Hunter Biden takes a plea deal...

It's not the word, "eminent" Pobre.

"No plea deal with have ever been more regal or distinguished."

Remove the word "with" and insert the word "will" and it will make sense.

Work on your syntax...sentence structure.

Good grief, Pobre.

Go back and read the OP. Good grief, indeed.
Let's hear what laws you think he broke?

Let's see if the laws you think he broke, line up with the charges that were actually pending against him!

thinking of laws he broke is easy.....he gathered $20M from various foreign sources for no visible reason and divided up among Biden's family members through a string of limited liability companies in a fragile structure.......appears to be a classic money laundrying scheme......
Done and done already. As long as you act stupidly you will be treated as though you are stupid. I am seriously starting to think it's not an act.

Your old truck, pretending you produced evidence… sad!
How cushy of a plea deal do you think Hunter will receive?

No jail time, no fines, and his record erased.


No word on whether Garland will personally give Hunter a blowjob as part of the plea...
I thought Democrats were above the law?

Biden's justice department charges Hunter Biden with three crimes... What?

No jail time, no fines, and the crimes wiped from his record once his probation is over?

Yeah, that's above the law alright.
Your old truck, pretending you produced evidence… sad!

I used to have a great old truck. 1974 Ford F-150. More reliable than any leftist I ever met. As to tricks though yours is to "act" stupid. It's more and more obvious with each of your posts that it's no act.
FOX News says that the J/D says that the Biden investigations are not over.

Oh they aren't... these will go on as long as necessary... (They keep bringing up the fact that Hillary was never charged for all her criminal acts... how did that work out for her political future? The Biden damage is done... no matter what...)
Oh they aren't... these will go on as long as necessary... (They keep bringing up the fact that Hillary was never charged for all her criminal acts... how did that work out for her political future? The Biden damage is done... no matter what...)

So you won’t admit Hilary was cleared
A jury in Manhattan has found former President Donald Trump's company guilty of a long-running criminal tax fraud scheme that lasted into his presidency.

Though Trump and his company have repeatedly faced criminal investigations, this case marks the first time his company has been charged, tried, and convicted on criminal charges.

Trump built his political brand, in large part, on his claim that he was an aggressive and successful businessman.

In all, the jury found two entities controlled by Trump guilty on 17 counts of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. The maximum penalty is $1.6 million.

"This was a case about lying and cheating, false documents to the aid of evading taxes for the benefit of individuals and the corporation," Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg said, speaking with reporters after the verdict was delivered.