Hunter Biden takes a plea deal...

One in accord with the crimes. 2 minor charges of not paying taxes and one of buying a gun while on drugs. How can the crime of the century judge allow a terrible lefty to escape Gitmo?
Republicans don't believe the wealthy should be chased down for back taxes. They're bragging about cutting $21 million from the IRS funding.

So shouldn't they be protesting that Biden was forced to take a deal? Isn't this a witch hunt?
You're a fucking liar.

Twitter above shows, or it doesn't...

That is a fucking joke. Hunter Biden was dismissed from military service for drug use. That gives him the equivalent of a prior criminal charge for drugs. Any normal person would be looking at at least a year in prison for lying on that form, along with a hefty fine in the thousands. It certainly would not be dropped.

What I see is the DOJ realizes that Bagman has become a serious liability to Joke's reelection and they want to get him out of the way and off the public's radar as much as possible. What the Democrats will do next--once Bagman has been convicted and the paperwork is done--will be to say in effect, "See, justice was served, and there's no need to investigate anything further with Hunter..."

This plea deal does NOTHING to address Bagman's illegal foreign lobbying, nothing to address his shell game of corporations paying out millions to family members for who knows what. All of that the Democrats want to sweep under the rug and are likely to use his minor convictions as reasons to do so.
The arrangement was done with the US Attorney representing Delaware, a man appointed by trump. So there is no way to complain.

Irrelevant to the FACT that Hunter's record WILL be expunged and that LurchAddams is a shameless fucking liar.

Hunter lied on his background form - a class A felony, AND certified under penalty of perjury.

Except there is NO penalty for him - because he is above the law.

He gets probation for the tax counts - no jail - no fines. File your taxes a week late and see if you are forgiven? LOL

What I don't get is you drones CELEBRATE that the law doesn't apply to your rulers.
Irrelevant to the FACT that Hunter's record WILL be expunged and that LurchAddams is a shameless fucking liar.

Hunter lied on his background form - a class A felony, AND certified under penalty of perjury.

Except there is NO penalty for him - because he is above the law.

He gets probation for the tax counts - no jail - no fines. File your taxes a week late and see if you are forgiven? LOL

What I don't get is you drones CELEBRATE that the law doesn't apply to your rulers.

It was done by a republican, so you cant bitch. Sorry, you will always find something to bitch about, stuff you need to post on your other message boards.
It was done by a republican, so you cant bitch. Sorry, you will always find something to bitch about, stuff you need to post on your other message boards.

No, Hunter is not a Republican.

We can tell, because he's not in prison.

If a Republican were to violate federal gun laws, we ALL know they would NEVER get out of prison. But the prince is a democrat - no laws apply.

And you think it's clever.

Do you, on some level think YOU will likewise be immune to all laws? Are you black? Because that is the ONLY way someone at your level would be immune to laws.

So WHY do you want rulers who are not subject to laws?
No, Hunter is not a Republican.

We can tell, because he's not in prison.

If a Republican were to violate federal gun laws, we ALL know they would NEVER get out of prison. But the prince is a democrat - no laws apply.

And you think it's clever.

Do you, on some level think YOU will likewise be immune to all laws? Are you black? Because that is the ONLY way someone at your level would be immune to laws.

So WHY do you want rulers who are not subject to laws?

A Republican prosecutor isn't good enough for you?
It doesn't say his record for crimes he pleas to will be erased. You're a fucking idiot.

Keep lying, fuckwad.

You Nazis are such scum.

I can't wait until your own Reich throws you in prison or shoots you, because they will - they always do with your type.

Useless idiot that you are.
Keep lying, fuckwad.

You Nazis are such scum.

I can't wait until your own Reich throws you in prison or shoots you, because they will - they always do with your type.

Useless idiot that you are.
It's a good thing Australia banned guns. This nutjob would be looking for a school or church to shoot up.
Keep lying, fuckwad.

You Nazis are such scum.

I can't wait until your own Reich throws you in prison or shoots you, because they will - they always do with your type.

Useless idiot that you are.

LOL - I know why you're shitting your pants trumptard - 5 years investigating Hunter and this is where it ends - 2 misdemeanors, no evidence of this "Biden owned by China" bullshit.

Go fuck yourself, you little trumptard, sorry, whiney little bitch.

Oh, I almost forgot - also, bite me!
The firearm charge is a felony with up to ten years in jail as the penalty.

The foreign bribery case is part of a separate case.

He isn't being charged for the firearms related incident, it's his 2nd amendment rights, remember. And there is no bribery case or charge. That is just republicans in the house trying to make something out of nothing.
Well one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. No one is above the law, isnt that right? BTW no one gives a shit about hunter it's the lying racist child groping imbecile AKA hunter Sr that needs to be flushed down the toilet

Nobody is investigating him since he did nothing wrong. Funny your candidate rapes his first wife, brags publically about abusing women, is charged with raping a 13 yr old, pays off porn stars for sex and is found guilty in civil court of raping a woman in a dressing room and all Biden does is harmlessly put his arm around a girl and he is the child groper?

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
In late April 2016, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had either been sued over, or arrested for, raping a teenaged girl. One of the earliest versions of the charge was published on 2 May 2016, which reported that woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back...[/QUOTE]

I'm sure that IF these charges were against Biden and later dropped you would deny they ever happenned like you will since they were against trump, huh?