How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

More like a robust discussion to me.....something you're totally unfamiliar with.

You're only good for snide put downs and personal one liners about the posters.


That's hysterical. Directed at you, sure. I talk to smart people here all of the time. You're an idiot. Worse, you're such a hate-filled bigot.
you quoted the LINK....VIRUSESSESS ARE COMING!!!!!


You realize you stepped in it. That's cool.

All I know is that I picked up a nasty virus this past year - almost impossible to get rid of. My helpdesk asked me where I went, and also asked me if I posted any external links on any websites.

That's enough for me.
still no virus


But you didn't answer the question. If the link I referred to, and which you posted, backed up that I was correct, and you said that I only linked when I knew I was right...why wouldn't I have posted the link itself?

You realize you stepped in it. That's cool.

All I know is that I picked up a nasty virus this past year - almost impossible to get rid of. My helpdesk asked me where I went, and also asked me if I posted any external links on any websites.

That's enough for me.

i love how you lie and claim i realize i stepped in it by continuing to MOCK you

you get the virus by visiting the webpage, not linking it.
Have you linked your quote?

I don't link - it can invite viruses. But, if you're going to talk about the topic with such "expertise," and ridicule what others say about it, it seems the least you could do is a couple of google searches, or a little wikipedia research. Every source I checked yesterday when you were asking said that marriage pre-dates recorded history. When I mentioned this to you, you said there was no way to know that - which, speaking from an anthropological point of view (as I did study anthropology in general), is complete BS. Half of our knowledge of history in general is based on educated guessing.

More like ALL of YOUR knowledge is based on guessing, the "educated" part is suspect......guessing is not knowledge......that how Bush got into trouble(the NIE ?)

So let me look at wikipedia and see what they say if you refuse to prove your crap with a link......
But you didn't answer the question. If the link I referred to, and which you posted, backed up that I was correct, and you said that I only linked when I knew I was right...why wouldn't I have posted the link itself?

you spelled out exactly where the link is retard. same thing.


You realize you stepped in it. That's cool.

All I know is that I picked up a nasty virus this past year - almost impossible to get rid of. My helpdesk asked me where I went, and also asked me if I posted any external links on any websites.

That's enough for me.

Really? I've known others who said they got viruses that way. I don't click on any links from people who I am suspicious of here.
Gay rights is about gays having the same rights as everyone else..

No, they want the special rights reserved for heterosexual couples, the only couples who procreate. Make marriage available to any two consenting adults AND THEN they would have the same rights as anybody else.
you spelled out exactly where the link is retard. same thing.


It's not. I don't link for a reason, which I explained. You think it's because of you, which is pretty narcissistic. Dano used to be like that.

I've been pretty consistent on it since I got that virus. It crashed everyting I had for days. I don't see a real need to link when the info is available to everyone on the internet with a quick search.

That's hysterical. Directed at you, sure. I talk to smart people here all of the time. You're an idiot. Worse, you're such a hate-filled bigot.

You're really gonna have to find some new phrases. We're all getting tired of the "hate-filled bigot" crap all day long every day from you and your friends. Let's get back to the old American custom of vigorous honest debate and stop the bomb throwing. Let's see if you can make a coherent rational argument.
Really? I've known others who said they got viruses that way. I don't click on any links from people who I am suspicious of here.

Yeah - they didn't know if that was specifically how I got it, but just the fact that they asked was enough. I don't click on links I don't trust here, either. It really made things pretty miserable for me for a few days....
It's true, at least according to my helpdesk. Here - do some work: just go to wikipedia, and type in "marriage." In the 1st paragraph of "origins," it states that marriage pre-dates recorded history.

If you search on "marriage and recorded history," you will find at least 6 links on the 1st page that comes up with studies talking about that.

Does that help?

I think that you've been linking to too much porn. That's giving you the viruses, not some wiki article.

Seriously man. I hired a guy who just spent two years in club fed and the first thing he did when I set up his computer was to surf porn sites. We nearly had to toss the computer in the trash it had so many viruses on it.
I think that you've been linking to too much porn. That's giving you the viruses, not some wiki article.

Seriously man. I hired a guy who just spent two years in club fed and the first thing he did when I set up his computer was to surf porn sites. We nearly had to toss the computer in the trash it had so many viruses on it.

I don't go near porn - you are quite correct on that...
That's why I checked out other searches. If you'd like to learn something about the topic, you can do that too.

So whats your point.......enlighten me, tell me what anthropologists say about WHY the institution was created from the beginning....

other than bloodline, children, women, and division of property.......

What is your point in all this .....? And how does it defend your "marriage for homos" defense...
I think we had a good victory today against the libtards and their constant attack on marriage. But tomorrow they will be back, pretending that they weren't defeated.
So whats your point.......enlighten me, tell me what anthropologists say about WHY the institution was created from the beginning....

other than bloodline, children, women, and division of property.......

What is your point in all this .....? And how does it defend your "marriage for homos" defense...

I don't think the origins of marriage are relevant, because we rarely use the origins of anything as a gauge for how the current model should be. Like I said, most early civilizations were characterized by brutality, oppression & superstition - hardly a good starting point for American law in the 21st century.

I addressed it because YOU brought it up, and kept asking. I actually asked you why you thought the origins were relevant, and you said we'd "get to the relevancy later."

So...can we get to the relevancy now?
Really? I've known others who said they got viruses that way. I don't click on any links from people who I am suspicious of here.

note the key action. you don't get viruses by linking a site, you get the virus by visiting the site.

i have never heard of simply typing in a website address, say, and that alone gives you a virus.