I apologize for my anger

Hey, Blackascoal, I've been hoping to catch you on here, to ask your opinion about something, because I believe you're a fair-minded, and honest person, about your opinions.

First, I have just ONE Question: Where do you think Barack Hussein Obama would BE, if we KNEW ALL THE INFORMATION WE HAVE NOW, IF WE HAD IT BEFORE THE IOWA CAUCUS? That's RIGHT, he'd be back home in Chicago, going to Church and Listening to "Hate-Whitey Speech", for the "Rev.'s" Wright and Phlagel, and throwing Parties, for his Friends the TERRORISTS, William Ayers, and Bernie "Stick a Fork in 'Em" Dohrn.

And second: With the Skeletons piling up, OUTSIDE the Closet Door, WHY WOULD LIBERALS IGNORE, All the things that would make ANY OTHER PERSON IN HISTORY an IMPOSSIBLE Prospect for President?

I have a Theory. Once you are SO HIGHLY INVESTED in a person, even an Anti-American, Racist, Terrorist-Befreinding person, and you have BACKED THEM WITH YOUR HEART AND SOUL, even when,(if you're a Liberal) you find out they have done DISQUALIFYING ACTIONS, your PRIDE will not ALLOW you to SEE the TRUTH, won't ALLOW you to SPEAK OUT FOR WHAT YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART IS RIGHT, to speak out, and say, "THIS man is NOT FIT, to be President of these United States. He has TOO MANY ASSOCIATIONS WITH UNSAVORY CHARACTERS, RACE-HATERS AND TERRORISTS WHO BOMB THE PENTAGON, THE CAPITOL, NYPD HEADQUARTERS."

But Liberals are AFRAID to say it. That's where the GUILT comes in. For African-Americans, they are AFRAID, they will be branded "TRAITORS", or "UNCLE TOMS". They KNOW, from EVERYTHING THEY WERE TAUGHT IN CHURCH, ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG, that it is WRONG, to support this man, but only a BRAVE FEW have spoken out. I have seen them on TV, heard them on radio, and read their columns.
But when BRILLIANT MEN AND WOMEN, like Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Condoleeza Rice, Alan Keys, or the dozens MORE I could name, ALL Black, when THEY speak out against Abortion, and even KILLING LIVE BABIES THAT SURVIVED ABORTION, like BARACK OBAMA SUPPORTED, when they REFUSE TO MAKE EXCUSES FOR RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, MURDERERS, DRUG DEALERS, whether Black OR White, when these GREAT BLACK ROLE MODELS SPEAK OUT, for what they were taught in Church, what they KNOW in their HEARTS to be RIGHT, the REST of the "Black Community" not only IGNORES them, they BASH these Leaders!

The Very People that theBlack Community should be HOLDING UP TO THEIR YOUTH, and saying THIS is a Person you can Model your Life around, they call NAMES! And WHY? Because of Racists and Poverty Pimps, because of SCAM ARTISTS, like Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Rev. Jerimiah Wright, and others, have the Majority of Blacks SO SCARED to go against the SCAM ARTISTS, they refuse to do what they KNOW is right.
Do you believe I am wrong about any of that? Don't just say "yes", please. Explain.
ughhh I have a lot of catching up to do. Now I have to go through all the threads and see if I can figure out what the hell is going on.

I can assure you, BAC, that EVERYONE has done and said some things in anger and frustration that they regret. Chalk it up to a learning experience and don't sweat it.
Well since you edited your mistake.........

I was married and had my first child while in the service.

BTW, it doesn't do you any good when you claim to know the length of my fuse.

of reposting your post #16...this deserves a response..okay but please explain how you were a 'pacifist' in the military before you had kids...then after having kids you became a hawk...all while being in the military all at the same time...sorry it just not compute! as for the dynomite and fuse comment...it was said in jest a old football joke between linemen and back squad...me just a WB/defensive deep back...little but tough...are you sure you played football?...lol
Jesus christ BB, you played safety? That's where we put the stringy, geeky little kids from the math club. No wonder you have short-man's syndrome.
uhhh no.............

Jesus christ BB, you played safety? That's where we put the stringy, geeky little kids from the math club. No wonder you have short-man's syndrome.

That would be toppy that has this problemo...and yes Safety in college...deep rose...WB in HS! and no not a math geek...barely got a C average in math..and not stringy... 5'7"145lbs of dynomite that took down 250lb 'knuckledraggers'...:cof1:
That would be toppy that has this problemo...and yes Safety in college...deep rose...WB in HS! and no not a math geek...barely got a C average in math..and not stringy... 5'7"145lbs of dynomite that took down 250lb 'knuckledraggers'...:cof1:

5'7" LOL

Okay, whatever shorty.
of reposting your post #16...this deserves a response..okay but please explain how you were a 'pacifist' in the military before you had kids...then after having kids you became a hawk...all while being in the military all at the same time...sorry it just not compute! as for the dynomite and fuse comment...it was said in jest a old football joke between linemen and back squad...me just a WB/defensive deep back...little but tough...are you sure you played football?...lol

I served in the military but refused to take a life. I would serve and support those who did, but would not do so myself. After getting married and, especially, after having our first child my feelings changed. After all, I had changed.

Yes, I did indeed play linebacker.

Anything else you want to question about me? Or can we get back to the issue at hand?
Thats me shorty, still the same height and weight today as yesterday...and you ? Never mind you are working on it...lol

Linebacker and tight end. Freaking coach wouldn't let me off the field, I played every down. I was a legend.

In my own mind, anyway. lol

Well shorty, I guess playing safety was "fun". You got to watch the action from way back there, and run around a little I guess.
Jesus christ BB, you played safety? That's where we put the stringy, geeky little kids from the math club. No wonder you have short-man's syndrome.

you must have had a shitty friggin crop of guys if you had to put a stringy geek at safety. Safety's are supposed to be fast, strong hitters that can support either run or pass.
That would be toppy that has this problemo...and yes Safety in college...deep rose...WB in HS! and no not a math geek...barely got a C average in math..and not stringy... 5'7"145lbs of dynomite that took down 250lb 'knuckledraggers'...:cof1:

Ha! I played corner because I could actually cover. I was the same height but had a 36" vertical. So you were slow and short huh?

I served in the military but refused to take a life. I would serve and support those who did, but would not do so myself. After getting married and, especially, after having our first child my feelings changed. After all, I had changed.

Yes, I did indeed play linebacker.

Anything else you want to question about me? Or can we get back to the issue at hand?

Thats it for now...just asked for clarification and you gave it...! Now I really have to run this has been clarified so I can leave and not be accused of running away...have a great afternoon!
you must have had a shitty friggin crop of guys if you had to put a stringy geek at safety. Safety's are supposed to be fast, strong hitters that can support either run or pass.

I have to agree, stringy guys never were good safety's. They weren't the fastest of the DB's though.
you must have had a shitty friggin crop of guys if you had to put a stringy geek at safety. Safety's are supposed to be fast, strong hitters that can support either run or pass.

Your not hip to this guys hazing guys thing, are you.

Don't be a dork! I was hazing the dude for being a wimpy, shrimpy safety.
No. Corners should be the fastest. But Safetys should be faster than your backers, but with similar hitting ability and strength.

Or 'percieved' strength. ;)

When you get a lot of open field tackles when a reciever is off his feet, you kinda look tough, but really your just a slow Corner! :)