I apologize for my anger

Your not hip to this guys hazing guys thing, are you.

Don't be a dork! I was hazing the dude for being a wimpy, shrimpy safety.

Nice work. Because it simply made you appear to be ignorant of the game. But ignorance is your forte. So have at it.
Or 'percieved' strength. ;)

When you get a lot of open field tackles when a reciever is off his feet, you kinda look tough, but really your just a slow Corner! :)

I was talking more on the hitting a running back coming out of a hole vs. a receiver who is in the air, but yes, I know what you mean. The one you describe would be the only time you see a Deion Sanders type player actually attempt a "hit".
Linebacker and tight end. Freaking coach wouldn't let me off the field, I played every down. I was a legend.

In my own mind, anyway. lol

Well shorty, I guess playing safety was "fun". You got to watch the action from way back there, and run around a little I guess.
I'm sorry, I just GOTTA say SOMETHIN', hahahaha. I may not know everything, but I know SOME things. The Internet is a Fantasy World, for a lot of people who are not satisfied with their Lot in Life.
When I see someone who titles THEMSELF "Superstar", and says how they were a "Legend" on the football field, "played every down", etc., 10 will get you 20 that person was the geek with the glasses with the tape around the middle, getting his books knocked out of his hands, his lunch money extorted, and beat up, every Tuesday, Bwaaaaaaaahahahaha!
Personally, I didn't play ORGANIZED football, started smoking too young. But I played in the Neighborhood, with NO pads, or referees. Came home with a lot of bruises, played again the next day.

My best sport was"organized" Hockey, with all the pads, etc.. Played Right Wing, on the Ice, got a trophy 2 years out of 3, and NOT for just "participating", like they give kids TODAY. I EARNED mine. The first year, 1975, my trophy says "Most Valuable Player", and the 2nd year, I got a trophy for scoring goals on the Team that won the Southern Connecticut Division Championship. Goalie in Street Hockey
I ran a 4.5 40, and did fine stuffing the holes, blitzing, or making receivers pay for crossing the middle.
Ha! I played corner because I could actually cover. I was the same height but had a 36" vertical.

So you were slow and short huh?

Yeah, a short, slow shimpy safety. Which explains BBs short man syndrome.

Damn, 36 inches. I didn't know white men could jump. Did you play hoops in HS? I was a total bench warmer on the hoops team. But, hoops was always my fav game in HS.
As BB was traveling in the 100 that he posted earlier.

However...this was my average time running on the track team..the one hundred yard dash...your time diminishes over a longer distance...my time for the football mark 40yd was..4.1.... as was my leg on the 440yd relay...110 yds 11.2...I may have been a shrimp by knuckledraggers standards..but I held my own...:cof1:
I've read the entire thread and. with the exception of BB, I appreciate the comments of all who've posted.

I recognize that I may not be well and therapy may be in order.

My anger is not only rooted in the horror this nation has visted upon so many innocent people and children, something I hope I never lose, but it's also a reflection of my own inner turmoil due to my failure as a father. How did I fail to keep my daughter, a 3.2 gpa student, from entering the military and becoming part of such a horrific tragedy? She's been in the military longer than Bush's term and the Iraq war, but such an eventuality was always possible when you're part of the American military/industrial complex. Vietnam was my Iraq.

She is my daughter who I raised alone .. and perhaps that's part of the problem. Perhaps she needed a mother more than she needed me.

In any case, being part of this community has been therapuetic for me and I promise not to go off the deep end again. Wishing Bush supporters dead was inexcusable. I do however wish that every American was forced to watch the pictures of the mutilated children and families we've destroyed. There are parents in Iraq who have dead children they loved every bit as much as I love mine.

Love, family, honor, and spirituality are not exclusive being American.
Good post BAC and I was posting those pictures when we went inot Fallughia.

There is nothing wrong with the pictures of what our policy has caused to happen.

Remember our kids have their own paths to travel and we dont get to deside what that path is, Only they deside.

It sounds like to me you did a great job.
Post a bunch of pictures of mangled parts of dead Americans from 9/11 and maybe some video clips of some leaping to thier deaths. That outta even things up.
I've read the entire thread and. with the exception of BB, I appreciate the comments of all who've posted.

I recognize that I may not be well and therapy may be in order.

My anger is not only rooted in the horror this nation has visted upon so many innocent people and children, something I hope I never lose, but it's also a reflection of my own inner turmoil due to my failure as a father. How did I fail to keep my daughter, a 3.2 gpa student, from entering the military and becoming part of such a horrific tragedy? She's been in the military longer than Bush's term and the Iraq war, but such an eventuality was always possible when you're part of the American military/industrial complex. Vietnam was my Iraq.

She is my daughter who I raised alone .. and perhaps that's part of the problem. Perhaps she needed a mother more than she needed me.

In any case, being part of this community has been therapuetic for me and I promise not to go off the deep end again. Wishing Bush supporters dead was inexcusable. I do however wish that every American was forced to watch the pictures of the mutilated children and families we've destroyed. There are parents in Iraq who have dead children they loved every bit as much as I love mine.

Love, family, honor, and spirituality are not exclusive being American.

BAC, you raised a daughter who did very well academically and has chosen her own path in life. If she has been in more than 8 years she must have excelled in the military as well. While the policies of our president may suck, the soldiers who serve are honorable people.

You should be very proud of your daughter. I am sure she is proud of her Dad. (and I use the word Dad to denote a relationship - father is biology)
Yeah, a short, slow shimpy safety. Which explains BBs short man syndrome.

Damn, 36 inches. I didn't know white men could jump. Did you play hoops in HS? I was a total bench warmer on the hoops team. But, hoops was always my fav game in HS.

Nah, I was a Springboard Diver in the winter, and when I was done, went right back to Football training. The constant jumping on the board is what gave me the vertical.
When I get super cranky and let fly I usually come back to the forum (whichever one it is) and do my best to absolutely ignore my outburst. Pretty bloody chicken of me but it's what I do. BAC had the guts to own up.

As for football. I was sort of following the discussion, I'm not up with the technicalities but I like the game.

My contempt in our football was for full forwards. Bloody show ponies that hang around the goalsquare and expect the ball to be delivered just so and then they can garner the accolades by kicking the bloody thing straight. Big deal.

I was a ruckman, that was hard work, resting in defence. Pansy bloody full forwards.