Humans are diverse!

I think the production of child pornography does harm to the child. The fact that the person likes child porn is not my issue with the child porn.

The fact that people like child porn is the problem to begin with... Without people liking it there would be no god

The people that like it is what drives the demand for the production
Some people are eager to make money, others could care less. Some people are eager to express themselves with art. Some are very sexual and others care not about sex, or only want one partner their entire lives, some what a bunch. Some people shave their hair while others never cut it. All of these things are acceptable, yet there is this constant idea that only my way is correct.

We see it in presidents, it was a HUGE deal that Ronald Regan was divorced.... No big deal at all that Trump was married three times and had a child out of wedlock. (Funny that both examples come from the Republican party that promotes 'traditional values'.
Religion is simply a belief system some chose to adopt, it should not be relevant to the law.

All of peoples opinions are relevant to the law.

That is how we form our laws.

Since 63% of the nation identifies as Christian how is that not important?
We already do, and it works. I am over 16 so I am allowed to get a drivers license. I can afford insurance so I am allowed to drive a car. I have a legal education so I am allowed to practice law.

Those are requirements anyone can meet, they don't apply to specific groups of people.
But now you are going against your own OP by setting standards.

In your initial statement you said everyone was diverse and we need to accomodate those people and now you are adding in a bunch of "buts".

You say people should be allowed to have gay marriage because they believe in it yet you are ignoring those that believe it is wrong and it shouldn't be allowed.

They are diverse also.

You are picking a side here.

Nobody should be required to marry a member of the same sex. Can you see the difference? The law should not prevent diverse situation. By allowing gay marriage you are not forcing it onto anyone, you are simply allowing different people to be part of the institution. It is not negatively affecting anyone to allow gay people to get married.
All of peoples opinions are relevant to the law.

That is how we form our laws.

Since 63% of the nation identifies as Christian how is that not important?

It should not be important to the law except they should be free to do as they please regarding their religion.

The law should only be there to protect people from directly harming others.
Those are requirements anyone can meet, they don't apply to specific groups of people.

No not anyone can get a drivers license, I have a good friend born with a "syndrome" he cant get a drivers license, and that is a good thing, because he would be very dangerous behind the wheel.

I know a lot of people who are too poor for insurance.

I know a lot of people not intelligent enough to even get a collage degree.
I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure now two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

You clearly don't know how computer operating systems work.

At their base, there's a BIOS or kernel. That is a fixed set of instructions that get the computer up and running. These can be used with many different operating systems.

The operating system is just a program laid on top of the BIOS, much like any other program. It's purpose is to manage the other programs, file system, etc., of the computer.

Then there's the hardware side of things. This is mostly fixed at the time the computer system is designed and assembled. While some modifications and additions are possible, these are definitely limited by the rest of the system's configuration. You can't just stuff any new memory card, video card, or whatever you want into any computer and expect it to work or work well. There are definite limits on all of that.

Then there's the top level programs. These are the ones you interface with the computer by. They vary the most and can be changed almost at will. Even then, they still have to be compatible with the operating system, just as the operating system has to be compatible with the BIOS.

The basic nature of how these things work hasn't significantly changed since the introduction of all-electronic, digital computers. Sure, compared to older electro-mechanical devices, and electronic analog computers, there are significant differences, but those older designs are all really much like dinosaurs and extinct today. There are other specialized systems like industrial computers using things like ladder logic or PID controllers but they are more like comparing elephants to people.

So, in an analogy to humans, there is a fixed base system that makes someone a human being. The operating systems available are few in number and only a select few of those are in widespread use. In fact, there are only really two really universal ones in use today: MS DOS / Windows / Edge which are variants and upgrades of the same operating system, and UNIX / LINIX a more stable and workable system for larger computers. There are some others, but they are rarities and specialized in use.

What varies is the top level programs. Humans like computers can be loaded with a variety of programming. This can change over time. Lots of changes in these programs, loading in ones that are marginally useful, lead to the system slowing down and being cluttered with garbage programs that no longer are valuable. In the analogy Jarod is trying to make, this would be nonsensical and made up sexual idiocies that are being crammed down people's throats as supposedly useful new programs when the result is they just clog up the system with garbage that runs nonsense.
We can't have different laws for different groups of people.

It simply wouldn't work.

Is a president above the law? Are SCOTUS justices above the law?

Should our president and our SCOTUS justices have ethics and follow the laws and code of ethics that all other politicians have to follow?

