How to think about God.

We need to define terms then. Are you saying that Christians invented the WORD "atheism," or that they invented the concept? Where did you get the idea that it has anything to do with Xtians other than they use the word as a hammer sometimes?

Hes a idiot like you what did you expect
Indeed, which was my point. The Catholic Church needed unbelievers. Conversion by the sword.

???.....first, Baal worshippers were pretty much extinct a thousand years before there was a Catholic church.......second, unbelievers are a dime a dozen....there was no reason to create any....
The first distinction is between monotheism and polytheism
Whether there is one God or many.

The second distinction is between a personal God or impersonal God.
A personal God has features of human consciousness. An impersonal God is a principle or activity.

Third is God as creator or God as a being.
A creator makes the world itself. God as a being is not the cause of the universe.

For example, an atheist could deny monotheism but be a polytheist.

Do you even know what words mean?

Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.Wikipedia"
You are a mentally ill troll. ignore

I get accused of that all the time by those misdirecting everyone else from a universal constant kinetic flow of compounding DNA in sequence to appearance of ancestral positions directly proportionate to global population of each species in the food chain o this atmosphere living separate lifetimes now.

why is it those keeping secrets mislead those willing to believe anything is possible for a fee, then tell them nobody knows how life actually works timed apart now occupying space as one of a kind here. All the deflection, distortion, disruption, destruction against non compliant individuals by mob rule demanding possibilities rather than understanding of absolute results sharing the moment as ancestrally passing through living one reproductive cycle at a time compounding into those still adapting between max of 5 generations deep to ancestrally here.

why do people conceived as unique individuals that never existed before conceived and never stay the same form as arrived a fertilized cell evolving until decomposed. 7.8 billion existing as timed apart here.

You ignore how life works in plain sight and within all the intellectual governing for better tomorrows 90% of the population is in distress over race, creed, color, national origin, gender bias, gender preference, human rights, rank in social order, political leaning, spiritual conviction to character counts and genetic displacement doesn't matter on the higher intellectual plane while genetically mutually evolving in plain sight.

Honesty is rare and always ignored. 2,021 years ago there was this one guy................shame the history doesn't reflect what he was actually teaching social identities about since the western world's super power nailed his ass to a cross to only 300 years later use his story to convert from a political state of mind to spiritual contextual soul saving institution that converts reproductive sole displacements from using their individual brain into working as one mind 5 generations deep.

Power of suggestion corrupted into persuasion of power through "Do as we say, not as we govern, or else.".
Or in gods, plural. My husband is an atheist. He is not a polytheist. A Hindu would be an example of a polytheist; he would not be an atheist. Poly = many. Atheism is the absence of a belief in deity, period, whether one or many.

I think the distinction between monotheism and polytheism is less obvious than is commonly thought.

Christianity looks vaguely polytheistic to some other faiths because of the Holy Trinity and the veneration of saints.

Vishnu, Shiva, and the other Hindu deities are just expressions of the one universal God, the eternal spririt, Brahman.
I think the distinction between monotheism and polytheism is less obvious than is commonly thought.

Christianity looks vaguely polytheistic to some other faiths because of the Holy Trinity and the veneration of saints.

Vishnu, Shiva, and the other Hindu deities are just expressions of the one universal God, the eternal spririt, Brahman.

Well said.

One thing I noticed when I went from one mainstream Xtian religion (Lutheran) to a brief sojourn with fundies, and then back to mainstream for a while (Catholic) is how the mainstream ones don't pay much heed to the Holy Spirit aspect of the Trinity. God and his son Jesus are "real" to them, but the third aspect is not. In fact in the flavor of Lutheran we were brought up in, it was called "it" and was also called the "Holy Ghost" (which always made me think of Casper lol). But the fundies love them some Holy Spirit and it's as "real" to them as the other two.

Definitely Christianity is polytheist, although like the Hindus they try to blend Jesus and Jehovah together so as not to appear that way.
Well said.

One thing I noticed when I went from one mainstream Xtian religion (Lutheran) to a brief sojourn with fundies, and then back to mainstream for a while (Catholic) is how the mainstream ones don't pay much heed to the Holy Spirit aspect of the Trinity. God and his son Jesus are "real" to them, but the third aspect is not. In fact in the flavor of Lutheran we were brought up in, it was called "it" and was also called the "Holy Ghost" (which always made me think of Casper lol). But the fundies love them some Holy Spirit and it's as "real" to them as the other two.

Definitely Christianity is polytheist, although like the Hindus they try to blend Jesus and Jehovah together so as not to appear that way.

My impression is that the fundamentalist Protestants are keen on a personal relationship with Jesus. I think that whole speaking in tongues act is supposed to be when a person is gripped by the holy spirit.

It seems to me that in Catholicism and Eastern Christianity, there is no expectation of a direct, personal relationship with Jesus, and their experience with the divine is mediated by sacrament, ritual, and tradition. I do not think they get gripped by "the holy ghost" the way bible thumpers do
My impression is that the fundamentalist Protestants are keen on a personal relationship with Jesus. I think that whole speaking in tongues act is supposed to be when a person is gripped by the holy spirit.

