

Furthermore, there's evidence that Navalny wasn't better than Putin

Navalny is able to work with opposition leaders, and does not kill them... That makes him absolutely better than Putin.
China is mocking us for getting tied up in Ukraine and as servants to the Evil Bastard Zionists:

America has how many soldiers fighting in Ukraine to be tied up there? Is it over 500,000? Is it over 100,000? Is it zero?

Russia is tied up in Ukraine. They cannot take their soldiers out, or it will collapse. They are having trouble sustaining their current commitment, and they need a lot more soldiers.
There is no way the peace agreement or more likely unconditional surrender is signed without the Ukrainians sure that we betrayed them.

Peace agreements with Putin are worthless. He does not honor them. Maybe a truce might be had, but there is no way Putin can convince anyone he will agree to a peace treaty.

As for an unconditional surrender, what is the point? Putin has made clear he will kill children, so it is best to give the children a fighting chance. Seriously, even if he won in Ukraine, the resistance would continue, and even more of the people would flee Ukraine. No one is going back to Ukraine if Putin wins, just to be murdered.