Hunter Biden takes a plea deal...

You wouldn't pay off...

This Form requires buyers to answer several questions, including those about the buyer's competency, criminal history, drug use, immigration status, and history with domestic violence. Applicants who knowingly make false statements may also face criminal prosecution for a felony and up to 10 years in federal prison.

There should never be a plea deal...Hunter, the son of the POTUS, should face 10 years for knowingly lying on the firearms document.

Tough shit, he isn't being charged. Who gives a shit, is he running for office? They would have dropped the charges against trump too if he had been smart enough face up to what he had done.
All you have to do now is get at least one conviction. In some ways I'm rooting for you people. Seven years of trying and nothing. Someone should write a kids book, The Little Engine That Couldn't". It would be important to teach kids that addiction to trump porn is bad for your brain.

Nothing? I suppose being found guilty of raping a woman in civil court and having to pay 5 million in restitution is nothing to a closet loving trump supporter like you.
If it was me or u on the gun charge....we be going to jail

So we should be soft on gun charges these days?

No you would not. Nobody has ever gone to jail for soley that charge. No prosecution in their right mind would bring that charge unless they had a half dozen others to go with it.
He won't see a day in prison for any of these charges, and I can't believe gun barrel strokers spent a year breathlessly bloviating about an improper firearm purchase

Really! I can only imagine what the right would be saying if their hero were charged with the same thing.
But not you for trump right? See this why you people arent entitled to any respect and are vermin.

Trump is someone who was and could again be my president. Do you not fucking see the difference between Hunter who is a fucking nobody who most don't give a shit about and a presidential candidate? Do you not see the difference between 2 misdemeanor tax charges and nearly 100 felonies? These 2 persons legal troubles are similar in what fucking way? You constantly do nothing but suck trumps dick while tring to claim he isn't your hero, it is truly laughable.
An illegal firearm purchase...a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

You gun grabbers should be incensed and you would be, were it not Biden's son.

naa, I would not give a shit, he was a druggie and I would not expect them to tell the truth. The mere fact he had already paid back every dime of taxes he owed means I would not expect him to do time either. Trump has cheated on his taxes to the tune of millions more than Hunter ever could, maybe he should go to prison for it?
The Burisma investigation is still pending.

The son of the POTUS is now a criminal who failed to file his tax form and lied on a federal firearm document.

A cocaine abuser and an embarrassment to the world.

You want an embarrassment to the world just look to the ex-president charged with nearly 100 felonies with more pending. You know, the guy who has to pay 5 million to the woman he was found guilty of raping in a dept store dressing room.

And with the exception of republicans in the house with their fake bullshit, there is no further ongoing investigation into Hunter or Burisma, no evidence.
I understand Hunter being a cocaine addict, lying on a federal firearm document, not filing income, Gecko?

Also using his father's influence to enrich himself and his criminal dad.

How about accepting a 5 million dollar bribe? Morality?

You mean the 5 million dollar bribe made up by the right for ignorant shitheads like you to parrot?
Indeed... this is far from over....

No, it's over, there is no other formal investigation into Hunter biden. Only shitheads in the House that are doing their best to keep something in the news about it for ignorant shitheads like you to parrot.
No, it's over, there is no other formal investigation into Hunter biden.

are you forgetting about the financial records of the Biden family members who received $20m funneled through a shell structure of LLCs......this isn't over until we identify where it came from and where it ended up......that doesn't end with a plea of drug use........
It's far from over..
There's so much left to investigate... let's be real here the money didn't fall from the sky into all those accounts... these plea deals certainly do prove that there are two sets of standards in our justice system though doesn't it?
are you forgetting about the financial records of the Biden family members who received $20m funneled through a shell structure of LLCs......this isn't over until we identify where it came from and where it ended up......that doesn't end with a plea of drug use........

Are you unaware of the fact what you are saying is utter bullshit and there is no evidence that any funds were fucking funneled anywhere?
Are you unaware of the fact what you are saying is utter bullshit and there is no evidence that any funds were fucking funneled anywhere?

I'm not aware of that at fact, I think you are lying and deflecting......cope....the disclosure forms show the money was went from somewhere TO somewhere.....are you saying government documents are unreliable......
Who derailed this thread to Trump?

Any one of us would be charged with a felony. Probably only a few months in jail, but still a felon.
Yeah, he got off light, especially how powerful and arrogant the IRS is. They're on you like stink on shit.
I never knew they come after you at your home in numbers...armed, locked and loaded.

Like I said, I'm not as concerned with Hunter's taxes, but where that money came from and why. I'm betting Vice Presidential influences.