How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

WTF? You can't possibly comment on what you think I know. Not everyone studies catechism. I had a course in religion for 3 years and attended a Christian Brothers School for a year. And served mass for more than 10 years.

Let's say I was a convert, in a structured church like this one I would study the Catechism. In some churches I would have to test...

In those cases I would know more than some person born to the religion, only if they never paid any attention to the classes they had to take in order to take communion...

Anyway, I've told you how I learned what I did, described my past to you, told you about how and why I learned about your religion. I like speaking on the religion with you because of your knowledge, but stop pretending that I am somehow an idiot on the religion because I do not believe in it.

After 11 years in Bible College, reading the Bible in its original languages, translating for sermons for over 8 years, and being forced to attend the church for 18 years of life brought me a heavier knowledge than most on that particular book. In some cases I know more than some "pastors" in less structured churches.
Unless I missed a post or two...YOU were the only that brought it keeping whining about it.....
and I'm not familar with any amendments about it, so you've got me there....sounds like a religious thing....

I've got you here, there & everywhere, dumbo. The "sanctity of marriage" argument is one made by "family values" conservatives for years regarding same sex marriage. The left doesn't bring it up. It's something that conservatives say when they're trying to think of reasons to discriminate against homosexuals. The left would have no reason to "latch on" to a "sanctity of marriage" argument.

Marriage isn't a right, but a privilege.

According to Loving it is a fundamental right..
Loving v. Virginia

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," fundamental to our very existence and survival. Skinner v. Oklahoma, 316 U.S. 535, 541 (1942). See also Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190 (1888). To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State's citizens of liberty without due process of law."
I've got you here, there & everywhere, dumbo. The "sanctity of marriage" argument is one made by "family values" conservatives for years regarding same sex marriage. The left doesn't bring it up. It's something that conservatives say when they're trying to think of reasons to discriminate against homosexuals. The left would have no reason to "latch on" to a "sanctity of marriage" argument.


Can you point to the poster who brought it up before you did in this thread?
I've got you here, there & everywhere, dumbo. The "sanctity of marriage" argument is one made by "family values" conservatives for years regarding same sex marriage. The left doesn't bring it up. It's something that conservatives say when they're trying to think of reasons to discriminate against homosexuals. The left would have no reason to "latch on" to a "sanctity of marriage" argument.


Yeah...I've heard the whats its mean ?......Is it that marriage started first as a religious rite....the concept is a religious one....? Its religious in nature ?

If so,then I can understand why some would use the word "sanctity"......continue....
Yeah...I've heard the whats its mean ?......Is it that marriage started first as a religious rite....the concept is a religious one....? Its religious in nature ?

If so,then I can understand why some would use the word "sanctity"......continue....

Resting your fingers again Bravo? Have you been doing your exercises?
Yeah...I've heard the whats its mean ?......Is it that marriage started first as a religious rite....the concept is a religious one....? Its religious in nature ?

If so,then I can understand why some would use the word "sanctity"......continue....

You want me to explain to you what the word "sanctity" means?
No, I want you to respond to my points....agree or disagree

I disagree that the "left" has "latched onto" that phrase. You were insanely wrong there.

I also disagree that same sex marriage affects the "sanctity of marriage."

What are your "points"?
I disagree that the "left" has "latched onto" that phrase. You were insanely wrong there.

I also disagree that same sex marriage affects the "sanctity of marriage."

What are your "points"?

The origin of marriage.

Is it that marriage started first as a religious rite....the concept is a religious one....? Its religious in nature ?
The origin of marriage.

Is it that marriage started first as a religious rite....the concept is a religious one....? Its religious in nature ?

Conservatives invoke the phrase "sanctity of marriage" based on American tradition, and their own view of what a marriage "should" be. Does this help you?
Conservatives invoke the phrase "sanctity of marriage" based on American tradition, and their own view of what a marriage "should" be. Does this help you?

So either you can't answer the questions or won't ...... which is it....?

The origin of marriage.

Is it that marriage started first as a religious rite....the concept is a religious one....? Its religious in nature ?

Hows that google working ?
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Who knows? Marriage started before recorded history. We can only speculate.

More importantly, how is it pertinent at all to the discussion?

Speculate ? we don't speculate.....we go back as far as we can in 'recorded' history....we use recorded facts....we use logic in making sense or those facts....

try again....
Speculate ? we don't speculate.....we go back as far as we can in 'recorded' history....we use recorded facts....

try again....

Not if you're talking about the actual origin of marriage. Sorry about that; it pre-dates recorded history. Unless you have a time machine or some unknown discovery, speculation is all you have.

And again - what is the point? How is it relevant to the discussion? You sound like someone who can't answer that, and just realizes he's in over his head, & is stalling for time.....
Conservatives invoke the phrase "sanctity of marriage" based on American tradition, and their own view of what a marriage "should" be. Does this help you?

As opposed to your own view of what a marriage "should" be. You and your pals complain about us "shoving our religion down your throats" while you want to shove your religion of liberalism down our throats. Tell me once more there is such thing as the homosexual agenda.
Not if you're talking about the actual origin of marriage. Sorry about that; it pre-dates recorded history. Unless you have a time machine or some unknown discovery, speculation is all you have.

And again - what is the point? How is it relevant to the discussion? You sound like someone who can't answer that, and just realizes he's in over his head, & is stalling for time.....

How do you KNOW there was such an institution as marriage before recorded history ?......Do you just make shit up to support your bigotry .....???
I'm stalling for your definitive answer to questions, instead of your tapdancing.

We'll get to the relevancy later....
As opposed to your own view of what a marriage "should" be. You and your pals complain about us "shoving our religion down your throats" while you want to shove your religion of liberalism down our throats. Tell me once more there is such thing as the homosexual agenda.

By "religion of liberalism," do you mean the concept of liberty & equal rights for all citizens?