How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Yeah? Yeah, what? Dumb fuck.

Then explain how it is detrimental to the 'institution" of it.
Except it is consistent for the reasons stated. I don't care that people get remarried because that's better than the alternative. I do care that the sanctity of marriage has gotten corrupted to the point that people don't take marriage as seriously as they should. They marry without considering it as a life commitment and get divorced without working out the problems in their marriages. That's no reason for chipping away at the sanctity of marriage further.
You're basing your entire argument, on an OP-ED piece.
I take it then that you believe, as Barry Lynn does, that Christ did not do a physical resurrection from his tomb.

Other than the quoted piece, I have no opinion of the author. He brings up an issue that addresses your position.
I love it. The two "extreme righties" going at it over "gay marriage". While Freedom's tolerant stance is surprising, if not generous...DY's stance cannot be defended on the merits....bigoted fossil that he is. One day he'll be dead and gays will be free to marry in every state in the union. It just can't happen fast enough.
I love it. The two "extreme righties" going at it over "gay marriage". While Freedom's tolerant stance is surprising, if not generous...DY's stance cannot be defended on the merits....bigoted fossil that he is. One day he'll be dead and gays will be free to marry in every state in the union. It just can't happen fast enough.

Jesus said marriage was a man and a woman.

Its your stance that can't be justified, Poet. Gay marriage serves no benefit to society...

You're confused.........again. My stance is justified by the number of gay individuals, the world over, who are married, recognized and not. The majority of individuals believe that gay marriages or gay unions should be permitted. You're in the minority. And therein lies the rub. Acceptance is your only way out.
Society isn't the beneficiary of marriage. Society is made up of single, divorced, widowed and separated individuals, men and women, gay and straight, old and young. Marriage is a benefit and a boon to individuals who choose to live their lives together regardless of society.
Its your stance that can't be justified, Poet. Gay marriage serves no benefit to society...

With the sole exception of procreation without assistance, gay marriage serves the exact same benefits to society that straight marriage does.

I have asked you numerous times, but let me try one more time. What benefits, besides unassisted procreation, does heterosexual marriage serve to society that gay marriage does not?
With the sole exception of procreation without assistance, gay marriage serves the exact same benefits to society that straight marriage does.

I have asked you numerous times, but let me try one more time. What benefits, besides unassisted procreation, does heterosexual marriage serve to society that gay marriage does not?

WB, don't ask him that. He can't answer. Hence his stalling and avoidance of any queries into his stance. His stance just "is", and you're supposed to take it for face value. LOL.
What do you want from a pea brain?
You're confused.........again. My stance is justified by the number of gay individuals, the world over, who are married, recognized and not. The majority of individuals believe that gay marriages or gay unions should be permitted. You're in the minority. And therein lies the rub. Acceptance is your only way out.
Society isn't the beneficiary of marriage. Society is made up of single, divorced, widowed and separated individuals, men and women, gay and straight, old and young. Marriage is a benefit and a boon to individuals who choose to live their lives together regardless of society.
Thanks for confirming that "Gay marriage serves no benefit to society..."
With the sole exception of procreation without assistance, gay marriage serves the exact same benefits to society that straight marriage does.

I have asked you numerous times, but let me try one more time. What benefits, besides unassisted procreation, does heterosexual marriage serve to society that gay marriage does not?

What a stupid question......thats like asking , "Besides curing you of illness, what benefits does taking medicine have ?"

Procreation is in itself what benefits society and the protections for that offspring and nurturing mother....
What a stupid question......thats like asking , "Besides curing you of illness, what benefits does taking medicine have ?"

Procreation is in itself what benefits society and the protections for that offspring and nurturing mother....

Do you think couples who state that they aren't going to have kids should be allowed to marry?

Should the marriage certificates of couples who haven't had kids & are past childbearing age be revoked?

What about those who want to adopt?
It does appear, from the number of posts, that certain heterosexuals believe that if gay marriges are recognized that it will bring an end to heterosexual marriages.

What makes you say that.......the 'number' of posts ?.....what does the number of posts have to do with anything......?
Procreation isn't the only societal benefit of traditional marriage. A male corralled by a wife is typically a more stable and hard-working individual then a single guy...