How's Obamacare working out for ya?

How's Obamacare treating you so far?

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There is no direct correlation between Obamacare and the raising of premiums.

It's your OPINION and nothing more.
An Obamacare mandate is 'free' preventative care -- which costs are paid by the premiums of consumers paying full freight for premiums.

That's a fact, Jack.

There is no direct correlation between Obamacare and the raising of premiums.

It's your OPINION and nothing more.

That is right puddin. There is never any direct correlation to Obamas failures in your mind. He is your king and you will bow down in deference regardless what your eyes tell you

He could probably come along and bang your wife like Caligula and you would feel proud
That is right puddin. There is never any direct correlation to Obamas failures in your mind. He is your king and you will bow down in deference regardless what your eyes tell you

He could probably come along and bang your wife like Caligula and you would feel proud

Newsflash, Zippy. Obamacare isn't what the president wanted. It's all the idiot republicans in congress would agree to. Therein lies the failure.
An Obamacare mandate is 'free' preventative care -- which costs are paid by the premiums of consumers paying full freight for premiums.

That's a fact, Jack.
Why the fuck are you trolling? You're just insulting peoples intelligence. Hell even a third grade graduate of an Alabama public school knows that covering preventative care pays for it self by preventing or detecting chronic conditions before they become acute and end up costing all consumers far, far, far more than the cost for prenatal care, general physicals, cancer screenings, heart screenings, etc, etc.

In fact it goes without saying that covering preventative care saves health service and insurance companies substantial sums, as well as, going a long way towards reducing overall cost in the system and not to mention the humanity of improving health outcomes and quality of life for vast numbers of peoples.

That's pretty well all common sense and common knowledge.....but I forgot......people like you never mastered 2nd grade Alabama math so you need to have it explained to you.
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Why the fuck are you trolling? You're just insulting peoples intelligence. Hell even a third grade graduate of an Alabama public school knows that covering preventative care pays for it self by preventing or detecting chronic conditions before they become acute and end up costing all consumers far, far, far more than the cost for prenatal care, general physicals, cancer screenings, heart screenings, etc, etc.

In fact it goes without saying that covering preventative care saves health service and insurance companies substantial sums, as well as, going a long way towards reducing overall cost in the system and not to mention the humanity of improving health outcomes and quality of life for vast numbers of peoples.

That's pretty well all common sense and common knowledge.....but I forgot......people like you never mastered 2nd grade Alabama math so you need to have it explained to you.
If your premise is that doctor's are providing preventative care for 'free', you are sorely mistaken. Doctors still get paid for the 'free care' you think you're getting, but it's being paid for by increased premium rates on consumers. That is the fact which you cannot dispute, hence your emotion-laden meltdown about 'me'.

Maybe some quiet time with your Obammy blow-up doll is in order. Obot?

It is what it is........
If your premise is that doctor's are providing preventative care for 'free', you are sorely mistaken. Doctors still get paid for the 'free care' you think you're getting, but it's being paid for by increased premium rates on consumers. That is the fact which you cannot dispute, hence your emotion-laden meltdown about 'me'.

Maybe some quiet time with your Obammy blow-up doll is in order. Obot?

It is what it is........
Strawman....I guess that's all you have when you don't understand arithmetic. First no one ever said Doctors had to pay for our preventative care but you and you are divorced from reality. Second all available data demonstrates resoundingly that preventative care improves both outcomes and costs. Didn't they teach you this kind of basic arithmetic from the grade school you dropped out of?
Strawman....I guess that's all you have when you don't understand arithmetic. First no one ever said Doctors had to pay for our preventative care but you and you are divorced from reality. Second all available data demonstrates resoundingly that preventative care improves both outcomes and costs. Didn't they teach you this kind of basic arithmetic from the grade school you dropped out of?

The retards don't understand that once Obamacare's implemented, the insurance companies cannot charge for these services, that's why they're jacking up all the rates they can now.

The President and Democrats in Congress wanted a freeze on all price increases while the program was being implemented, the Republicans in Congress, backed by the health insurers and hospitals, refused.