It seems to me that in Catholicism and Eastern Christianity, there is no expectation of a direct, personal relationship with Jesus, and their experience with the divine is mediated by sacrament, ritual, and tradition. I do not think they get gripped by "the holy ghost" the way bible thumpers do

That's a good summation of it. Catholics can pray directly to Jesus, but more typically they ask a saint to intercede on their behalf. Jesus is a busy guy, after all. Protestants in general, not just the fundies, pray directly to Jesus and desire that personal relationship with Him. God the Father is seen as a stern and rather distant being; Jesus is his emissary to us here on Earth and is seen as divine yet one of us.

This must seem pretty confusing to a non-Christian.
My impression is that the fundamentalist Protestants are keen on a personal relationship with Jesus. I think that whole speaking in tongues act is supposed to be when a person is gripped by the holy spirit.

It seems to me that in Catholicism and Eastern Christianity, there is no expectation of a direct, personal relationship with Jesus, and their experience with the divine is mediated by sacrament, ritual, and tradition. I do not think they get gripped by "the holy ghost" the way bible thumpers do

My brain interprets any form of contextual supreme being or beings of pure intellect is man made concepts to keep people lost in speculation about evolving process separating the time each reproduction occupies space is living in the moment here specifically as conceived to decomposed.

Governance within the species by any means imaginable by ancestors within the population here now always changing form since shaped at conception as a single cell evolves to the body at birth to dead expanding shape and form with death being the point of reversing the growth since conceived.

The great debate always going on, what if we try this and what about everyone else trying something else to avoid allowing everyone equal understanding of the main event life exists mutually evolving here now. Power of suggestion mutated to absolute power of "we say so and let nob one stand in the way of the people believing in better tomorrows than genetics sustained so far.".

Only thing I found instinctively that links the universe to existing with perpetual motion has specific limitations to maintain universal balancing separating ancestries adapting to the moment until great great grandchildren stop being added ever again. This is a direct relativity to thermodynamics, universal constants of nothing stays the same form as shaped in combination of 3's creating 7 degrees of separating each as a constantly evolving total sum universe evolving as spontaneously timed apar occupying space simultaneously here.

That makes time the event horizons shared by each results present inception to conception next generation until no more next generations added. Rationalizing real into type cast individual events projected into grammatic time line scenarios kind of demeanishes actual into intellectually created facts that aren't designed to teach everyone about everything their is to understanding about the simple compounding kinetics of evolving here now.

Purpose vs reason. Reasoning to establish doubt, Doubt to create an advantage for a few misdirecting the majority to believe nobody can comprehend the vastness of being eternally separated now. back to power of suggestion corrupted into persuasion of "We say so.".

History of humanity supports my observation watching orchestrated chaos by organized doubt governing tomorrows when living is physically limited to only evolving reproductions occupying space mutually evolving here now as I am proportionately alive. It is the singularity of compounding DNA mergers making each of the 7,8 billion homo sapien lifetimes uniquely here in plain sight, relative time, mutually living as one of a kind. naturally equally created. It reverse engineers combined DNA back to point of origin to inception of life in this atmosphere.

Kinetic physical absolutes framed by molecular migration of this planets DNA, molecular periodic elements eroding and decomposing finite matter into infinite combinations never duplicated twice. Binary code of 0 or 1.
The first distinction is between monotheism and polytheism
Whether there is one God or many.

The second distinction is between a personal God or impersonal God.
A personal God has features of human consciousness. An impersonal God is a principle or activity.

Third is God as creator or God as a being.
A creator makes the world itself. God as a being is not the cause of the universe.

For example, an atheist could deny monotheism but be a polytheist.

The first "distinction" is not a distinction at all...but is simply recognition of the truth.

Either at least one god exists...or no gods exist. (**When I use the word "god" I mean "The entity (or entities) responsible for the creation of what we humans call 'the physical universe'...IF THERE IS SUCH AN ENTITY.")

One can blindly guess at least one does exist...or one can blindly guess that none do. There is nowhere near enough unambiguous evidence upon which to make a meaningful the guess MUST be what we call "a blind one."

So flip a coin, if you must make a guess. Or don't.

Using a label like "atheist" makes no sense, because it can describe all kinds of positions on the question. About the only thing all atheists seem to have in common is that a person using that self-applied designation either blindly guesses that there are no gods...or blindly guesses that it is more likely that there are no gods. Rather than using the label "atheist" one should simply describe one's position.
The first distinction is between monotheism and polytheism
Whether there is one God or many.

The second distinction is between a personal God or impersonal God.
A personal God has features of human consciousness. An impersonal God is a principle or activity.

Third is God as creator or God as a being.
A creator makes the world itself. God as a being is not the cause of the universe.

For example, an atheist could deny monotheism but be a polytheist.

Sure. Make up whatever you like. I'm starting my own church: Panentheist Zen Gnostic Christian (PZGC). Taking donations now. :thup: