How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Oh, you must mean me. And what truth, pray tell, would that be? That bestiality and pedophilia belonged "grouped with" homosexuality? You wished.

You are right, there is no need to mention those specifically. There are a great many sins that Jesus didn't speak about.
That's a lie too.

Uh, since the authors of the article and the sponsors of the site have more credibility and knowledge, expertise and experience than you could muster in several lifetimes...I would take their advice and word over would most here:

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You have proof of your doctorate degree? Didn't think so. Next?
They could make cars with radar and stuff. One of the requirements to marry is to be heterosexual.

Maybe in the "olden days", but not today. I'm married, and have been since Feb. 2003. Welcome to the reality. What you meant to say is that it is not recognized by the state of Texas...but that's a mere "formality", which will be remedied, in time. But I'm married. And faithful. You?
They could make cars with radar and stuff. One of the requirements to marry is to be heterosexual.

That is not a "requirement" to get married.

Hey, idjit - it isn't the left who talks about the "sanctity of marriage" and the need to protect it by keeping homosexuals from getting married.

Damo just posted that homos have been getting which is it.....are they or aren't they ?

and YOU'RE the one mentioned this "sanctity of marriage" stuff......just tell us what it is.....
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You are right, there is no need to mention those specifically. There are a great many sins that Jesus didn't speak about.

Really? And was that omission on his part, or that everyone should just take for granted "the things he didn't say". Not that you would know the mind of Christ or being an atheist, notwithstanding.
Can you prove it has "destroyed" or "hurt" society in any way? So far, there is no evidence of that. It's icky... but so is a bunch of crap people do.

Government should be limited in any action until and if you can find actual victims.
That's not the point. If you can't prove a net benefit to society, then there is no reason to make a dramatic change, unless of course the goal is progressivism.
Damo just posted that homos have been getting which is it.....are they or aren't they ?

and YOU'RE the one mentioned this "sanctity of marriage" stuff......just tell us what it is.....

I didn't bring it up first, bravs. The right always does - in just about every argument re: same sex marriage, the phrase "sanctity of marriage" is always brought up - by the RIGHT. They also refer to amendments regarding same sex marriage as "sanctity of marriage" amendments.

Seriously - you claiming that the "left" has latched onto the phrase is probably as idiotic as anything you have ever said on here. And that's really saying something.
It's a matter of opinion, but society benefits when its citizens are granted equal rights, imo.

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the sanctity of liberty in this discussion?

Rights are equal....none of us can marry a person of the same sex and there are other restrictions we all adhere to....
Rights are equal....none of us can marry a person of the same sex and there are other restrictions we all adhere to....

I did...and so have hundreds of thousands, across the nation and world. Please talk about only the things you know about.
Rights are equal....none of us can marry a person of the same sex and there are other restrictions we all adhere to....

That might be the 2nd most idiotic thing you've said on here (the "sanctity of marriage" comment being the 1st, of course...)
Maybe in the "olden days", but not today. I'm married, and have been since Feb. 2003. Welcome to the reality. What you meant to say is that it is not recognized by the state of Texas...but that's a mere "formality", which will be remedied, in time. But I'm married. And faithful. You?
Actually, gay marriage is illegal in Texas, so stop lying.
That's not the point. If you can't prove a net benefit to society, then there is no reason to make a dramatic change, unless of course the goal is progressivism.

Government powers should be limited. The idea that it is good for government to ignore restrictions set on it in "this case" but not others is hypocritical.

I prefer to consistently defend the idea of limited government and maximum freedom. The government absolutely should not have a say in our personal lives to this level, regardless of the "ick" factor.

If such an argument was valid then we'd still have restrictions on interracial marriage. There was no evidence that such restrictions were "detrimental", not that you'd accept according to your argument so far. It is illogical to expect government to stick to their limitations if you are willing to give it a pass when it concerns whatever you dislike.
Really? And was that omission on his part, or that everyone should just take for granted "the things he didn't say". Not that you would know the mind of Christ or being an atheist, notwithstanding.

1. I am not an Atheist.
2. You don't have to be psychic, Christ made it clear that "The Law" still applied. That the Bible doesn't show him mentioning all sins does not mean they are no longer sins. There is no reason to have Christ read the Old Testament to prove it still applied in some areas.
Government powers should be limited. The idea that it is good for government to ignore restrictions set on it in "this case" but not others is hypocritical.

I prefer to consistently defend the idea of limited government and maximum freedom. The government absolutely should not have a say in our personal lives to this level, regardless of the "ick" factor.

If such an argument was valid then we'd still have restrictions on interracial marriage. There was no evidence that such restrictions were "detrimental", not that you'd accept according to your argument so far. It is illogical to expect government to stick to their limitations if you are willing to give it a pass when it concerns whatever you dislike.

Except the interracial marriage argument does not hold water, since gay is a behavior.
I did...and so have hundreds of thousands, across the nation and world. Please talk about only the things you know about.
Then please stop talking about marriage, which you arguably know nothing about, and especially stop talking about my family, which you absolutely know nothing about. :D