Fact is, if Congress had passed what was originally envisioned we wouldn't be having this discussion and the insurers wouldn't have our national balls in their greedy little hands.
Strawman....I guess that's all you have when you don't understand arithmetic. First no one ever said Doctors had to pay for our preventative care but you and you are divorced from reality. Second all available data demonstrates resoundingly that preventative care improves both outcomes and costs. Didn't they teach you this kind of basic arithmetic from the grade school you dropped out of?
What is the money source for 'free' preventative care?

We are just beginning to pay for the disaster called Owebama Care. We will be paying a mint for less and lower quality care all some lazy fucks can sing "thank ye lawd jeebus o'bama, I gots me some free healf care!"

Stupid fuckstick.
If your premise is that doctor's are providing preventative care for 'free', you are sorely mistaken. Doctors still get paid for the 'free care' you think you're getting, but it's being paid for by increased premium rates on consumers. That is the fact which you cannot dispute, hence your emotion-laden meltdown about 'me'.

Incorrect, again. Doctors aren't paid by service rendered, care will no longer be paid for by episode, but by treatment plan. Overall, payments to doctors will increase under some plans (Medicaid) and decrease under others (insurance).

Here's the five changes to expect this year:

Health care reform in the coming year will go on a kind of shakedown cruise to test the seaworthiness of America's evolving health care system as it becomes more cost-conscious and quality-focused under the Affordable Care Act.

In 2012, the health insurance law, also known as Obamacare, linked Medicare payments to the quality rather than quantity of care, started penalizing health insurers that charge too much in administrative fees and executive bonuses, and began rewarding good doctors who save Medicare money.

Ahead in 2013, the law will attempt to strengthen America's health care safety net by increasing physician pay and expanding preventive care under Medicaid; bolstering the Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP; and launching more streamlined Medicare billing. State insurance exchanges to promote health plan comparison-shopping also face federal certification as they prepare for a scheduled opening in 2014.

Dr. Jeff Cain, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, says the continued emphasis on primary and preventive care is essential to effective reform.

"It's not a news flash that healthy people are cheaper to take care of than people who have diseases," he says. "One way we know we can cut costs and still maintain good quality is to have better primary care."

Finally, you and the other dumbfucks really need to read this before mimicking FOX News.

• ObamaCare is a hot button political issue and both sides of the isle will try to persuade you for or against it. Get THE FACTS on ObamaCare and American Health Care Reform.

• ObamaCare's goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens and to reduce the growth in health care spending.

• ObamaCare does not replace private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

• The Fact is ObamaCare gives 47 million women access to preventive health services and makes it illegal to charge women different rates than men. Get more ObamaCare Women's Health Services Facts

• ObamaCare gives seniors access to cheaper drugs, free preventive care, reforms Medicare Advantage, and closes the Medicare Part D 'donut hole. The AARP agrees, costs won't rise because of ObamaCare, if anything, the improvements to the system will decrease the average cost of health care for seniors.

• 1 in 2 Americans have a "pre-existing" condition they could be denied health insurance for. ObamaCare chips Away at pre-existing conditions until 2017 when there are no more preexisting conditions for anyone, including high-risk customers.

• 54 million Americans with private health insurance now have access to preventive services with no cost sharing due to the new minimum standards of ObamaCare.

• ObamaCare doesn't ration health care; it protects consumers from the health care rationing insurance companies have been doing for ages.

• ObamaCare reduces the growth in healthcare spending. The current $2.8 trillion U.S. healthcare system costs almost $9k a year for every man, woman, and child.

• Did your health insurance premium go up? The fact is ObamaCare enacted a number of consumer protections, including a rate review provision, where insurance companies have to justify rate hikes above 10% to your State and post details online immediately. Yet, many Americans are still seeing their premiums rise at alarming rates. Learn more about ObamaCare Insurance Premiums

• Other insurance reforms to curb the cost of premiums are already in effect as well. These include a Medical Loss Ratio policy and other accountability measures. Many more protections go into effect in 2014. So far, the average insurance premium has gone down. Americans saved $2.1 billion due to the new ObamaCare consumer protection provisions in 2012 alone.

