Humans are diverse!

Nobody should be required to marry a member of the same sex. Can you see the difference? The law should not prevent diverse situation. By allowing gay marriage you are not forcing it onto anyone, you are simply allowing different people to be part of the institution. It is not negatively affecting anyone to allow gay people to get married.

The institution of marriage was a religious one coopted by Governments. I wish you were smarter. Really, I do. :palm:
It should not be important to the law except they should be free to do as they please regarding their religion.

The law should only be there to protect people from directly harming others.

So, laws allowing drug use do not cause harm? Laws permitting people to live in our streets cause no harm? Dumb arguments as always.
we're not the idiots who demanded the government change the definition of marriage so you could marry your brother.......

Your idiocy is showing again.

to be clear are you speaking about southern States and inbreeding there with the brother comment?

The Government has always changed the definition of marriage as it is a made up thing by the government. So that means if they want to write what ages can marry and then change what ages can marry they can. If they want to write what races can marry and change what races can marry, they can.

And so on and so on.

For those not stupid like you, the addition of allowing gay people to marry IN NO WAY prevented hetero people from marrying.

The most stupid people on the right CRY that 'if we cannot stop you from marrying that is denying us the ability to do something we want to do which is stopping you from marrying'.

they then say that is being forced on them, meaning not allowing them to stop others is somehow an imposition on them.
Ignorance, coupled with ultimate selfishness, is when you brush aside the leading killer of our youth because you have this overstated sense of fear of being shot in the produce section of your local grocery store. It’s always about you, you, you, isn’t it, Nancy?

ROFL, I see you have retained all of your idiocy............If I haven't shot any of our youth, and don't intend to without cause, why should I have to give up my right to effective self defense? WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

are you going to cut off your penis to help prevent rape??????
what rights conflict? be EXACT

Sometimes The right to live conflicts with the right to bear arms. Sometimes The right to live conflicts with the right to free speech. Sometimes the right to live conflicts with the right to make medical decisions.
Sometimes The right to live conflicts with the right to bear arms. Sometimes The right to live conflicts with the right to free speech. Sometimes the right to live conflicts with the right to make medical decisions.

No, it does not. No, it does not. No, it does not. again, what individual rights conflict with other individual rights?
I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure no two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

This should not be in Current Events!! Rana is very quick to move posts from people she doesn't like, let's see her show that some evenhandedness for once.
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This should not be in Current Events!! Rana is very quick to move posts from people she doesn't like, let's see her show that some evenhandedness for once.

Who cares… It’s fairly current though considering how you Nazi are scared to death of anyone a little different than you.
never said it just fooled people into think a gay union was the same thing as a real marriage....

Once again i will educate you on the law.

A "real marriage" is whatever legislators say it is in their definition of it.

It has always changed and varies State to State.

No one group controls the definition. Allowing mixed race marriages did not deny same race marriages.

So again, you feeling that somehow you are victim of the government and the left imposing anything on you because they won't let you stop the gays from marrying is just the type of stupid reasoning that derps tell themselves.

It is devoid of logic and sense.