I apologize for my anger

BAC, I hear you about anger. I felt it when all was black and the 'left' was kicking and slamming. It's become easier with them on the winning side. I hope you all are right. In any case, I found taking a deep breath and saying 'all will will out right', helped me.

I do hope your daughter comes home, unscathed, soon. Prayers for her and you.
When I get super cranky and let fly I usually come back to the forum (whichever one it is) and do my best to absolutely ignore my outburst. Pretty bloody chicken of me but it's what I do. BAC had the guts to own up.

As for football. I was sort of following the discussion, I'm not up with the technicalities but I like the game.

My contempt in our football was for full forwards. Bloody show ponies that hang around the goalsquare and expect the ball to be delivered just so and then they can garner the accolades by kicking the bloody thing straight. Big deal.

I was a ruckman, that was hard work, resting in defence. Pansy bloody full forwards.
I have watched AUssie rules football. you people are crazy. Is there even a foul in that game?
Post a bunch of pictures of mangled parts of dead Americans from 9/11 and maybe some video clips of some leaping to thier deaths. That outta even things up.
And Iraq had WHAT exactly to do with 9/11? Going after a country that had NOTHING to do with the 3000 people that died makes no sense and is actually really stupid. So replying to the horror of Iraq with the Horror of the WTC only shows that BOTH were horrors and we got not ONE STEP closer to getting pay back on the fuckers that actually brought those buildings down.
I have watched AUssie rules football. you people are crazy. Is there even a foul in that game?

Yep! You can't push in the back...um...that's about it I think :D

Just kidding! The head is off limits of course and when the ball is on the ground and there's a bit of a ruck (rugby term creeping in there) you can't kick the ball where it might endanger someone.

It looks chaotic but it's not too bad, because the game is played at speed the collisions we have are usually of a glancing nature but when you do get hit (we call it a "shirtfront") it can take you out. I do believe that your football is a tougher game (not that I've played it) in terms of physicality.
BAC, you raised a daughter who did very well academically and has chosen her own path in life. If she has been in more than 8 years she must have excelled in the military as well. While the policies of our president may suck, the soldiers who serve are honorable people.

You should be very proud of your daughter. I am sure she is proud of her Dad. (and I use the word Dad to denote a relationship - father is biology)

Most excellent thoughts my brother.

You've revealed that you have an insight into the complexity of father/daddy/men/you. It's something that is not openly discussed in our society.. but it should be. I equate sexism with racism, but there is another side to the truth.
BAC, I hear you about anger. I felt it when all was black and the 'left' was kicking and slamming. It's become easier with them on the winning side. I hope you all are right. In any case, I found taking a deep breath and saying 'all will will out right', helped me.

I do hope your daughter comes home, unscathed, soon. Prayers for her and you.

Thank you much my sister.

If I may .. I've noticed a change in your posts over the time I've been reading them, and I know longer sense the firmness in them that was.

That's how it is over here on the left.

We're easy.

Case in point .. Battleborne.

That's how it is on the dark side .. always confrontation .. never a mature moment for reflection, spirituality, or just being human. Always an actor on a ridiculous stage of a failed ideology.

That's not you.

I appreciate your thoughts for my daughter .. if nothing else, the girl .. I can call her girl because I made here :) .. is resourceful and adventurous.

But my explosion wasn't about her failure, it's about mine. I know you didn't imply that but needed to be said.
But my explosion wasn't about her failure, it's about mine. I know you didn't imply that but needed to be said.

BAC, its hard to say failure until the game is over. What looks like failure may have prepared her for life even better than a doting father who sent her to college and turned her into one of the automotons that populate our world.

Relax and enjoy the strong woman you help make. The hardest part about being a Dad (I speak from experience) is letting our child fall, fail or make a choice without us. But its what makes them better people.
Thank you much my sister.

If I may .. I've noticed a change in your posts over the time I've been reading them, and I know longer sense the firmness in them that was.

That's how it is over here on the left.

We're easy.

Case in point .. Battleborne.

That's how it is on the dark side .. always confrontation .. never a mature moment for reflection, spirituality, or just being human. Always an actor on a ridiculous stage of a failed ideology.

That's not you.

I appreciate your thoughts for my daughter .. if nothing else, the girl .. I can call her girl because I made here :) .. is resourceful and adventurous.

But my explosion wasn't about her failure, it's about mine. I know you didn't imply that but needed to be said.
Actually her enlisting is proof positive just how strong she is; I'd never think a young person making that choice is failing, quite the contrary. Indeed, all I would like to say to her is, 'Thank You!' Whether or not we agree on using the military, that's not fault of those that serve. They are doing all and more than has been asked of them. Goes for their families too.

I don't think I've changed much, I just find the reasons for 'battling' sort of moot at this time. Besides, I'm rarely confrontational with anyone that deals honestly with issues, along with a modicum of logic. Disagreeing respectfully is always more likely to have one's opinion considered.
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Actually her enlisting is proof positive just how strong she is; I'd never think a young person making that choice is failing, quite the contrary. Indeed, all I would like to say to her is, 'Thank You!' Whether or not we agree on using the military, that's not those that serve fault. They are doing all and more than has been asked of them. Goes for their families too.

