Humans are diverse!


Well-known member
I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure no two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.
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I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure now two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

It is about society and what laws we want, how to have a cohesive nation.
But humans are so diverse, the laws need to be incredibly, flexible, to apply
Coercion only when one’s actions would specifically harm another person.
But humans are so diverse, the laws need to be incredibly, flexible, to apply
Coercion only when one’s actions would specifically harm another person.

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains." The opening sentence of Rousseau's The Social Contract not only summarises his entire philosophical system, it also proves how important he still is today.

Written in 1762, The Social Contract

The idea has been around for a while.
Humans are indeed diverse,

in many cases sufficiently so to be incompatible.

We didn't draw our own blueprints.
It's not our fault.
Nevertheless, we are what we are,
and our differences are not always complementary.
I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure now two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

The problem is that as a society we have to make rules and laws that apply to everyone so even though we are different we need to find a common ground.

A anarchist society with all different types of people running around is not possible.
But humans are so diverse, the laws need to be incredibly, flexible, to apply
Coercion only when one’s actions would specifically harm another person.

Many laws have no room for flexibility.

Does a state institute a death penalty or not?

There are only two options there.

Should we base speed limits on how people were raised?

Should abortion be legal or not?

There really isn't any room for flexibility in laws.
I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure now two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

Some people want to drive 40 on the interstate some people want to drive 120 on the interstate that's why we have minimum and maximum speed limit laws

We don't cater to the minority that want to do 120 and we don't cater to the minority that want to do 40...they are told to fuck off
Humans are indeed diverse,

in many cases sufficiently so to be incompatible.

We didn't draw our own blueprints.
It's not our fault.
Nevertheless, we are what we are,
and our differences are not always complementary.

Where and in what way are cases of humans being incompatible?
The problem is that as a society we have to make rules and laws that apply to everyone so even though we are different we need to find a common ground.

A anarchist society with all different types of people running around is not possible.

I agree, but we do not need rules about what adults can marry what adults for example. We do not need to discriminate against a man who wants to dress and look like a woman. Some marriages are led by women and some men, no need to insist on it being always the men. (I know thats not a law) Kids should be taught that as long as it does not harm anyone they should be free to do as they feel they want to do.
Many laws have no room for flexibility.

Does a state institute a death penalty or not?

There are only two options there.

Should we base speed limits on how people were raised?

Should abortion be legal or not?

There really isn't any room for flexibility in laws.

Not all laws, but I would not be opposed to a speed limit based on how safe your car is. Death penalty is very inflexible but we do have lots of exceptions as to when and how it can be applied. Abortion is the same as death penalty, very few outright bans, but bans are acceptable for example later in term, unless the health of the mother is in question or the fetus is not viable.
I agree, but we do not need rules about what adults can marry what adults for example. We do not need to discriminate against a man who wants to dress and look like a woman. Some marriages are led by women and some men, no need to insist on it being always the men. (I know thats not a law) Kids should be taught that as long as it does not harm anyone they should be free to do as they feel they want to do.

And what if an adult male wants to look at child pornography should that be allowed?

It's technically not doing harm to anyone.

Per your logic people are diverse so they are the way they are.
Where and in what way are cases of humans being incompatible?

Just look at humans in prison humans are not compatible it's Mexicans with Mexicans blacks with blacks whites with whites

Blacks and whites in South Africa have never been compatible
We can't have different laws for different groups of people.

It simply wouldn't work.

We already do, and it works. I am over 16 so I am allowed to get a drivers license. I can afford insurance so I am allowed to drive a car. I have a legal education so I am allowed to practice law.
And what if an adult male wants to look at child pornography should that be allowed?

It's technically not doing harm to anyone.

Per your logic people are diverse so they are the way they are.

I think the production of child pornography does harm to the child. The fact that the person likes child porn is not my issue with the child porn.
Not all laws, but I would not be opposed to a speed limit based on how safe your car is. Death penalty is very inflexible but we do have lots of exceptions as to when and how it can be applied. Abortion is the same as death penalty, very few outright bans, but bans are acceptable for example later in term, unless the health of the mother is in question or the fetus is not viable.

But now you are going against your own OP by setting standards.

In your initial statement you said everyone was diverse and we need to accomodate those people and now you are adding in a bunch of "buts".

You say people should be allowed to have gay marriage because they believe in it yet you are ignoring those that believe it is wrong and it shouldn't be allowed.

They are diverse also.

You are picking a side here.