Hunter Biden takes a plea deal...

I couldn't care less if you agree or not.

You claim I hate black people and Jews. Where is this proof I hate them? Because of ONE pathetic mongrel? Not good enough, ignorant coward.

You're free to lie all you want, it's just some of us see right through your lies.

Poor inbred, maybe if your birth parents weren't sister and brother, just sayin '
I couldn't care less if you agree or not.

You claim I hate black people and Jews. Where is this proof I hate them? Because of ONE pathetic mongrel? Not good enough, ignorant coward.

You're free to lie all you want, it's just some of us see right through your lies.

That's a lie. You care very much.

More then just your racism and antisemitism with Guno, but that alone is enough, Arbie. It's good you didn't deny your misogynism. That's one less lie of yours.

You just admitted I wasn't lying, son. Who is "us"? How many people are sitting with you behind your little keyboard?
That's a lie. You care very much.

More then just your racism and antisemitism with Guno, but that alone is enough, Arbie. It's good you didn't deny your misogynism. That's one less lie of yours.

You just admitted I wasn't lying, son. Who is "us"? How many people are sitting with you behind your little keyboard?

Why don't you two queers go get a room, you lying cowards?
Why don't you two queers go get a room, you lying cowards?

Translation: You're right again, Dutch. I'm a racist, antisemitic, misogynistic homophobe who deserves a second heart attack to kill my little black heart.

Figures, Arbie. If you ever had a change of heart, maybe God wouldn't give you a second heart attack.
Translation: You're right again, Dutch. I'm a racist, antisemitic, misogynistic homophobe who deserves a second heart attack to kill my little black heart.

Figures, Arbie. If you ever had a change of heart, maybe God wouldn't give you a second heart attack.

No "translation," fag boy. You wouldn't understand it if there was one.

You wish me another heart attack? I'd wish you a painful death, but then, you should live this miserable lying and cowardly life of yours for years.
No "translation," fag boy. You wouldn't understand it if there was one.

You wish me another heart attack? I'd wish you a painful death, but then, you should live this miserable lying and cowardly life of yours for years.
Your anger and hatred are blinding you to the truth, son. It's not me that gave you your heart attack.

"If you ever had a change of heart, maybe God wouldn't give you a second heart attack."

It's your hatred that gave you your problems, Arbie.

No one has demonstrated that ancestors of slaves deserve anything. If they do, I deserve more.
Well, she could suck Willie Brown. Maybe she could become VP :thinking:
Not one of you liberals blames China for covering up their disease from the very start. And, it sure didn't come from a fucking fish market.
Your anger and hatred are blinding you to the truth, son. It's not me that gave you your heart attack.

"If you ever had a change of heart, maybe God wouldn't give you a second heart attack."

It's your hatred that gave you your problems, Arbie.


It's your lies and bullshit that gives you your problems, coward. You were never what you claim, now you're paying for it. Every day, all day on a internet political forum. Sucks to be you...
It's your lies and bullshit that gives you your problems, coward. You were never what you claim, now you're paying for it.

Every day, all day on a internet political forum. Sucks to be you...
What problems do you think I have, Arbie? You're the one that hates others and whines about race, Jews, women, etc.

I've been online for over 3 decades now. When I traveled for a living, being online allowed me to maintain contact with my friends on aviation and professional forums. I didn't get into political forums until around 2005. Being gone four days a week was fun, but when I was home, I didn't want to "go out". You're free to lie all you want, Arbie. You're free to be jealous of me, but if you want to cast accurate insults my way, "burnout" is closer to the truth rather than your fantasies of superiority.

I'm happy to stay home, piddle around the yard or shop, fool around on the Internet and catch up on TV shows I've missed. As you've seen on the Nice Thread or Cypress's threads, there's more to do online than stalk people calling them pussies and cowards as you often do.
Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. Though it’s most often caused by problems at work, it can also appear in other areas of life, such as parenting, caretaking, or romantic relationships.
What problems do you think I have, Arbie? You're the one that hates others and whines about race, Jews, women, etc.

I've been online for over 3 decades now. When I traveled for a living, being online allowed me to maintain contact with my friends on aviation and professional forums. I didn't get into political forums until around 2005. Being gone four days a week was fun, but when I was home, I didn't want to "go out". You're free to lie all you want, Arbie. You're free to be jealous of me, but if you want to cast accurate insults my way, "burnout" is closer to the truth rather than your fantasies of superiority.

I'm happy to stay home, piddle around the yard or shop, fool around on the Internet and catch up on TV shows I've missed. As you've seen on the Nice Thread or Cypress's threads, there's more to do online than stalk people calling them pussies and cowards as you often do.

Nice incoherent drivel there, Doc. You accuse me of the same thing you are guilty of. Blanket hatred. You think shooting all Trump supporters should be a sport. Can't get more hateful than that.

I've been on internet forums for probably less than a third as long as you. I occasionally frequent firearm and automotive forums, they have a wealth of useful information.
I really didn't spend that much time on them until I got my office job. Unless I was out in the shop making prototypes, I had lots of idle time. It didn't take me long to review
blueprints and order tooling. Amazon was the first political site I was on, then I came here.

I prefer to be outdoors shooting or spending time with my friends playing pool for a few hours. I like going to car shows on the weekends. The GF has her friends and grand kids.
They take up the time we aren't together. We went to Philly to see a concert the other week. I'll take her out for dinner when she gets home from work. This weekend is calling
for rain, so I won't get my car out and we'll do something together, even if it's just sitting around watching TV and eating pizza. I'm sure I'll be enlisted for grocery store duty :eek:
I've always been active, especially now since I had an excellent Dr. plumb me back together so could be active again. It wasn't an easy road, but I am truly grateful.