How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

You don't know shite about why marriage was instituted originally. You've never studied it, or read more than a blurb about it.

You're just a stupid bigot.

Originally ?....No, and neither do you....I said we go by the earliest recorded history and note the reasons WHY marriage was instituted.....

You...on the other hand, seem to want to consider and study LEGEND.....and you have the balls to say I don't know shit.....

If thats the case, you know less than shit about the're a pinhead, an idiot and a moron all rolled up into one exceptionally stupid person...
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The lefties are trying to steer this into the religions realm, so they can then cite separation of church and state. Once gay marriage is legal then the lefties will drop the church-state stance and force religion to recognize it and perform the ceremonies.

My argument is that the institution of marriage benefits society and that the legal union between a man and his woman is therefore sanctioned by the state.

No one argument, within this thread, has implied or suggested that religions would be forced to recognize and/or preform the ceremony.

While this may be a fear of yours and those that think like you do, there is nothing to support your paranoia.
Originally ?....No, and neither do you....I said we go by the earliest recorded history and note the reasons WHY marriage was instituted.....

You...on the other hand, seem to want to consider and study LEGEND.....and you have the balls to say I don't know shit.....

If thats the case, you know less than shit about the're a pinhead, an idiot and a moron all rolled up into one exceptionally stupid person...

You don't know shit. You even know less shit than you thought that you knew. You know less than shit. You are shit. Shitter.
That's not the point. If you can't prove a net benefit to society, then there is no reason to make a dramatic change, unless of course the goal is progressivism.

I read the Supreme Courts ruling, regarding different races to marry, and I saw no mention of any "net benefit to society" and yet, there was a dramatic change made and guess what?
Society survived, improved, and grew stronger.
States have their own Constitutions and they regulate marriage. Mine says that its between one man and one woman.

Homosexuality is a deviant behavior, while heterosexual relations are required in order for society to survive.

Why do you keep throwing out this, as a strawman?
Why do you keep throwing out this, as a strawman?

No one should be trying to put an end to homosexual realtionships.......
Why do you keep implying this lie ?

We just refuse to legitimize that deviate conduct by allowing it to be called 'marriage'.....
No one should be trying to put an end to homosexual realtionships.......
Why do you keep implying this lie ?

We just refuse to legitimize that deviate conduct by allowing it to be called 'marriage'.....

First of all i think you meant deviant and second of all, what?
You can call homosexuality an abomination as many times as you'd like but that really won't change that it's here to stay, refusing to allow gay marriage actually delegitimizes the entire structure, by having people in, "permanent partnerships" who aren't married and get to avoid all that trouble with lawyers when it all falls apart. Give up stop throwing things at them and then maybe they won't need to have so many parades.
States have their own Constitutions and they regulate marriage. Mine says that its between one man and one woman.

Homosexuality is a deviant behavior, while heterosexual relations are required in order for society to survive.

Why do you keep throwing out this, as a strawman?

No one should be trying to put an end to homosexual realtionships.......
Why do you keep implying this lie ?

We just refuse to legitimize that deviate conduct by allowing it to be called 'marriage'.....

It does appear, from the number of posts, that certain heterosexuals believe that if gay marriges are recognized that it will bring an end to heterosexual marriages.
No one argument, within this thread, has implied or suggested that religions would be forced to recognize and/or preform the ceremony.

While this may be a fear of yours and those that think like you do, there is nothing to support your paranoia.
Gays are doing it through the back door:
No house of worship should be required to perform a same-sex marriage ceremony (or indeed any ceremony it doesn’t want to perform). But taxpayer-funded agencies – including “faith-based” providers – should treat everyone equally. Otherwise qualified same-sex couples should have the same access to public services as opposite-sex couples. Churches that don’t want to obey non-discrimination rules are free to stop participating in publicly funded adoption programs.