• ObamaCare means 21 new taxes. Get the facts on how they will affect you, your family and your business. ObamaCare Taxes Facts

• ObamaCare states that "affordable insurance" means that you pay no more than 8% of your annual income on insurance.

• We've created a detailed ObamaCare Facts timeline of every protection, benefit, and tax laid out by the Affordable Care Act Bill from 2010 to 2022. Health Care Reform Timeline

• ObamaCare ensures that there are no out-of-pocket costs on patients receiving mammograms and colonoscopies which are two of the most widely used forms of preventive health care.

• ObamaCare's new Medicare Value-Based Purchasing Program means hospitals can lose or gain up to 1% of Medicare funding based on a quality v. quantity system. Hospitals are graded on a number of quality measures related to treatment of patients with heart attacks, heart failures, pneumonia, certain surgical issues, re-admittance rate, as well as patient satisfaction. ObamaCare Medicare

• ObamaCare's insurance reform helps to insure millions of Americans each year. 48.6 million Americans went without insurance during all of 2011, compared to 49.9 million in 2010. The rate of uninsured decreased from 16.3% to 15.7%, the biggest percentage drop since 1999 due to the Affordable Care Act.

• ObamaCare takes measures to prevent all types of discrimination in regards to your right to health care, including discrimination based on gender, income, and health issues.

• All Americans have the option to stay on their current healthcare plans. No one, including seniors, will be forced not to have healthcare. That's an ObamaCare fact.

• ObamaCare reforms and expands Medicaid to an estimated 15 million of our nation's poorest. That's 6.1 million less than the last estimate due to States opting-out out of providing coverage, despite 100% federal funding for the first 3 years and 90% thereafter. ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

• States will have to spend millions on Medicaid over the next ten years regardless of whether they implement Medicaid Expansion. However, states that do implement ObamaCare's Medicaid Expansion will reap billions in additional federal dollars.

• Obamacare mandates that Medicaid payments be raised to the same level Medicare pays doctors. While it varies from state to state, primary care physicians will see an average 73% pay increase. This will make it easier for new Medicaid recipients to find doctors willing to take Medicaid.

• 25 States have opted out of setting up a State Run Health Insurance Exchange. This leaves the federal tax payer responsible for providing care for their constituents. 19 are running State Exchanges, while 7 have set up Joint State / Federal Exchanges. Find out more about ObamaCare's State Run Exchanges

• ObamaCare makes it illegal for health insurance companies to terminate coverage for any reason aside from customer fraud.

• ObamaCare provides $20 billion in tax credits for as many as 4 million Small Businesses to offset the cost of purchasing insurance on the Health Insurance Exchanges.

• Medicare and Medicaid both help to prevent "price gauging" by hospitals. The reforms ObamaCare enacts help to strengthen these protections.

• Only the top 3% of small businesses will have to pay the additional 0.9% ObamaCare Medicare tax increase.

• Only .2% of businesses have over 50 employees and don't already offer insurance to full-time workers. Providing these folks with insurance is the only "employer mandate" in ObamaCare.

• Over half uninsured Americans are small business owners, employees or their dependents. Learn the Truth Behind the ObamaCare Small Business Taxes, How They Affect America's Biggest Job Creators.

• Want single payer? By 2017, states will be able to get a waiver to set up their own approved health care solution, as long as it meets the standards of ObamaCare.

• Starting OCT 2013, insurance companies will compete to be your healthcare provider via a health insurance exchange pool. This helps to decrease insurance premiums for all Americans.

• The CBO estimates 19 million Americans (of the 23 million estimated to use the exchange) will receive Tax Credits to Purchase Insurance on the Exchanges.

• Due to Tax Credits and up-front assistance, Americans making less than 400% of the FLP (roughly $88k for a family of 4) could see up to a 60% reduction in the cost of health insurance premiums.

• Employers can use SHOP, a part of the exchange, to purchase affordable coverage for their workers.

