I can hardly wait!

In less than a month, we will know who the next president is. At this point, it's looking good for Barack Hussein Obama. I never thought I would see the day America would elect a man named "Hussein" to the presidency, but it appears that is on the verge of happening. I can hardly wait!

In fact, I am hoping the Dims win enough seats in Congress to hold a supermajority, because I don't want any more excuses. We were promised Change... (and Hope.) I am anxious to see what this "New America" will look like, and how it will differ from the two America's John Edwards says we have. It will be nice to have all of our problems solved by Liberal policy, and live in utter Utopia, in harmony as one, fighting for the 'little guy' everyday!

In fact, my first order of business will be to put in for my benefits as a Native American. I have avoided this for years, because my Conservative principles wouldn't allow me to take advantage of my heritage to bilk the government, but now that we are going to live in Liberal Utopia, I want mine... every penny of it! I have also sent off to Pueblo, Colorado for all kinds of brochures on Federal Assistance and Funding, I plan to take full advantage of every program I can exploit to my benefit, I deserve it. I am hoping I can do so well, I can just quit my job... you know, make it available for someone who isn't as fortunate as me, who doesn't qualify for all the government handouts and such....maybe some former CEO or corporate fat cat?

I am sure, by this time next year, President Hussein will have our oil prices so low, we will have $2 gas again, if we even need gas, heck, we may all have an electric car by then, courtesy of Uncle Sam! That will be nice, because I can finally afford to travel the country on the money I am now paying for health insurance. Speaking of which... I keep having these awful headaches, and nagging backache... I think it's from stress, and working too hard all these years, so I am going to need some meds, lots of meds. Of course, that will be no problem, they will all be free, paid for by the new liberal government.

Now I have to admit, I will really miss all the Pinheads here, whining, crying, and moaning daily. I will have to think of something to occupy all my free time, since I'm sure Rush and Hannity won't be allowed on the radio anymore. I thought about maybe opening an Army Surplus store, since we won't have much of a military anymore, and everyone will love us around the world. Only problem is, that is a business, and will be subject to huge windfall profits taxes, so that idea is probably out. I may start a 'non-profit' organization. Maybe I'll open a Gay Marriage chapel, I could do that from my home, which will of course be free, since the government is going to pay for it too. Or maybe I can council former Conservatives, help them to make the transition to Socialism? I'm sure I'll think of something to do, I'll have a lot of free time.

Gosh, it will just be so nice not to have to worry about things anymore! I may just completely tune out of politics and the news, why bother? I mean, Liberals are going to run the country, so it will all be good, right? I wonder, should I go ahead and sell off all my guns and ammo now? Or should I wait until the government outlaws it, and then sell it on the black market? I'm thinking they might increase in value when that starts to happen, but maybe I should go ahead and cash in now, money isn't going to really matter then, we'll all have plenty of that with Liberals in charge. I can hardly wait!
I am just looking forward to the elections being over.

And we should have at least 6 months before they start campaigning for the 2012 elections.
In fact, I am hoping the Dims win enough seats in Congress to hold a supermajority, because I don't want any more excuses.

ahahahahahahahahahahaha !

so that means the Rs have no excuses for what they gave us then huh?
Is the spin already starting?

These must be tough times for you, Dixie...

Spin? I have no idea what you're talking about. Tough times? Yeah, they have been tough, but like I said, all of that is about to change. I am about to be on easy street... living the life! I am looking forward to not having to work anymore, and being able to just sit on my ass and let the government take care of me. No more issues to have to fight for, nothing else to argue about, just an endless stash of government supplied drugs, and plenty of free time!

What? You thought I was going to be miserable??? No way dude! You won't ever be able to make me miserable, I hope that isn't what you've been thinking all this time. I am going to enjoy every second of every minute of my life, and no one is going to spoil that. I am about to become one of the biggest lazy-asses you ever met, and I'll have the time of my life. Liberal-run Government is going to take care of me, right?
The Rebugs had Congress for 6 years... and the presidency for almost 8... and they dont want the Democrats to have excuses.

It took them 8 years to fuck things up this badly... It will take the Democrats at least 2 years to get them cleaned up.
Spin? I have no idea what you're talking about. Tough times? Yeah, they have been tough, but like I said, all of that is about to change. I am about to be on easy street... living the life! I am looking forward to not having to work anymore, and being able to just sit on my ass and let the government take care of me. No more issues to have to fight for, nothing else to argue about, just an endless stash of government supplied drugs, and plenty of free time!

What? You thought I was going to be miserable??? No way dude! You won't ever be able to make me miserable, I hope that isn't what you've been thinking all this time. I am going to enjoy every second of every minute of my life, and no one is going to spoil that. I am about to become one of the biggest lazy-asses you ever met, and I'll have the time of my life. Liberal-run Government is going to take care of me, right?