Or are they privileged characters and exempt?
Is a president above the law? Are SCOTUS justices above the law?

Should our president and our SCOTUS justices have ethics and follow the laws and code of ethics that all other politicians have to follow?

Or are they privileged characters and exempt?

Hunter must be
You clearly don't know how computer operating systems work.

At their base, there's a BIOS or kernel. That is a fixed set of instructions that get the computer up and running. These can be used with many different operating systems.

The operating system is just a program laid on top of the BIOS, much like any other program. It's purpose is to manage the other programs, file system, etc., of the computer.

Then there's the hardware side of things. This is mostly fixed at the time the computer system is designed and assembled. While some modifications and additions are possible, these are definitely limited by the rest of the system's configuration. You can't just stuff any new memory card, video card, or whatever you want into any computer and expect it to work or work well. There are definite limits on all of that.

Then there's the top level programs. These are the ones you interface with the computer by. They vary the most and can be changed almost at will. Even then, they still have to be compatible with the operating system, just as the operating system has to be compatible with the BIOS.

The basic nature of how these things work hasn't significantly changed since the introduction of all-electronic, digital computers. Sure, compared to older electro-mechanical devices, and electronic analog computers, there are significant differences, but those older designs are all really much like dinosaurs and extinct today. There are other specialized systems like industrial computers using things like ladder logic or PID controllers but they are more like comparing elephants to people.

So, in an analogy to humans, there is a fixed base system that makes someone a human being. The operating systems available are few in number and only a select few of those are in widespread use. In fact, there are only really two really universal ones in use today: MS DOS / Windows / Edge which are variants and upgrades of the same operating system, and UNIX / LINIX a more stable and workable system for larger computers. There are some others, but they are rarities and specialized in use.

What varies is the top level programs. Humans like computers can be loaded with a variety of programming. This can change over time. Lots of changes in these programs, loading in ones that are marginally useful, lead to the system slowing down and being cluttered with garbage programs that no longer are valuable. In the analogy Jarod is trying to make, this would be nonsensical and made up sexual idiocies that are being crammed down people's throats as supposedly useful new programs when the result is they just clog up the system with garbage that runs nonsense.

I think you took the analogy way to far, you are correct, I only have a layman's understanding of computers, and I think this one, like most analogies, falls apart when taken too far.

Clearly humans are much more complex than computers.
I think you took the analogy way to far, you are correct, I only have a layman's understanding of computers, and I think this one, like most analogies, falls apart when taken too far.

Clearly humans are much more complex than computers.

So who do u know that likes child porn? Since u have no issues with them
Is a president above the law? Are SCOTUS justices above the law?

Should our president and our SCOTUS justices have ethics and follow the laws and code of ethics that all other politicians have to follow?

Or are they privileged characters and exempt?

According the the current way we operate our justice system it appears that while serving as president, a president is above the law. I do not like that, but do not know a better way to prevent political interference with a political figure the other side does not like. It appears our populace currently is not willing to punish politicians who are willing to use the justice system in that way.

I think those in power should be forced to have a cannon of ethics that they are responsible for. Currently they are exempt.
I think you took the analogy way to far, you are correct, I only have a layman's understanding of computers, and I think this one, like most analogies, falls apart when taken too far.

Clearly humans are much more complex than computers.

Good analogies stand up to scrutiny. Yes, humans are more complex than computers, and the two are very different in how they are composed.
Good analogies stand up to scrutiny. Yes, humans are more complex than computers, and the two are very different in how they are composed.

I agree, but all analogies have limits, as does this one.

Do you think I am wrong about humanity and how we become who and what we are?
I agree, but all analogies have limits, as does this one.

Do you think I am wrong about humanity and how we become who and what we are?

I think the whole LGBTPDQRSTUV thing is more about a fraction of it along with the radical Left that goes along with anything not mainstream, are being vocal about something that doesn't need to be in society's face as one example. Where things have gone is that "fair and equal" no longer means just a level playing field where everyone has a shot, but rather a situation where-- to use a basketball analogy-- the tall players have their legs sawn off to make everyone exactly the same height.

In this insane world of the Left--and yes, it is the Left pushing this--fair and equal becomes robbing the rich to give to the poor, promoting stupid people into positions that require great intellect because otherwise it'd be unfair. In this insane world of the Left, anything goes so longs as everyone goes along with it. Those that don't are pilloried and punished for not agreeing to "fair and equal."