How to limit Mass Shootings - Massad Ayoob

And yet the vast majority of States with strict gun laws have far less gun violence than States with loose gun laws, a fact
No that looks exactly like an opinion since you cite no sources for your claim but thank you for your opinion. We will give it the consideration it deserves.
Why do you hate the Constitution?

Shoot back.

No, I'll use it to shoot back.R
Because the Constitution was written by a bunch of PUSSY WHITE faggot THEOCRATIC Monarchists, Racists, Sexists, and slave Owners that powdered their asses, and faces, wore fucking wigs, and they had no insight or imagination what-so-ever about the future or technology development- And set our country up to be controlled by a SLAVE OWNING HOLY-ROLLING RICH WHITE MINORITY.
Thank you for the confirmation that every educational campus is, by law, a shooting-spree magnate for violent criminals, i.e. a defenselessness zone that renders all within it completely unable to stop any mad gunman who wants the highest body count possible.

I wonder what could have possibly happened to you in your youth that inculcated so much animosity towards humanity that you actually become gleeful at the killing of children.
I didn't make the rules here- YOU FUCKING GUNTARDS DID!

You allowed mad idiots like you to buy guns and shoot children to death in schools.
We are talking about a huge part of the left that hates gun rights for private citizens.

You don't know what Trump said or when he said it. Which is why you have not provided the full quote, context, or source.
well for one thing I HAVE posted what Trump said many of times. , Google can be your friend.
And for another thing where do you get that it is a LARGE part of the left that want to take ALL guns away from people?
you are talking about the FAR LEFT NOT the mid or even the left of middle people. MOST of the left leaning people want REASONABLE gun CONTROL. Not to take every bodies guns away.
YOU are listening to too much MAGA and right wing propaganda.
Have a nice day
Because the Constitution was written by a bunch of PUSSY WHITE faggot THEOCRATIC Monarchists, Racists, Sexists, and slave Owners that powdered their asses, and faces, wore fucking wigs, and they had no insight or imagination what-so-ever about the future or technology development- And set our country up to be controlled by a SLAVE OWNING HOLY-ROLLING RICH WHITE MINORITY.
It was Christians led started and led the abolitionist movement globally. White libs have never forgiven them for this.

The FFs created a nation that invited free men from all nations, races and creeds. The white libs have never forgiven them for this.

It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun.

where in the Constitution does it say you can't " Ban or limit " guns?
and stupid I didn't blame anything on Trump I said he said take their guns away we will deal with the due prosess thing later.
I didn't make the rules here- YOU FUCKING GUNTARDS DID!
Nope. Leftists, such as yourself, made defenselessness zones mandatory in your HATRED for humanity, prohibiting law abiding citizens from defending themselves against violent criminals. You bloodthirsty leftists lust after dead children because you are really sick fucks.

You leftists own every single mass shooting that occurs in a defenselessness zone, which is virtually all of them.

You never answered the question: Why do you hate life so much that you absolutely need for more and more children to die? It doesn't do any good to try to blame political opponents who are trying to keep children alive; your dishonesty is completely transparent.

Why do you insist that children be killed? Why do you actively prevent law abiding citizens from being able to defend themselves and their children? Why do you convert public schools into death sentences?

If leftists were stripped of their right to vote and their ability to run for office, the United States' problems would all evaporate over night and there would be no more mass shootings.

You allowed mad idiots like you to buy guns and shoot children to death in schools.
In every case of a mass shooting, you prevented the victims from having any chance of survival. Fuck you.
well for one thing I HAVE posted what Trump said many of times. , Google can be your friend.
Google is not God.
And for another thing where do you get that it is a LARGE part of the left that want to take ALL guns away from people?
you are talking about the FAR LEFT NOT the mid or even the left of middle people. MOST of the left leaning people want REASONABLE gun CONTROL. Not to take every bodies guns away.
Obama, Pelosi, Hillary, Kamala, Biden, King Newsom, ...shall I go on?
YOU are listening to too much MAGA and right wing propaganda.
Have a nice day
MAGA isn't propaganda. Neither is the Constitution.
He won't cite the facts because he knows his beta male ass would be ripped apart. It is mostly democrats in repub States that are doing the shooting.
Absolutely correct. Fucked up people that shoot schools and theaters are victims of Democrat psychoquackery (as part of their 'expert' worship), using psychoquackery to put these people on mind altering drugs. Withdrawal from these drugs causes homicidal behavior.

Now it's fucked up people that mutilated themselves due to Democrats and their inability to recognize what a women is or what a man is. Now their lives are miserable, and they become homicidal.

Then, of course, there are the city gangs and their turf wars; tolerated and even encouraged by Democrats that defund and demoralize police. you can add violent illegal immigrants that were criminals in their own country and were imported here by Democrats, bringing with them their own special kind of violence.