How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Minor children can't visit queers? When did this happen?


in a dissolution of marriage, if there are minor children, custody issues are involved. one huge issue, once the custody is resolved, is visitation. should a gay couple disolve their relationship, there are no rights to visit any minor children from that relationship. it absolutely inane to create a seperate law for them, what you call a civil union. that violates the 14th amendment.

i notice you didn't answer my question.
what anthropologists ?....enlighten me with a link about what anthropologists says about the institution....

Have you linked your quote?

I don't link - it can invite viruses. But, if you're going to talk about the topic with such "expertise," and ridicule what others say about it, it seems the least you could do is a couple of google searches, or a little wikipedia research. Every source I checked yesterday when you were asking said that marriage pre-dates recorded history. When I mentioned this to you, you said there was no way to know that - which, speaking from an anthropological point of view (as I did study anthropology in general), is complete BS. Half of our knowledge of history in general is based on educated guessing.
Have you linked your quote?

I don't link - it can invite viruses. But, if you're going to talk about the topic with such "expertise," and ridicule what others say about it, it seems the least you could do is a couple of google searches, or a little wikipedia research. Every source I checked yesterday when you were asking said that marriage pre-dates recorded history. When I mentioned this to you, you said there was no way to know that - which, speaking from an anthropological point of view (as I did study anthropology in general), is complete BS. Half of our knowledge of history in general is based on educated guessing.


biggest lie of the year. you link when you think you're right. but now, i've called you on it enough times you've decided you just simply will no longer link in order to avoid the embarrassment i cause you.
Linking invites viruses? That's your excuse for not providing basis for your lame arguments? :lol:

It's true, at least according to my helpdesk. Here - do some work: just go to wikipedia, and type in "marriage." In the 1st paragraph of "origins," it states that marriage pre-dates recorded history.

If you search on "marriage and recorded history," you will find at least 6 links on the 1st page that comes up with studies talking about that.

Does that help?
It's true, at least according to my helpdesk. Here - do some work: just go to wikipedia, and type in "marriage." In the 1st paragraph of "origins," it states that marriage pre-dates recorded history.

If you search on "marriage and recorded history," you will find at least 6 links on the 1st page that comes up with studies talking about that.

Does that help?

HOLY CRAP - i'm now going to get a virus

It's true, at least according to my helpdesk. Here - do some work: just go to wikipedia, and type in "marriage." In the 1st paragraph of "origins," it states that marriage pre-dates recorded history.

If you search on "marriage and recorded history," you will find at least 6 links on the 1st page that comes up with studies talking about that.

Does that help?

Wikipedia is not a scholarly site. It can be edited by anyone. Therefore, there is a lot of political correctness stated as truth. If you're really here for serious debate, then you're gonna have to do better than Wikipedia to be taken seriously.

biggest lie of the year. you link when you think you're right. but now, i've called you on it enough times you've decided you just simply will no longer link in order to avoid the embarrassment i cause you.

Do a search, Yurtsie. The only link I have given you is internally - from this board, to another thread. I never linked anything external.

If you think I'm making the marriage argument up, just go to google and type in what I mentioned in my previous post.
Wikipedia is not a scholarly site. It can be edited by anyone. Therefore, there is a lot of political correctness stated as truth. If you're really here for serious debate, then you're gonna have to do better than Wikipedia to be taken seriously.

That's why I checked out other searches. If you'd like to learn something about the topic, you can do that too.
Do a search, Yurtsie. The only link I have given you is internally - from this board, to another thread. I never linked anything external.

If you think I'm making the marriage argument up, just go to google and type in what I mentioned in my previous post.

i doubt that, i'm sure you've given external links. and explain how a link from this site wouldn't give you a virus, but linking to a non-jpp site you already visited would give you a virus.
