Howdy folks

try backing your claim with verifiable facts

Why would I do that when I showed you how to do it yourself? You can find links via google. Either you lack the computer skills, or you are afraid to have those quotes validated. More likely both.

I don't care that you will never accept those quotes. They are genuine. I don't even know why it matters so much to you. The intelligence services and others created those lies, and at the time, most everyone believed them.

Settle down. :palm:

The December 1998 bombing of Iraq (code-named Operation Desert Fox) was a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets from 16 December 1998, to 19 December 1998, by the United States and the United Kingdom. The contemporaneous justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions and its interference with United Nations Special Commission inspectors.
The operation was a major flare-up in the Iraq disarmament crisis. The stated goal of the cruise missile and bombing attacks was to strike military and security targets in Iraq that contributed to Iraq's ability to produce, store, maintain, and deliver weapons of mass destruction. The bombing campaign had been anticipated since February 1998 and incurred wide-ranging criticism and support, at home and abroad.[3] Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates initially announced they would deny the U.S. military the use of local bases for the purpose of air strikes against Iraq.[4]

did Clinton bomb Iraq?

did Clinton bomb Iraq?

The December 1998 bombing of Iraq (code-named Operation Desert Fox) was a major four-day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets from 16 December 1998, to 19 December 1998, by the United States and the United Kingdom. The contemporaneous justification for the strikes was Iraq's failure to comply with United Nations Security Council resolutions and its interference with United Nations Special Commission inspectors.
The operation was a major flare-up in the Iraq disarmament crisis. The stated goal of the cruise missile and bombing attacks was to strike military and security targets in Iraq that contributed to Iraq's ability to produce, store, maintain, and deliver weapons of mass destruction. The bombing campaign had been anticipated since February 1998 and incurred wide-ranging criticism and support, at home and abroad.[3] Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates initially announced they would deny the U.S. military the use of local bases for the purpose of air strikes against Iraq.[4]

did Clinton bomb Iraq?

I documented the facts I cited

why are you too lazy?

you cant give us a time in mankinds history which bolsters your idiot ideas to prove they have any merit?

geee Im soo surprised

warning: this posts contains sarcasm

Anarchists are always beset by government. I don't think you want to review the record of government throughout history for merit.
if in the entire history of mankind your ideas have NEVER produced the results you claim they will produce why should anyone believe the fucking spittle dribbling out of your gob?

I am a free man beset by assholes, like yourself, that believe they have some authority over me. I can't help that you assholes exist, especially when you grow so large and organized. I can only make sure I'm not one of them.
I wish they could. is heavy-handed on censorship.

I know. I was there also.

One of the guys here argued that "all of the debate forums are the same."

I challenged him to go to DebatePolitics (and two other sites) and post some of the comments posted here.

I never heard back from him.
Holy shit. How did you manage to turn on that computer? Did someone do it for you?

And you're right; it's becoming obvious in your case your lack of logic has nothing to do with your X chromosomes...though I do think you have an extra chromosome 21.

by tommorrow you will realize the only way to deal with her is to place her on full ignore.....before that happens she will accuse you of voter fraud, misogyny, racism, and probably bestiality....
I wish they could. is heavy-handed on censorship.

well just to make welcome, you're a might get along well here......we have a special niche for people who are dickheads, but don't take themselves seriously.....
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