• Uninsured Americans cost the American healthcare system an additional $49 billion. Only 12% of uninsured families pay their hospital bills in full, this includes families making over $88k a year. These costs affect the rising cost of insurance premiums; ObamaCare helps to reduce this spending drastically.

• The cost of insurance premiums must be 8% or less of your modified adjusted gross income, when insurance goes on sale via the health insurance exchanges in 2014, to be considered affordable.

• ObamaCare allows newly insured Americans to choose any available participating primary care provider, OB-GYN, or pediatrician in their health plan’s network, or emergency care outside of the plan’s network, without a referral.

• ObamaCare prevents insurance companies from limiting the number of benefits a customer can receive in their lifetime.

• Members of Congress will purchase their health care through the health exchange like the rest of us (who chose not to opt out and pay a tax, are covered by Medicaid or choose to stay on their existing insurance) Get more facts about the ObamaCare Insurance Exchange

• In 2011, ObamaCare helped around 86 million Americans use free preventive services that had previously been subject to co-pays or deductibles.

• ObamaCare aims to improve community health care centers in an effort improve health care for those who cannot afford private health care.

• ObamaCare doesn't increase the deficit. It is projected to cut the deficit by over a trillion dollars over the next two decades.

• ObamaCare offers countless benefits and protections that have been rolling out since 2010 and continue into 2022. Find out more about the Benefits of ObamaCare

• In 2013, American employers with 25 or less full-time employees may receive tax breaks of up to 35% (25% non-profits) of the cost of their employees' insurance premiums. In 2014, it increases to 50% (35%).

• Employers with more than 50 employees must insure their workers or pay a tax (like the current state run unemployment and workers compensation programs)

• ObamaCare won't cause 650,000 jobs to be lost as some of its detractors say (the number isn't even in the CBO report on The Affordable Care Act). The often misrepresented quote stated that the only job loss ObamaCare may actually cause are from those who cut back their hours, since they will no longer have to rely on their jobs for their family's health care. In fact, most reports show that ObamaCare will create new jobs, especially in health care.

• Although ObamaCare hasn't resulted in job loss, the "employer mandate" has resulted in a number of full-time workers having their hours cut back to part time in order for employers to avoid providing their full-timers with health insurance.

• ObamaCare doesn't regulate health care, it regulates health insurance. What is ObamaCare?

• If an you or your family chooses not to purchase healthcare through the Online Health Insurance Exchange, they can still buy private insurance, get insurance through their employer, Medicare, or Medicaid. Those who chose to not purchase insurance will pay an income "penalty" tax to help cover the rest of us. In other words, it's a tax, not a mandate; no one is actually forcing you to have health insurance.

• Obamacare cuts $716 billion of waste from Medicare and reimbursements to private Medicare Advantage plans and reinvests it into Obama's health care reform. In other words $716 billion is saved and then $716 billion is reinvested back into ObamaCare and Medicare. Doctors and hospitals almost universally agree on this reform.

• 19 million Americans will receive tax credits to help pay for healthcare and most middle class Americans will actually save thousands on healthcare via tax cuts.

• The Affordable Care Act is sometimes called the ACA for short.

• ObamaCare reduces costs of premiums to millions of families and small businesses and provides billions dollars in tax relief – the largest middle class tax cut in health care in history.

• The healthcare industry, specifically doctors, will be rewarded for quality over quantity.

• The Affordable Care Act allows religious institutions to choose to be exempt from providing controversial contraception and reproductive health services to women. Multiple businesses have also received an exemption after taking the ruling to court.

• Although some businesses have won injunctions allowing them to avoid the "contraception mandate", there have been a number who have lost their cases including Hobby Lobby.

• The Affordable Health Care Act doesn't just focus on insurance, it also reforms the parts of the healthcare system that aren't working, or are costing the tax payer money. For example, by focusing on preventive measures instead of just treatment, ObamaCare will save tens of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of lives.

• The ObamaCare fact is the average American will save money under ObamaCare. In fact, many Americans are already paying less for health care services.

