How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Quacks like a duck.

We Catholics are taught that some sins are worse than others. Murder is worse then stealing, which is worse than swearing. We tend to interpret the Bible using common sense.

"We Catholics"???? Isn't that a laugh. You have about as much credibility and standing as a thief in a jewelry store. Where does it say that homosexuality is worse than anything?
And more importantly, why didn't Jesus address it, directly, if it is so important. The truth is, it's only important to you, as you use it as a sledgehammer to condemn others, while ignoring your own sins...puffing yourself up, to appear to be self-righteous and "more holy", of which you are not. Where in the world are you getting these degrees of sin? We interpret???? Don't you mean, "judge", which Christ instructed you not to do?
My point isn't that I think homosexuality is a "sin" only that the New Covenant didn't make "sin" disappear. It isn't personal, it's what the book says. I don't believe the religion, I don't think you're going to Hell... nor Heaven for that matter.

I just really want you to get it through your head, me not being Christian does not mean I don't know that book. I couldn't have possibly lived my life and not know that book.

So you say...I could say the self same thing.
God is the final Judge, but the case is quite clear. And as Catholics, we are told to shine our light, even if is a harsh light.
Twisting words again to mean what you want them to mean???? LOL Shine your light. Not shine a light, reprobate.
How is anything shoved down your throat? Don't like gay marriages? Don't go to the freakin wedding and ignore the rest. Allowing gay marriage will not effect you one iota.

Marriage is a religious was instituted for specific serve a specific purpose......

calling the union of a man with another man marriage is a mockery of what marriage was instituted for......
Thats it ?.....thats all ya got ?

Marriage, from earliest recorded history was instituted because societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species, a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines.

That alone excludes homos.....

Where is that one even coming from, bravs?

I love how the lone thing you found "proves" that homosexuals should be excluded from marriage. And hey - you were supposed to get around to the relevancy of marriage's origins, anyway. How about something on that now?
Marriage is a religious was instituted for specific serve a specific purpose......

calling the union of a man with another man marriage is a mockery of what marriage was instituted for......

You don't know shite about why marriage was instituted originally. You've never studied it, or read more than a blurb about it.

You're just a stupid bigot.
Marriage is a religious was instituted for specific serve a specific purpose......

calling the union of a man with another man marriage is a mockery of what marriage was instituted for......

Yada yada yada, the same meaningless drivel. Allowing gays to marry will effect you how???
"We Catholics"???? Isn't that a laugh. You have about as much credibility and standing as a thief in a jewelry store. Where does it say that homosexuality is worse than anything?
And more importantly, why didn't Jesus address it, directly, if it is so important. The truth is, it's only important to you, as you use it as a sledgehammer to condemn others, while ignoring your own sins...puffing yourself up, to appear to be self-righteous and "more holy", of which you are not. Where in the world are you getting these degrees of sin? We interpret???? Don't you mean, "judge", which Christ instructed you not to do?

I've forgotten, which church do you attend? (Not the place, the affiliation.)
Hence my earlier statement that I enjoy these conversations specifically because you are knowledgeable.

Well, you need to "hip" DY and a few others 'round here to that fact. My mother didn't send me to one of the best private schools for nothing. I was hanging out with college students when I was still a junior in high school.
"We Catholics"???? Isn't that a laugh. You have about as much credibility and standing as a thief in a jewelry store. Where does it say that homosexuality is worse than anything?
And more importantly, why didn't Jesus address it, directly, if it is so important. The truth is, it's only important to you, as you use it as a sledgehammer to condemn others, while ignoring your own sins...puffing yourself up, to appear to be self-righteous and "more holy", of which you are not. Where in the world are you getting these degrees of sin? We interpret???? Don't you mean, "judge", which Christ instructed you not to do?

It's one of the first if not the first recorded sin in the Bible, and God hated it so much damned an entire bloodline of generations.