How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Oh, let's see. Let's convenient minimize what blacks think, desire and deserve, when it comes to rights as citizens, but let's elevate their prejudices and bigotry when it tends to serve "our purpose". Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. The country as a whole views gay marriage favorably or indifferently.

Recognizing their prejudices doesnt elevate them and your pretending they dont exist will not accomplish anything. But I understand why you might be more comfortable wrapped up in your delusions. Is it all warm and cozy in there?
Recognizing their prejudices doesnt elevate them and your pretending they dont exist will not accomplish anything. But I understand why you might be more comfortable wrapped up in your delusions. Is it all warm and cozy in there?

You know, just like white people, there are some retarded, bigoted, stupid, homophobic, black people.
Andrew Cuomo:

But I mean, you look at the injustice of the issue. [switches voices, mimicking the opposition] "You can't get married if you're gay." Why? "Well, because you're gay." And? "And, well, you can't make babies." That's the argument. Oh, really? So then we should change the law to say, "Only people who can and want to make babies can get married." So an infertile man can't. A woman who can't, she can't get married. People who don't want to make a baby, they can't get married. So let's change the law so it says, "Only people who can and will make babies." "Well, we don't want to do that. You can get married if you don't want to make a baby or if you can't—except if you're gay!" There's no logic.​
My point is that it was not too long ago when there were laws against interracal marriage. You may be ignorant of history, but look it up.

those opposed to mixed marriage had to pass laws against interracial marriage, because it was possible for a black man to marry a white laws were created to prevent a man from marrying a man were passed because it simply wasn't possible for it to happen.....just the opposite, some want to pass laws making it possible to happen......
???, it's the ones demanding a redefinition of marriage who are doing the whining......

Marriage doesn't need to be redefined. It's the bigots and the haters that are placing a caveat on it, to exclude 2 adults, regardless, of sex, who love each other and want to spend their lives together. Oooh, the inhumanity. The outrage. The impact on the marriages of other people. I guess it invalidates them...because they've been "cheapened", right?
I'm sorry, but you don't get to define reality or life for anyone else, other than yourself. The fact that you think that you can, underscores your audacity and arrogance.
those opposed to mixed marriage had to pass laws against interracial marriage, because it was possible for a black man to marry a white laws were created to prevent a man from marrying a man were passed because it simply wasn't possible for it to happen.....just the opposite, some want to pass laws making it possible to happen......

I dont see that it makes any difference.
Being in opposition does not equate to what you were trying to suggest.

I wasnt suggesting ANYTHING other than what I stated, The majority of blacks oppose same sex marriage. Read my words and stop with the dumfounded stare at the blank space between them, pondering their meaning.
Marriage doesn't need to be redefined.

matrimonium is an institution involving a mother, mater. The idea implicit in the word is that a man takes a woman in marriage, in matrimonium ducere, so that he may have children by her."

Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, defines marriage as follows:

"A state of being married, or being united to a person or persons of the opposite sex as husband or wife; also, the mutual relation of husband and wife; wedlock; abstractly, the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence, for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family."

The Century Dictionary and Encyclopedia defines marriage as:

"The legal union of a man with a woman for life; the state or condition of being married; the legal relation of spouses to each other; wedlock; the formal declaration or contract by which a man and a woman join in wedlock."

Black's Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, defines marriage as:

"The civil status, condition or relation of one man and one woman united in law for life, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incumbent upon those whose association is founded on the distinction of sex."
In substance, the relationship proposed by the appellants does not authorize the issuance of a marriage license because what they propose is not a marriage.\SAC\KY\1973\19731109_0040029.KY.htm/qx