How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Queer marriage is voted down in California by 70% of black people and all of a sudden 70% of black voters in California are now bigots. And they call us stupid.

Are you asserting that every registered Black voter in California, voted one way or another on Prop. 8?
so whats with the "fail, fail, fail" crap......? Your "doubts" about homo men are noted.............. and irrelevant.....

Try your next post in English and on topic.....

Your argument against gay marriage seems to be something along the lines of "But we don't wanna rewrite that definition in the dictionary." or, in true conservative style, "But that's not the way we do things round here."
Oh oh oh... So much fail.
Ok I admit that current definitions of marriage require one member of each gender(excluding hermaphrodites because really who cares). Not a reason to maintain that definition. Second I seriously doubt that gay men want one of them to be the wife, the definition of a wife a female member of a marriage, gay men would just be husband and husband, same thing with parenting, just have two dads. It's one small rewrite, allow gay couples who marry the same rights as heterosexual couples.

Youll need some justification for special treatment for homosexuals, not available to any two consenting adults. Nothing special about those couples who happen to be gay.
Your argument against gay marriage seems to be something along the lines of "But we don't wanna rewrite that definition in the dictionary." or, in true conservative style, "But that's not the way we do things round here."

Correct, we only draw distinctions in the law that discriminate between people IF that distinction serves a legitimate governmental interest AND the distinction is rationally related to serving that purpose. Marriage limited to heterosexual couples increases the # of children born to married parents and reduces the #s of children born to single mothers. A legitimate governmental interest and the limitation to heterosexual couples is rationally related to serving that purpose because heterosexual are the only couples who produce children in need of being provided and cared for.

If you want marriage for heterosexual and homosexual couples, youll need some new governmental purpose that would only be served in the case of sexual couples. Got ANYTHING?
Correct, we only draw distinctions in the law that discriminate between people IF that distinction serves a legitimate governmental interest AND the distinction is rationally related to serving that purpose. Marriage limited to heterosexual couples increases the # of children born to married parents and reduces the #s of children born to single mothers. A legitimate governmental interest and the limitation to heterosexual couples is rationally related to serving that purpose because heterosexual are the only couples who produce children in need of being provided and cared for.

If you want marriage for heterosexual and homosexual couples, youll need some new governmental purpose that would only be served in the case of sexual couples. Got ANYTHING?
Fortunately the goal of marriage isn't procreation. Procreation is a by-product of sexual intercourse, which can and does occur without the benefit of marriage. A governmental interest and purpose for marriage is negligible .
Fortunately the goal of marriage isn't procreation. Procreation is a by-product of sexual intercourse, which can and does occur without the benefit of marriage. A governmental interest and purpose for marriage is negligible .

Soooo you have no justification. Thats Unconstitutional discrimination. And no one claimed procreation is the goal of marriage. Its the providing and caring for the product of that procreation. Stop with the constant grasp for refuge in a strawman.
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Lies and sissy chatter. Provide the evidence for such a claim.

You said that the 70% of Blacks in California are bigots for voting against queer marriage. Then you accuse others of "character assassination". The more you talk, the more you reveal the racist lying lefty that you are.
You said that the 70% of Blacks in California are bigots for voting against queer marriage. Then you accuse others of "character assassination". The more you talk, the more you reveal the racist lying lefty that you are.

WTF is wrong with you misquoting me. I know what I said and didn't say. The blacks who voted in favor of Prop. 8, did so, because they were encouraged by their homophobic black churches, which are hypocritical, and in violation of Christ's message of tolerance and compassion and non-judgment. Your bigotry and racism shows every time you post.
Racist? Who am I racist against? No one can ever admit that piece of fact. Lying? I have never lied in any forum I've been a part of. Leftie? You got that one right.
WTF is wrong with you misquoting me. I know what I said and didn't say. The blacks who voted in favor of Prop. 8, did so, because they were encouraged by their homophobic black churches, which are hypocritical, and in violation of Christ's message of tolerance and compassion and non-judgment. Your bigotry and racism shows every time you post. .

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! You both vehemently deny that the majority of blacks oppose gay marriage, and then turn around and explain why it is so. Good god man, dig DEEP for some remaining shred of integrity
WTF is wrong with you misquoting me. I know what I said and didn't say. The blacks who voted in favor of Prop. 8, did so, because they were encouraged by their homophobic black churches, which are hypocritical, and in violation of Christ's message of tolerance and compassion and non-judgment. Your bigotry and racism shows every time you post.
Racist? Who am I racist against? No one can ever admit that piece of fact. Lying? I have never lied in any forum I've been a part of. Leftie? You got that one right.

Jesus said marriage was a man and a woman.

Are the Blacks who voted against queer marriage bigots or not?
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! You both vehemently deny that the majority of blacks oppose gay marriage, and then turn around and explain why it is so. Good god man, dig DEEP for some remaining shred of integrity

Oh, let's see. Let's convenient minimize what blacks think, desire and deserve, when it comes to rights as citizens, but let's elevate their prejudices and bigotry when it tends to serve "our purpose". Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. The country as a whole views gay marriage favorably or indifferently.
Jesus said marriage was a man and a woman.

Are the Blacks who voted against queer marriage bigots or not?

That is not correct English and Jesus did not say that. He addressed a traditional marriage ceremony and also alluded a parable about marriage to the church. When's the last time you picked up a Bible and further, read it?

Anyone, regardless of color who voted against gay marriage and/or gays is a bigot, by definition.
That is not correct English and Jesus did not say that. He addressed a traditional marriage ceremony and also alluded a parable about marriage to the church. When's the last time you picked up a Bible and further, read it?

Anyone, regardless of color who voted against gay marriage and/or gays is a bigot, by definition.

Matthew 19......“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh"

So 70% of Black voters in California are bigots, according to you. And you want to accuse others of "Character Assassination".

You're a liar. Nothing more.