How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Procreation isn't the only societal benefit of traditional marriage. A male corralled by a wife is typically a more stable and hard-working individual then a single guy...

And just when you thought that an already lame argument couldn't possibly get any weaker...
Your statement doesn't make sense. When you learn to express a thought, coherently, get back to me, dummie.

It makes perfect sense because Jesus said marriage was a man and a woman. Why do you deny what your Lord said in the scriptures?
Thanks for confirming that "Gay marriage serves no benefit to society..."

As far as I can tell it increases the ability to pursue happiness for the individual. One of those rights that we actually fought a war over a long time ago. At least according to the Declaration we did...

I think government limitations preclude the government from getting in your way when you have done nothing to create a victim. It isn't the government's place to judge whether your personal life is of value to society. It isn't even society's place to tell you how to live, that is what individual liberty is all about.
The Levitical Code?????????????? Are you crazy? If that's so, then a whole bunch of people are going to Hell for eating goo gobs of shellfish, and mixing fabrics.
The Levitical Code has been in dispute for time in memoriam. Are you clear on what constitutes "sin" and what does not? Christ didn't speak to homosexuality. Wonder why?>

Not to mention all the women who dress like men and don't go to the red tent!
Do you think couples who state that they aren't going to have kids should be allowed to marry?

Should the marriage certificates of couples who haven't had kids & are past childbearing age be revoked?

What about those who want to adopt?

Lots of people say lots of things.....noting is absolute, except that homosexuality is abnormal, and a minor mental disorder that usually harms no one.........
We don't make hundreds of different regulations to cover every possible scenario that MIGHT or might not occur.......
That law as it stands has served us for hundreds of years and there is no need to change one HAS TO GET MARRIED in order to live their lives to fulfillment.....
Couples (men and women) DON'T need to marry to have sex or have children, and many don't.....

It is available for those, usually the women, to protect themselves and their children......

Adoption doesn't require marriage.....a single man or women can adopt a child, there is not law that prevents it as far as I know...(I could be mistaken)
More like a robust discussion to me.....something you're totally unfamiliar with.

You're only good for snide put downs and personal one liners about the posters.

No, those are your own posts you are reading, Darla can chew you up and spit you out when it comes to serious debate, but like I told you before, she doesn't bother because you can't compute.
Lots of people say lots of things.....noting is absolute, except that homosexuality is abnormal, and a minor mental disorder that usually harms no one.........
We don't make hundreds of different regulations to cover every possible scenario that MIGHT or might not occur.......
That law as it stands has served us for hundreds of years and there is no need to change one HAS TO GET MARRIED in order to live their lives to fulfillment.....
Couples (men and women) DON'T need to marry to have sex or have children, and many don't.....

It is available for those, usually the women, to protect themselves and their children......

Adoption doesn't require marriage.....a single man or women can adopt a child, there is not law that prevents it as far as I know...(I could be mistaken)

You mental disorder isn't minor, seek help.
So gay men should be allowed to marry then?

Homo's can call themselves 'married' if the want.....they can find a friendly homo minister, have a ceremony, and party it up.....
They can even sign contracts that are legally binding by law......
It just won't be recognized by the government....

So what do the homo's really want ?....To be married or acceptance by society ?

Obviosly, its not marriage they crave, they desperately want to be accepted by the rest of us
Lots of people say lots of things.....noting is absolute, except that homosexuality is abnormal, and a minor mental disorder that usually harms no one.........
We don't make hundreds of different regulations to cover every possible scenario that MIGHT or might not occur.......
That law as it stands has served us for hundreds of years and there is no need to change one HAS TO GET MARRIED in order to live their lives to fulfillment.....
Couples (men and women) DON'T need to marry to have sex or have children, and many don't.....

It is available for those, usually the women, to protect themselves and their children......

Adoption doesn't require marriage.....a single man or women can adopt a child, there is not law that prevents it as far as I know...(I could be mistaken)

So, you're switching your whole argument on a dime, then? It was all about procreation, until you realized that lots of folks get married and don't have kids, or can' now it's about keeping things the way they've been for hundreds of years, just for the sake of the fact that it's been that way for hundreds of years?

Is this how non-progressives think about everything? Just keep it all the same, because everything has worked so well for hundreds of years?
As far as I can tell it increases the ability to pursue happiness for the individual. One of those rights that we actually fought a war over a long time ago. At least according to the Declaration we did...

I think government limitations preclude the government from getting in your way when you have done nothing to create a victim. It isn't the government's place to judge whether your personal life is of value to society. It isn't even society's place to tell you how to live, that is what individual liberty is all about.
You've got a good argument there with respect to being against federal marriage, but since the beginning of this country marriages have been licensed by the States.
Homo's can call themselves 'married' if the want.....they can find a friendly homo minister, have a ceremony, and party it up.....
It just won't be recognized by the government....

So what do the homo's really want ?....To be married or acceptance by society ?

Obviosly, its not marriage they crave, they desperately want to be accepted by the rest of us

Exactly. They want to shove their agenda down our throats while they whine about Christians forcing their religion on them.
Queer marriage is voted down in California by 70% of black people and all of a sudden 70% of black voters in California are now bigots. And they call us stupid.
Exactly. They want to shove their agenda down our throats while they whine about Christians forcing their religion on them.

Or, they may just want visitation rights, and property rights, and the ability to celebrate & recognize their union with others. Stuff like that.