Hunter Biden takes a plea deal...

He graduated from Yale Law , was an experienced lobbyist, and had great political connections in America, You are not thinking. Sons of powerful people have doors opened . They always have.

While true, he's also a sleaze bag; too rich, too self-entitled and too weak to resist the temptations of drugs and easy women. Still, as a criminal, I favor treating all of them equally.
On the gun charge?

From the New York Times this morning:

The Justice Department has reached an agreement with Hunter Biden for him to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge, according to a court filing on Tuesday, moving to close a long-running and politically explosive investigation into the finances, drug use and international business dealings of President Biden’s troubled son.

Under a deal hashed out over several months by Hunter Biden’s legal team and federal prosecutors, he will plead guilty to misdemeanor counts of failing to pay his 2017 and 2018 taxes on time and agree to probation, the court filing said.

The Justice Department would charge Mr. Biden but agree not to prosecute him in connection with his purchase of a handgun in 2018 during a period when he was using drugs. The deal would be contingent on Mr. Biden remaining drug free for 24 months and agreeing never to own a firearm again.
The Deal is standard for those charged and first time offenders. Look into it. The Trump appointed US Attorney was in charge.

If you were a lawyer, you would know that a plea deal has to be approved by a federal judge, in this case.
The judge has no obligation to do what the DOJ asks...none.

That's why he is a judge.

The judge has no obligation but the judge also has no desire to clog up the court system by denying plea deals that the prosecution and defense have agreed to. It is extremely rare for a judge to deny a plea deal.
I thought Democrats were above the law?

Biden's justice department charges Hunter Biden with three crimes... What?

Mr. Trump faces 37 criminal counts: 31 felony charges related to withholding national defense information, five related to concealing the possession of classified documents and one related to making false statements.
Mr. Trump was indicted in Manhattan on 34 felony counts related to his role in what prosecutors described as a hush-money scheme to cover up a potential sex scandal in order to clear his path to the presidency in 2016.
Mr Trump was recently found guilty in a civil court of raping a woman in a dept store dressing room and ordered to pay 5 million in restitution. Now it's looking like it will be more like 10 million because the dumbshit can't keep his mouth shut.
In late 2022, the Trump Organization was convicted of multiple felonies related to a long-running tax fraud scheme sending his CEO to prison.
Prosecutors in Georgia recently indicated that they would indicting Trump in the first half of August over his efforts to interfere with the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state. Legal experts say that Mr. Trump is at “substantial risk” of prosecution for violating a number Georgia's racketeering law.
In December, a congressional issued an 845-page report concluding that Mr. Trump and some of his associates had devised “a multipart plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election” and disclosing in exhaustive detail the events that led to the attack on the Capitol. Mr. Trump is accused of inciting insurrection and conspiracy to defraud the United States, among other federal crimes. Indictment on those crimes is certain to follow.

Hunter Biden who is a nobody pleads guilty to a couple misdemeanor tax charges that will not include any jail time and the right is jubilent. What a fucking joke! Trump is charged with 65 felonies with certainly more on the way while his company is charged additionally with "multiple felonies" sending his CEO to prison and he is the guy the right wants as president? Unfuckingbelievable! Democrats would not want Hunter to be running on their ticket since he has pleaded guilty to tax evasion while republicans are fine with a guy charged with nearly 100 felonies as well as rape. Way to go republicans, he's your guy!
How cushy of a plea deal do you think Hunter will receive?

2 misdeameanors's? Certainly no jail time and possibly not even parole. Certainly nothing on the order of nearly 100 fucking felonies like your fuhrer. Besides, who gives a shit, is he running for president? I sure as shit would not vote for him.

Mr. Trump faces 37 criminal counts: 31 felony charges related to withholding national defense information, five related to concealing the possession of classified documents and one related to making false statements.
Mr. Trump was indicted in Manhattan on 34 felony counts related to his role in what prosecutors described as a hush-money scheme to cover up a potential sex scandal in order to clear his path to the presidency in 2016.
Mr Trump was recently found guilty in a civil court of raping a woman in a dept store dressing room and ordered to pay 5 million in restitution. Now it's looking like it will be more like 10 million because the dumbshit can't keep his mouth shut.
In late 2022, the Trump Organization was convicted of multiple felonies related to a long-running tax fraud scheme sending his CEO to prison.
Prosecutors in Georgia recently indicated that they would indicting Trump in the first half of August over his efforts to interfere with the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state. Legal experts say that Mr. Trump is at “substantial risk” of prosecution for violating a number Georgia's racketeering law.
In December, a congressional issued an 845-page report concluding that Mr. Trump and some of his associates had devised “a multipart plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election” and disclosing in exhaustive detail the events that led to the attack on the Capitol. Mr. Trump is accused of inciting insurrection and conspiracy to defraud the United States, among other federal crimes. Indictment on those crimes is certain to follow.

Hunter Biden who is a nobody pleads guilty to a couple misdemeanor tax charges that will not include any jail time and the right is jubilent. What a fucking joke! Trump is charged with 65 felonies with certainly more on the way while his company is charged additionally with "multiple felonies" sending his CEO to prison and he is the guy the right wants as president? Unfuckingbelievable! Democrats would not want Hunter to be running on their ticket since he has pleaded guilty to tax evasion while republicans are fine with a guy charged with nearly 100 felonies as well as rape. Way to go republicans, he's your guy!
The plea deal will require him to flip on his father

I imagine once he does that he will get immunity and hunter only cares about himself

Joe is in trouble



You lose

Fat orange man is going to prison

Hunter will get a new tax service next time

Did you read that the DOJ head actually ignored trumpy crimes for a year

It’s all going down now huh