I apologize for my anger

I wouldn't say 'stupidization of blackascoal', more like 'stupidization of parents' as a state of being. Along with the damn tendency of kids to make their own choices, often the opposite of what we think is good for them.

It sucks being an adult. We're always 'kids' to our parents though, which is why we miss them so when they are gone.

Well said.

Thank you much my sister.

If I may .. I've noticed a change in your posts over the time I've been reading them, and I know longer sense the firmness in them that was.

That's how it is over here on the left.

We're easy.

Case in point .. Battleborne.

That's how it is on the dark side .. always confrontation .. never a mature moment for reflection, spirituality, or just being human. Always an actor on a ridiculous stage of a failed ideology.

That's not you.

I appreciate your thoughts for my daughter .. if nothing else, the girl .. I can call her girl because I made here :) .. is resourceful and adventurous.

But my explosion wasn't about her failure, it's about mine. I know you didn't imply that but needed to be said.

I stand my ground as refuse to be bullied...y'all can't deal with that...buzz off CPUSA !

and by the way I respect your daughter...can't say the same for you..the pics you posted were obnoxious and I refuse to patronize you...and quit with all the bro/ sis crap...so sixtees!
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I stand my ground as refuse to be bullied...y'all can't deal with that...buzz off CPUSA !

and by the way I respect your daughter...can't say the same for you..the pics you posted were obnoxious and I refuse to patronize you...and quit with all the bro/ sis crap...so sixtees!

I don't usually respond to your posts or frankly even read most of them. You don't have to be bullied because you do a good enough job of embarassing yourself.

The reason I neither care abour nor solicit your "respect" is because if I had it I'd be worried.

I guess you'll just have to deal with my brother/sister "crap", but it isn't just sixties slang, it's science.