I don't think I've changed much, I just find the reasons for 'battling' sort of moot at this time. Besides, I'm rarely confrontational with anyone that deals honestly with issues, along with a modicum of logic. Disagreeing respectfully is always more likely to have one's opinion considered.

I am reminded of the 'net adage "Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics. You may win, but you are still retarded"

I know that wrguing online is a waste of energy. I know that the chances of changing anyone's mind are extremely remote. But I cannot help but challenge lies. I also cannot help but try and present an alternative view.

Gotta go, my short bus is here.
I am reminded of the 'net adage "Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics. You may win, but you are still retarded"

I know that wrguing online is a waste of energy. I know that the chances of changing anyone's mind are extremely remote. But I cannot help but challenge lies. I also cannot help but try and present an alternative view.

Gotta go, my short bus is here.

LOL! When I find something interesting, well something I think others here may find interesting, I post it. I can't see much use in coming here and saying the 'war is good.' For one thing, war never is, for another even if there are improvements coming out of it, this isn't a forum where it would be listened to, just ridiculed and such. I'm not much into that, I think it's called 'aggression' and the inevitable response would be an exercise in masochism, since I would have started it myself. I'm pretty sensitive, I like others to at least consider what I say. Thus, if I want to play here, I choose carefully, sometimes that doesn't matter though. :clink:
A little masochism isn't always bad. :cof1:

I think posting your views in a place that will provide intelligent opposition is healthy for you. It makes you defend your views and therefore educates you about them even more.

As for the name-calling and other bullshit, thats just an inability to present a clear argument. (or frustration at a clear argument being ignored, but you would never do that)

Arguing in places like this is not for everyone. Some don't have the thick skin needed, and others aren't open-minded enough to hear what the other side says.

But stay and slap us occasionally. lol
A little masochism isn't always bad. :cof1:

I think posting your views in a place that will provide intelligent opposition is healthy for you. It makes you defend your views and therefore educates you about them even more.

As for the name-calling and other bullshit, thats just an inability to present a clear argument. (or frustration at a clear argument being ignored, but you would never do that)

Arguing in places like this is not for everyone. Some don't have the thick skin needed, and others aren't open-minded enough to hear what the other side says.

But stay and slap us occasionally. lol

Well we are definitely derailing a very decent thread. :cool: I've no problem defending my views, problem in this environment is when the argument from the other side becomes defending Bush, who I've not supported in many years. Truth is, I thought the GOP would be trounced more strongly in '06.

With that said, while the stratergy may have left more than a bit to be desired and the administrations failure to even explain what their objectives were does not mean that the basic premises were wrong. In fact, there are many reasons to say that whomever wins in Nov., will indeed find themselves of necessity following those lines of reasoning.

I figure I'll let time make that argument.
Very True.

BAC, I meant no disrespect in posting off-topic stuff. I'll leave this thread to its original topic, namely the apology and explanations of a brave Dad.
BAC, its hard to say failure until the game is over. What looks like failure may have prepared her for life even better than a doting father who sent her to college and turned her into one of the automotons that populate our world.

Relax and enjoy the strong woman you help make. The hardest part about being a Dad (I speak from experience) is letting our child fall, fail or make a choice without us. But its what makes them better people.

I wholeheartedly agree and allowing her to failure has alsway been one of the tenets of raising her. I also understand that her pursuit of experiences and adventure comes honestly and I'm proud of her accomplishements while in the Army. But dealing with failure is one thing, dealing with losing her for something I am so violently against and see as a diabolic waste of human life, is quite another.

But again, thank you brother.
Very True.

BAC, I meant no disrespect in posting off-topic stuff. I'll leave this thread to its original topic, namely the apology and explanations of a brave Dad.

No disrespect was interpreted nor do I believe they were off-topic .. which is in fact the complete stupidization of blackascoal. :)
No disrespect was interpreted nor do I believe they were off-topic .. which is in fact the complete stupidization of blackascoal. :)

Far from it, my friend.

This is just the postings of a man willing to bare his soul and show what he sees as his greatest shortcomings.

But they are far from shortcomings. What you have written is what every parent feels. That they could have done better.

I have three remarkable kids from my first marriage and a delightful 12 year old in my current marriage. I continually berate myself for not doing more or better.

I understand that you fear for your daughter and what you feel about the war.
No disrespect was interpreted nor do I believe they were off-topic .. which is in fact the complete stupidization of blackascoal. :)

I wouldn't say 'stupidization of blackascoal', more like 'stupidization of parents' as a state of being. Along with the damn tendency of kids to make their own choices, often the opposite of what we think is good for them.

It sucks being an adult. We're always 'kids' to our parents though, which is why we miss them so when they are gone.