• ObamaCare cuts the national deficit by over two hundred billion dollars during it's first 10 years.

• ObamaCare aims to make it easier for small businesses to provide coverage to workers by offering Tax Credits to employers who enroll their workers in private healthcare plans.

• One of the main goals of ObamaCare is to ensure that all preventive care will be free on all insurance plans. Private insurance plans, that are grandfathered in and are all ready in place, may be exempt until they lose their grandfathered status.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: The "ObamaCare" Bill is currently signed into law. There are many people who would like to see ObamaCare repealed. If ObamaCare is repealed, tens of millions of Americans will be without proper health coverage, and insurance companies will continue to be able to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Without healthcare reform America will continue to suffer the consequences of a health care system controlled by private companies, whose bottom line is money and not health. Help ObamaCare Facts to spread the truth about President Obama's health care reform.
Why the fuck are you trolling? You're just insulting peoples intelligence. Hell even a third grade graduate of an Alabama public school knows that covering preventative care pays for it self by preventing or detecting chronic conditions before they become acute and end up costing all consumers far, far, far more than the cost for prenatal care, general physicals, cancer screenings, heart screenings, etc, etc.

Actually, the data does not show that. The data shows that it has no effect. But, you believe what you want to believe puddin. You will go runnin to your physician and when he says he "saw a blip" you will be all butthurt when you don't get that fancy shmancy test to make sure your itty bitty heart doesn't explode from the Widow Maker. That would be the left anterior descending artery which has a pretty high mortality rate once it is blocked from all of your years of eating Funyons.

But, please do try to be informed and stop repeating bullshit put in your brain by your dear leaders. There is no good reason for you to be willfully ignorant with the internet at your fingertips
Actually, the data does not show that. The data shows that it has no effect. But, you believe what you want to believe puddin. You will go runnin to your physician and when he says he "saw a blip" you will be all butthurt when you don't get that fancy shmancy test to make sure your itty bitty heart doesn't explode from the Widow Maker. That would be the left anterior descending artery which has a pretty high mortality rate once it is blocked from all of your years of eating Funyons.

But, please do try to be informed and stop repeating bullshit put in your brain by your dear leaders. There is no good reason for you to be willfully ignorant with the internet at your fingertips

lol...informed and he quotes the Daily Beast!

I'd probably wet my pants with glee if and when Obamacare's gone (won't happen) and ILA's most beloved dies after his health care plan refuses to threat that threatening disease because it's a pre-existing condition.
lol...informed and he quotes the Daily Beast!

I'd probably wet my pants with glee if and when Obamacare's gone (won't happen) and ILA's most beloved dies after his health care plan refuses to threat that threatening disease because it's a pre-existing condition.

The last refuge of the ignorant is criticizing the source gerbil lover.

As for my healthcare, I will be fine. I will pay the fine and I have concierge service with a wonderful primary care physician who makes house calls and does not treat deviants like you because he does not accept insurance.

Look it up. His practice is thriving.

The question for you and your deviant kind is whether AIDS drugs will be covered. I hope not.
Newsflash, Zippy. Obamacare isn't what the president wanted. It's all the idiot republicans in congress would agree to. Therein lies the failure.

OMG! Obamacare is now the Republicans fault. Where did the Obamites find such large and all encompassing blinders?
OMG! Obamacare is now the Republicans fault. Where did the Obamites find such large and all encompassing blinders?

You will have to forgive Howey. Years of deviant behavior has left him with diseases that have negatively impacted his cognitive abilities which werent that good to begin with.

It is funny that the fag says "that is all the GOP would agree to" when Obamacare didnt get one GOP vote. Can you believe how stupid the fag is?

There is no direct correlation between Obamacare and the raising of premiums.

It's your OPINION and nothing more.
Looks like ol' Zappster may be right on this one (though he probably has no idea why) ;)

Still, there's no proof that Obamacare IS NOT contributing to the pain. I've been hearing about some pretty deep cuts in paychecks

Here is Forbes' Obamacare forecast for 2013:
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