How to think about God.

your reality depends upon it, my biological time mutually evolving as genetics are eternally separated results in plain sight here now doesn't. I don't have to save the planet or humanity, I get to just adapt in the moment my body never stays total sum arrived so far.

Civility survives, civic minded pride destroys the ground people need to survive upon expecting better days tomorrow when all sides won't allow honesty to reach public debate.
Your cheese is all the way off the cracker, son. That or you only post when you're high on heavy drugs.

BTW, don't drop acid then go to Walmart.

I don't try to be honest, I am honest about how I am equally created as proportionately alive as your sole position within the population mutually evolving now. sure I may have more or less talent to deceive as you, but I remain honest about how and why life does what society is doing within one species pretending to be chosen people rather than just another species occupying time one ancestor compounding generations until extinction event occurs.

Extinction event is great great grandchildren aren't ever added again.
Stay in school, kid. Don't do drugs.

why is your analogy contextually symbolic rather than genetic related?

Reality based. I could teach you a lot about reality in a boxing ring, kid.

BTW, if you ever think you can fly, I suggest you do it from the ground fly first or off the high dive at a swimming pool. Please don't be a fucking moron and try it off the roof of a 10 story building. TIA
Reality based. I could teach you a lot about reality in a boxing ring, kid.

BTW, if you ever think you can fly, I suggest you do it from the ground fly first or off the high dive at a swimming pool. Please don't be a fucking moron and try it off the roof of a 10 story building. TIA

reality based vs genetically based as populating time here now, which one is full of speculating what else is possible tomorrow and the other lifetimes actively speculating what else is possible tomorrow?

what I debunk in intellectual promises I explain working in real time. nobody else has ever done that.
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reality based vs genetically based as populating time here now, which one is full of speculating what else is possible tomorrow and the other lifetimes actively speculating what else is possible tomorrow?

Three rounds, kid. I guarantee it would be a memorable experience.
I won't have to last one round. your reality has been debunked already. just few billion people won't accept it yet.

Whatever, kid. Just remember what I said about attempting to fly away from this reality: start from the ground. Don't be a dumbass and do it from the top of a building.
Whatever, kid. Just remember what I said about attempting to fly away from this reality: start from the ground. Don't be a dumbass and do it from the top of a building.

I am one male mutually evolving with the time I get conceived to dead with no delusions of being super human or chosen exception to naturally timed apart now.

Seem you are, why won't you accept biology limits reproductions to sharing space while timed apart now? Your time is money philosophy become worth less to institutions selling hope, faith, charity using other people's sacrificed time making idealists dreams come to fruition.
I am one male mutually evolving with the time I get conceived to dead with no delusions of being super human or chosen exception to naturally timed apart now.

Seem you are, why won't you accept biology limits reproductions to sharing space while timed apart now? Your time is money philosophy become worth less to institutions selling hope, faith, charity using other people's sacrificed time making idealists dreams come to fruition.

The acceleration due to gravity = 9.8meters (32') per second per second. About 21.8MPH. 32' is about 3 stories. A flailing or floppy clothed body would fall slightly slower. Strip, shave and grease yourself up and diving would increase one's speed. Due to the variables, most experts recommend a minimum of a 10 story building as assuredly being fatal barring hitting something on the way down. A normal fall off a 10-story building is a 2.6 second "flight" with an impact speed of over 56MPH. A naked jumper diving might be able to bring that speed up significantly.

The acceleration due to gravity = 9.8meters (32') per second per second. About 21.8MPH. 32' is about 3 stories. A flailing or floppy clothed body would fall slightly slower. Strip, shave and grease yourself up and diving would increase one's speed. Due to the variables, most experts recommend a minimum of a 10 story building as assuredly being fatal barring hitting something on the way down. A normal fall off a 10-story building is a 2.6 second "flight" with an impact speed of over 56MPH. A naked jumper diving might be able to bring that speed up significantly.

I believe I have been banned from threads by the OP. Nobody likes their realities debunked. thing is after having them debunked all one has left is real time.
I believe I have been banned from threads by the OP. Nobody likes their realities debunked. thing is after having them debunked all one has left is real time.

What does your reality say about you being banned?

Some people don't like "their realities debunked" but most of them are nutjobs.
What does your reality say about you being banned?

Some people don't like "their realities debunked" but most of them are nutjobs.

I don't have a reality, I have the real time I am adapting in time occupying space here as me, not contextual maybe a character serving humanity's theaters of doubt real cannot be limited to biology with thermodynamics actually keeps ancestors evolving as part of the whole species never same form or people added so far.

Realities are social justifications to play type cast people in rule of law scenarios all laws are geared to punish anyone questioning possibilities aren't greater than actual results here when results going on inflict more misery, mayhem, madness than correct the corrupted power of suggestion bastardized into we the people say so power of persuasion protecting human rights to ignore biology sustains eternal separation of replacements occupying space now..
I don't have a reality, I have the real time I am adapting in time occupying space here as me, not contextual maybe a character serving humanity's theaters of doubt real cannot be limited to biology with thermodynamics actually keeps ancestors evolving as part of the whole species never same form or people added so far.

Realities are social justifications to play type cast people in rule of law scenarios all laws are geared to punish anyone questioning possibilities aren't greater than actual results here when results going on inflict more misery, mayhem, madness than correct the corrupted power of suggestion bastardized into we the people say so power of persuasion protecting human rights to ignore biology sustains eternal separation of replacements occupying space now..

You don't need me to teach you about reality, just close your eyes and step off the roof of a one-story building. I can predict the result. :)
You don't need me to teach you about reality, just close your eyes and step off the roof of a one-story building. I can predict the result. :)

the irony here is I will be the one considered off topic about God discussing how biology keeps ancestors eternally separated while occupying space here, and you post crap about me jumping off roofs or beating the crap out of me in 3 rounds trying to caricaturize me as out of my brain like you mind social consensus/narratives cradle to grave.
The first distinction is between monotheism and polytheism
Whether there is one God or many.

The second distinction is between a personal God or impersonal God.
A personal God has features of human consciousness. An impersonal God is a principle or activity.

Third is God as creator or God as a being.
A creator makes the world itself. God as a being is not the cause of the universe.

For example, an atheist could deny monotheism but be a polytheist.

For me, the ideal solution is to not think about it.
For others, it could be different.