How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Homo's can call themselves 'married' if the want.....they can find a friendly homo minister, have a ceremony, and party it up.....
They can even sign contracts that are legally binding by law......
It just won't be recognized by the government....

So what do the homo's really want ?....To be married or acceptance by society ?

Obviosly, its not marriage they crave, they desperately want to be accepted by the rest of us

I accept them, don't you?

Some of you righties have a lot in common with supporters of Shari'ah law.
In addition to bad teeth, you have a real fixation on the word "queer". Is it possible for you to discuss homosexuality without falling back on slurs?

Not sure queer is a slur. Fag, abomination and abhorrent of nature are slurs, queer is kinda, just a non politically correct term for a homosexual couple, i would put it on par with "black" as opposed to african american
yes it is. their relationship is not illegal, nor any sexual acts they may engage in. denying the the SAME RIGHT as others is in fact denying them their equal protection and rights under the 14th amendment.

don't like it, amend the federal constitution. but stop spreading meadowmuffins as if your opinion is fact.

Yes, they may engage in any sexual acts they want to. However, they cannot have a marriage. Marriage is a man and a woman.
In addition to bad teeth, you have a real fixation on the word "queer". Is it possible for you to discuss homosexuality without falling back on slurs?

There was a TV show called "Queer Nation". I've also heard of "We're Queer and we're here". I also remember a TV show called "Queer eye for the striaght guy".

Gee, No one knew those TV shows were slurring queers. Thanks for the info. Now I'm enlightened. You need to think a little longer and a little more thorough before you utter dumb shit.
????fewer rights than who?

You guys make arguments, then abandon them when they're no longer convenient.

If marriage is about a couple being able to "make babies," then it shouldn't be for adoptive parents, or parents who just don't want to have kids.

Ergo - stop arguing procreation in terms of marriage.
First of all i think you meant deviant and second of all, what?
You can call homosexuality an abomination as many times as you'd like but that really won't change that it's here to stay, refusing to allow gay marriage actually delegitimizes the entire structure, by having people in, "permanent partnerships" who aren't married and get to avoid all that trouble with lawyers when it all falls apart. Give up stop throwing things at them and then maybe they won't need to have so many parades.

Ahahahahah, guess he shouldn't make fun of my typing when his spelling is bad, and it isn't from missing a key!
You guys make arguments, then abandon them when they're no longer convenient.

If marriage is about a couple being able to "make babies," then it shouldn't be for adoptive parents, or parents who just don't want to have kids.

Ergo - stop arguing procreation in terms of marriage.

i've gone round and round with them about this and it never ceases to amaze me how they just don't get it. i think DY might have once capitulated this point, but i'm not sure. its as if they feel that simply stating the argument, then ignoring any logical counter argument, and then simply stating the argument again, that it makes them right.

hacks on both sides do this
That's a poor translation. Really - I was just saying you were whiny.

so now pointing out facts and truth is whiny. got it. you can complain about saying you don't link up because of viruses, thus i'm wrong about you not linking up because you're wrong, and that is not whiny.....but when i rightfully point out that you ADMITTED you do link up ON THIS BOARD and that is what i'm talking about 99% of the time, that is whiny.

sure thing little buddy
There was a TV show called "Queer Nation". I've also heard of "We're Queer and we're here". I also remember a TV show called "Queer eye for the striaght guy".

Gee, No one knew those TV shows were slurring queers. Thanks for the info. Now I'm enlightened. You need to think a little longer and a little more thorough before you utter dumb shit.

And you need to understand that something can be acceptable to the group in question but not to outsiders.
You guys make arguments, then abandon them when they're no longer convenient.

If marriage is about a couple being able to "make babies," then it shouldn't be for adoptive parents, or parents who just don't want to have kids.

Ergo - stop arguing procreation in terms of marriage.

And you need to understand that something can be acceptable to the group in question but not to outsiders.

Says who? I don't live by your rules.

Not sure queer is a slur. Fag, abomination and abhorrent of nature are slurs, queer is kinda, just a non politically correct term for a homosexual couple, i would put it on par with "black" as opposed to african american

Correction. As used by non-gays, it is considered "a slur". And you would be beyond stupid to put it in the same category as "black". What planet are you from?
See what happens when you let your emotions control you. Now you're gonna have to show one rule of mine that I demand everyone else live by.

I haven't seen anyone else on here call for all gay teachers to be gone. Have you? You have no problem wanting other people to be limited in who they marry because of your beliefs.