Howdy folks

One excuse after another why you won't link everyone up to the proof you claim is out there.

If they were genuine, then you'd be EAGER to link up to them.

So let me understand this; you don't think all those Democrats made those statements? Why don't you prove it by simply taking one and show how they didn't say what they said?

Oh wait; never mind. That would take efforts and the only thing you're capable of is parroting the baloney you are fed from leftist blogs. :laugh:
So let me understand this; you don't think all those Democrats made those statements? Why don't you prove it by simply taking one and show how they didn't say what they said?

Oh wait; never mind. That would take efforts and the only thing you're capable of is parroting the baloney you are fed from leftist blogs. :laugh:

Again, it's not my job to prove anything.

It's YOUR JOB to prove the claims you made.

This thread is now 10+ pages and you've done nothing but evade and continually stall.
Again, it's not my job to prove anything.

It's YOUR JOB to prove the claims you made.

This thread is now 10+ pages and you've done nothing but evade and continually stall.

You really are an ignorant moron aren't you snowflake? I gave you the quotes, you prove they aren't actual quotes asshat. You and the equally stupid Evince are the one's who don't believe ACTUAL quotes from REAL people. You make your fucking case asswhipe.

Nothing says MORON more than an asshat who insists everyone else prove THEM wrong. STFU shit-for-brains.
Nah, not stupid at all, just wackadoodle.
This must be one he'll of a big village for all the idiots inconservatard stripe though.
For example the OP who hates liberals yet claims an extreme left belief system.

Anarchism is neither right nor left, it's south.
You think mankind is wired for anarchy?

Good question. And, the answer is "no," at our lowest level needs. However, we do have higher level needs where morality becomes important. Just as we've transcended certain behaviors that were natural in the past, we can transcend political slavery in the future.
A society free of government (which represents class dominance nowadays) is the common aim of most people who have ever considered the matter seriously, I think. The problem is how to achieve it. In the Ukraine and Spain, to take the most obvious examples, promising directly-anarchist experiments were overthrown by various kinds of nasties, and those who pointed out that only a Party could pass on experience and make revolution found that in wartime conditions the Party quickly turned into an oppressive body, creating reaction under new names. Direct proletarian democracy doesn't easiiy seem to function under wartime conditions. I find myself wondering whether a purely pacific approach to these matters could possibly work. The only serious argument for that was Ghandi, and the later development of India doesn't leave one hopeful. Obviously capitalism will destroy us all within a very short time, so what do others think?