How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

How do you KNOW there was such an institution of marriage before recorded history ?......Do you just make shit up to support your bigotry .....???

We'll get to the relevancy later....

Why can't we get to the relevancy now? Because you can't think of anything?

If recorded history starts with polygamy or forced marriage, should that then be our current standard?

Anthropologists speculate that there was marriage that pre-dated recorded history, because of evidence of stories that were handed down and other indirect clues.
By "religion of liberalism," do you mean the concept of liberty & equal rights for all citizens?

We already have liberty and equal rights for all citizens. You don't get a special right because you like having another man's dick up your ass.
Why can't we get to the relevancy now? Because you can't think of anything?

If recorded history starts with polygamy or forced marriage, should that then be our current standard?

Anthropologists speculate that there was marriage that pre-dated recorded history, because of evidence of stories that were handed down and other indirect clues.

You're obviously already in over your head with the simplest of my questions....your resort to hypothetical proves that....

Marriage, from earliest recorded history was instituted because societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species, a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines.

That alone excludes homos.....

Schools out.......
You're obviously already in over your head with the simplest of my questions....your resort to hypothetical proves that....

Marriage, from earliest recorded history was instituted because societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species, a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines.

That alone excludes homos.....

Schools out.......

You're such a hateful little bitch. And purple isn't your color, sweetie.
Only if you ignore what repent meant when Jesus said it. I've explained this before on the site. Repent doesn't mean what people think it does today. You don't get to just say "sorry"... The Greek word used denotes a complete change of mind and action, not just saying "sorry"...

Basically, you need to regret and STOP the sin.

And I studied in the Bible College at our church, as I described before. The Bible in Greek (ancient greek), the Bible in Hebrew, etc. for over 11 years. I translated for the deaf during three sermons a week, was in the Prison ministry, et al.

I can go on but you'll promptly "forget" and call me an Atheist tomorrow because you refuse to allow actual information to flow into your mind.

I may be a Buddhist, but I am a Buddhist that knows more than most about the Bible.

I don't care what you or anyone has to say. To commit yourself, body, mind and soul to one person, be they of the opposite sex, or the same sex is not a sin.
And if it is, and God condemns me to Hellfire, then so be it. Get off my case. You're not my judge, and neither is anyone else here.
Let's say I was a convert, in a structured church like this one I would study the Catechism. In some churches I would have to test...

In those cases I would know more than some person born to the religion, only if they never paid any attention to the classes they had to take in order to take communion...

Anyway, I've told you how I learned what I did, described my past to you, told you about how and why I learned about your religion. I like speaking on the religion with you because of your knowledge, but stop pretending that I am somehow an idiot on the religion because I do not believe in it.

After 11 years in Bible College, reading the Bible in its original languages, translating for sermons for over 8 years, and being forced to attend the church for 18 years of life brought me a heavier knowledge than most on that particular book. In some cases I know more than some "pastors" in less structured churches.

Tolerance and compassion is a two way street.
If you can't join the conversation, go get your vibrator and amuse yourself....(thats my civil way of saying, __ __ ___)

Misogynist. Perhaps the reason why you're single. Just you and your hand tonite, and every nite.
You're obviously already in over your head with the simplest of my questions....your resort to hypothetical proves that....

Marriage, from earliest recorded history was instituted because societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species, a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines.

That alone excludes homos.....

Schools out.......

Oh - well, that settles it!

Where did you find that in all of your googling?

Marriage pre-dates recorded history. And we don't go by the "origins" of things to determine liberty & equality for all. Governments started as tyrannical, for the most part; many early marriages were arranged or forced, or polygomous; most early civilizations utilized slavery.

I'm still trying to figure out what you're saying - are you saying that the origins of something should settle the argument once & for all? Is that what "school's out" means to you?
I don't care what you or anyone has to say. To commit yourself, body, mind and soul to one person, be they of the opposite sex, or the same sex is not a sin.

Thats very commendable......I too have a very small number of friends, male and female, that I could say that about.....and it certainly isn't sinful......

I just don't have anal sex with them.......or anyone else......
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I don't care what you or anyone has to say. To commit yourself, body, mind and soul to one person, be they of the opposite sex, or the same sex is not a sin.
And if it is, and God condemns me to Hellfire, then so be it. Get off my case. You're not my judge, and neither is anyone else here.

You're a liar. The scriptures in the Old AND New Testament condemn homosexuality.

I don't care what you or anyone has to say. To commit yourself, body, mind and soul to one person, be they of the opposite sex, or the same sex is not a sin.
And if it is, and God condemns me to Hellfire, then so be it. Get off my case. You're not my judge, and neither is anyone else here.

Damo tends to support any concept that would put him in favor w/ the right-wing of America.....
Thats very commendable......I too have a very small number of friends, male and female, that I could that about.....and it certainly isn't sinful......

I just don't have anal sex with them.......or anyone else......

Why do you care who is having anal sex? Plenty of heterosexuals do. Why do you think we care what you do in bed? No one cares. No one here even thinks you're having any kind of sex anyway.
Oh - well, that settles it!

Where did you find that in all of your googling?

Marriage pre-dates recorded history. And we don't go by the "origins" of things to determine liberty & equality for all. Governments started as tyrannical, for the most part; many early marriages were arranged or forced, or polygomous; most early civilizations utilized slavery.

I'm still trying to figure out what you're saying - are you saying that the origins of something should settle the argument once & for all? Is that what "school's out" means to you?

Marriage pre-dates recorded history ?......Prove it
Marriage pre-dates recorded history ?......Prove it

According to anthropologists in the field - you know, the guys & gals who actually study this stuff - most early cultures have legends regarding marriage that go way back.

Have you looked into any of this at all? Or are you just shooting from the hip like you usually do?

I should point out, this all started from you claiming that the "left" has "latched onto" the idea of "sanctity of marriage."
Why day after day here do we all have to be subjected to Bravo, DY, and Alias discussing, in detail mind you! all of the sex acts they refuse to perform and refuse to have performed on their persons?

Is there any subject less interesting than the so-called "sex lives" of Bravo, Dy, and Alias?

Shut up already. We don't need yet another in-depth "analysis" of anal or oral sex from you pervs.
Why do you care who is having anal sex? Plenty of heterosexuals do. Why do you think we care what you do in bed? No one cares. No one here even thinks you're having any kind of sex anyway.

I don't what I write, not what you think I wrote.....

Poet was talking about sin.....and in his professed religion, I believe anal sex is sinful....but I could be wrong....he was schooled in the religion, he'll tell us....
According to anthropologists in the field - you know, the guys & gals who actually study this stuff - most early cultures have legends regarding marriage that go way back.

Have you looked into any of this at all? Or are you just shooting from the hip like you usually do?

I should point out, this all started from you claiming that the "left" has "latched onto" the idea of "sanctity of marriage."

So you put your full faith in legends, huh ?......Bigfoot ?....Loch Ness Monster ?...The Yeti ?.....

well, to each his own.