Being lazy and being taken care of makes people unhappy Dixie, not happy.
Poor Dixie, he belives Obama promised nuthing but good times.

Oh yeah, he did promise good times, and you pinheads insisted the only reason we can't have them is republicans, so.... no more excuses after this election! Let the Good Times Roll! I'm ready for it! Got my fishing gear all packed up, cooler iced down... I can hardly wait!
Trust me, Dix - you are definitely going to be miserable. You already are miserable.

Think about this; take a minute from ranting, just close your eyes & picture it: Obama as President, Biden as VP; a huge Dem majority in the House, and very possibly 60 seats for the Dems in the Senate.

Who knows when the next time the GOP will even get near a majority; the next 5 years...10? I think it will probably be even longer.

Just take some time, and think about it.
I am just looking forward to the elections being over.

And we should have at least 6 months before they start campaigning for the 2012 elections.

I am actually enjoying this election season for reasons previously stated. I will be praying for the longevity of Justices Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Kennedy and Thomas during the next presidential term or two.

But are you sure that we'll have 6 months? That doesn't seem long. :)
"I will really miss all the Pinheads here, whining, crying, and moaning daily. I will have to think of something to occupy all my free time, since I'm sure Rush and Hannity won't be allowed on the radio anymore. I thought about maybe opening an Army Surplus store, since we won't have much of a military anymore, and everyone will love us around the world. Only problem is, that is a business, and will be subject to huge windfall profits taxes, so that idea is probably out. I may start a 'non-profit' organization. Maybe I'll open a Gay Marriage chapel, I could do that from my home, which will of course be free, since the government is going to pay for it too. Or maybe I can council former Conservatives, help them to make the transition to Socialism?"

Does anyone know who has been running on this platform, because I would run to vote for them? I know it hasn’t been Barack Obama.
The Rebugs had Congress for 6 years... and the presidency for almost 8... and they dont want the Democrats to have excuses.

It took them 8 years to fuck things up this badly... It will take the Democrats at least 2 years to get them cleaned up.

Naw... bullshit, we ain't playing this game. You guys promised us a freakin rose garden if you were elected, and by God, I expect a rose garden! I'm not going to be content to sit around for 8 years listening to you make excuses anymore. You wanted power, you promised happiness, so deliver it bitch!
Trust me, Dix - you are definitely going to be miserable. You already are miserable.

Think about this; take a minute from ranting, just close your eyes & picture it: Obama as President, Biden as VP; a huge Dem majority in the House, and very possibly 60 seats for the Dems in the Senate.

Who knows when the next time the GOP will even get near a majority; the next 5 years...10? I think it will probably be even longer.

Just take some time, and think about it.

Wow, is anyone else getting warm?
Being lazy and being taken care of makes people unhappy Dixie, not happy.

Oh but it's going to make me happy as hell! Not a care in the world! I'll have my monthly check from Uncle Sam for being Native American, I'll have my house, car, and health care, paid for by Gub'ment... cold beer in the cooler... what could be better?
Oh but it's going to make me happy as hell! Not a care in the world! I'll have my monthly check from Uncle Sam for being Native American, I'll have my house, car, and health care, paid for by Gub'ment... cold beer in the cooler... what could be better?

Have a good time, Dix. I should serve you fair warning, though, that you want to get you Native American papers straightened out post-haste since all the white folk will be slaves come January.
Naw... bullshit, we ain't playing this game. You guys promised us a freakin rose garden if you were elected, and by God, I expect a rose garden! I'm not going to be content to sit around for 8 years listening to you make excuses anymore. You wanted power, you promised happiness, so deliver it bitch!

Ohh take us back to 2000, just take us back to the rosy projections of a bush presidency with a republican congress....

You are such an incredible hypocrite dixie.
This is what the party gets when the only "conservative" they listen to is of the religious variety and they go through money like drunken sailors.
Trust me, Dix - you are definitely going to be miserable. You already are miserable.

Think about this; take a minute from ranting, just close your eyes & picture it: Obama as President, Biden as VP; a huge Dem majority in the House, and very possibly 60 seats for the Dems in the Senate.

Who knows when the next time the GOP will even get near a majority; the next 5 years...10? I think it will probably be even longer.

Just take some time, and think about it.

LMAO.... no Onzies, I am NOT miserable, and will never be miserable! As for politics and Republicans, I don't really give a flying shit anymore. Just send me my damn check, and give me my drugs... I'm cool with it. Whatever the fuck you guys want to do, go for it! If you all want to sit around having daily circle jerks with Keith Olbermann, I don't care one bit! Politics do not matter to me anymore, what difference does it make anyway? I just want my monthly check, which I am entitled to. You guys can do all the politicking you like, I'm out of it! I'll be on some beach somewhere, probably trashed out of my mind, living the good life! Praise Liberals! Praise Obama Hussein!