Howdy folks

Because you and evince aren't smart enough to do it yourselves? Do you think Google is a Russian bot?

Because desh and I aren't the one who made the claims.

Strange how you don't believe a person who makes unfounded allegations should have to back them up with proof.

I guess that means I am free to post whatever I like whether I have proof or not, and it's up to you to prove me wrong.
You are a poser and poorly voiced at that.

Don't just make claims. Back them up. Give me a why. Be able to point out flaws in my thinking. Otherwise, as I'm sure you've already figured out from your own life, no one is going to take anything you say seriously.
I am an anarchist. I do not support the existence of any government. That bad actors exist in the world doesn't change that.

Anarchists...are people who claim to be anarchists...

...but who live in environments that are safe to live in, rather than in areas that actually are anarchistic.

Anarchists...are people who claim to be anarchists...

...but who live in environments that are safe to live in, rather than in areas that actually are anarchistic.


What's sad are people like yourself that think they have some self-appointed authority to initiate force against another. Unfortunately, you have encompassed the entire livable planet's surface, and turned it into a shithole.
What's sad are people like yourself that think they have some self-appointed authority to initiate force against another. Unfortunately, you have encompassed the entire livable planet's surface, and turned it into a shithole.

Like I said, Anarchon...

...Anarchists are people who label themselves anarchists in places and environments that are governed and safe rather than in places where anarchy is the norm. Most, like you apparently, do not have anywhere near the balls to move to where anarchy (or close to it) prevails.

Said another way: You anarchists are full of shit.
Like I said, Anarchon...

...Anarchists are people who label themselves anarchists in places and environments that are governed and safe rather than in places where anarchy is the norm. Most, like you apparently, do not have anywhere near the balls to move to where anarchy (or close to it) prevails.

Said another way: You anarchists are full of shit.

Cowardly as well
Like I said, Anarchon...

...Anarchists are people who label themselves anarchists in places and environments that are governed and safe rather than in places where anarchy is the norm. Most, like you apparently, do not have anywhere near the balls to move to where anarchy (or close to it) prevails.

Said another way: You anarchists are full of shit.

You've avoiding the point. Tu quoque fallacy. You're avoiding the immorality of your own position by trying to say that mine is full of shit.
You've avoiding the point. Tu quoque fallacy. You're avoiding the immorality of your own position by trying to say that mine is full of shit.

Well then...fuck morality as well as fuck you.

Bottom line: EVERY ANARCHIST POSTING ON THE a person who labels him/herself as an anarchist in places and environments that are governed and safe...rather than in places where anarchy is the norm. Most, like YOU, avoid anarchy like the plague...and are nothing but big mouths pretending to advocate for anarchy...but without the balls to go anywhere near it.

Said another way (and thank you for the opportunity to repeat this, Anarchon):

Thank you for summing up statism.

And for the record, there's nothing safe about a "governed environment." It is institutionalized violence.

YOU are the one claiming you want anarchy.

You can easily have it. There are MANY areas of the world that are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more anarchistic than right here. where you are.

As I said earlier:

EVERY ANARCHIST POSTING ON THE a person who labels him/herself as an anarchist in places and environments that are governed and safe...rather than in places where anarchy is the norm. Most, like YOU, avoid anarchy like the plague...and are nothing but big mouths pretending to advocate for anarchy...but without the balls to go anywhere near it.

As I also said earlier:

YOU are the one claiming you want anarchy.

You can easily have it. There are MANY areas of the world that are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more anarchistic than right here. where you are.

As I said earlier:

EVERY ANARCHIST POSTING ON THE a person who labels him/herself as an anarchist in places and environments that are governed and safe...rather than in places where anarchy is the norm. Most, like YOU, avoid anarchy like the plague...and are nothing but big mouths pretending to advocate for anarchy...but without the balls to go anywhere near it.

As I also said earlier:


Not that I agree there is anywhere on the livable earth that is anarchistic anymore (that died with the pioneering of the West, and that's why they did get away from government), but even if there were, why should I be the one that moves? You're the asshole. You have no more legitimate claim of authority over me than I do you.
Not that I agree there is anywhere on the livable earth that is anarchistic anymore (that died with the pioneering of the West, and that's why they did get away from government), but even if there were, why should I be the one that moves? You're the asshole. You have no more legitimate claim of authority over me than I do you.

Hey, Asshole!

I didn't say you should move to someplace that is anarchistic. But, if you actually feel the way you are pretending to feel...THERE ARE PLACES THAT ARE MUCH, MUCH, MUCH CLOSER TO BEING ANARCHISTIC...and you could move there. (The Amazon basin, the Australian Outback, Somalia...for instance.)


That is because you are full of shit...and are just talking the talk rather than walking the walk.

I love it here. That is why I am staying.

YOU are the one complaining.

YOU have an move where things are closer to anarchism.

YOU are not going to move...because YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT.

By the way...I do agree that neither of us has authority over the other. But both of us, by choosing to live HERE...agree to be governed...and the laws of our nation do have authority over both of us.
But both of us, by choosing to live HERE...agree to be governed...and the laws of our nation do have authority over both of us.

I'm telling you flat-out that I don't consent. I didn't sign your social contract.

If mobsters demand protection money from your neighborhood, and you don't move, it doesn't mean you approve of their actions.