I can hardly wait!

"I will really miss all the Pinheads here, whining, crying, and moaning daily. I will have to think of something to occupy all my free time, since I'm sure Rush and Hannity won't be allowed on the radio anymore. I thought about maybe opening an Army Surplus store, since we won't have much of a military anymore, and everyone will love us around the world. Only problem is, that is a business, and will be subject to huge windfall profits taxes, so that idea is probably out. I may start a 'non-profit' organization. Maybe I'll open a Gay Marriage chapel, I could do that from my home, which will of course be free, since the government is going to pay for it too. Or maybe I can council former Conservatives, help them to make the transition to Socialism?"

Does anyone know who has been running on this platform, because I would run to vote for them? I know it hasn’t been Barack Obama.

Good point, he and McCain are achually the same, and said so at the last debate on the gay marriage issue,.
What in the hell are you talking about?

The economy when Bush was elected was on a downturn. Since then, he has been an unbelievably bad steward of the economy. He has had no economic policy besides "cut taxes" (during a time of war), and it didn't work.

You have one of the worst cases of psychological projection I have ever seen. I can't imagine how disapppointing the Bush years have been for you, particularly with a fair share of them under GOP congressional control. The war didn't work out, and they found a way to actually increase spending under GOP watch.

It's no wonder you're losing your mind.

Yeah, you're absolutely right about everything! Bush was the worst president in history, the war was a fucked up mess, and tax cuts were not the answer to anything. It will be so nice to have Hussein Obama running the country with a Socialist regime, no wars or military to fight them, and taxation out the ass... in fact, we need to get busy on raising the taxes right away, to pay for all of my entitlements I'll be getting from our new government.

I'm not losing my mind, I am happy as can be! Looking forward to the HOPE AND CHANGE promised by Hussein Obama! I am a bit concerned over the shaky optimism you seem to have, that this new Socialist movement is going to be the answer to all our problems, it's what you've been advocating all this time, but suddenly, it appears you aren't so sure it will work. It better work, I am counting on it! How am I going to live the life, if the Socialist government doesn't provide for my every need? I thought that was why we had to elect Hussein Obama?
Naw... bullshit, we ain't playing this game. You guys promised us a freakin rose garden if you were elected, and by God, I expect a rose garden! I'm not going to be content to sit around for 8 years listening to you make excuses anymore. You wanted power, you promised happiness, so deliver it bitch!

Please give me a cite or a quote where anyone promised a rose garden if Obama was elected?
Please give me a cite or a quote where anyone promised a rose garden if Obama was elected?

You didn't read where Obama promised a Socialist gov't that would provide for every need for every citizen?

I'm sure he'll mention it in the debate tonight, if you're watching.
Oh but it's going to make me happy as hell! Not a care in the world! I'll have my monthly check from Uncle Sam for being Native American, I'll have my house, car, and health care, paid for by Gub'ment... cold beer in the cooler... what could be better?

Who promised Native Americans checks?
LMAO.... no Onzies, I am NOT miserable, and will never be miserable! As for politics and Republicans, I don't really give a flying shit anymore. Just send me my damn check, and give me my drugs... I'm cool with it. Whatever the fuck you guys want to do, go for it! If you all want to sit around having daily circle jerks with Keith Olbermann, I don't care one bit! Politics do not matter to me anymore, what difference does it make anyway? I just want my monthly check, which I am entitled to. You guys can do all the politicking you like, I'm out of it! I'll be on some beach somewhere, probably trashed out of my mind, living the good life! Praise Liberals! Praise Obama Hussein!

Man, Dixie is pissed.. I love it!
"LMAO.... no Onzies, I am NOT miserable, and will never be miserable! As for politics and Republicans, I don't really give a flying shit anymore. Just send me my damn check, and give me my drugs... I'm cool with it. Whatever the fuck you guys want to do, go for it! If you all want to sit around having daily circle jerks with Keith Olbermann, I don't care one bit! Politics do not matter to me anymore, what difference does it make anyway? "

Holy shit, this is the same guy who was just flapping his gums last week about how stupid liberals didn’t even know what Palin was going to do to them, we didn’t even see it coming, and how we’d all be making excuses for the polls. Then, two days later, HE was making excuses for the polls, claiming liberals were fixing…err, excuse me, “fixen” them in some big pinhead conspiracy.

And now this.

Well, it looks like somebody didn’t see what was coming, but it wasn’t the pinheads!
Damo, you really should call a suicide hotline or somthting, just give them Dixie's IP address. I would hope they will send someone out. They likely have a whacko conservative division and esperience dealing with this stuff, if not they better well get a unit together soon.
Damo, you really should call a suicide hotline or somthting, just give them Dixie's IP address. I would hope they will send someone out. They likely have a whacko conservative division and esperience dealing with this stuff, if not they better well get a unit together soon.

Well what the fuck? Are my eyes deceiving me here, or are the pinhead liberals already backing down on this "hope and change" bullshit? For the past year and a half, all we have heard is how fucked up things are because of Republicans, how we need fundamental change to make things great again, how Hussein Obama represents this new approach to our problems and is the solution... but here you are, telling us that things aren't going to really be any better under Hussein? WTF? Why vote him and the Socialists into power, if they aren't going to make things better as promised?

I really thought you pinheads would be happy that I was now on board with the plan here... I figured you'd all be congratulating me for finally coming around and seeing things your way! I mean to hell with conservatism, to hell with conservative principles, let's embrace socialism and enjoy it, that's what I say! We're a wealthy nation, hell... the top 5% pay 95% of all taxes, might as well make it 100% and enjoy life. Who really gives a shit if corporate fat cats have to pay for my shit? I don't! I am a Native American, and I'm entitled to be completely taken care of from cradle to grave, and since I haven't been taken care of from the cradle to this point, I certainly can be taken care of until the grave, and I fully plan to be! But now you all seem to be telling me, this isn't going to happen, that things aren't really going to change... I thought that was the mantra... HOPE AND CHANGE... CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN.... Right? Except, you are telling me, we can't really HOPE for this change, and we can't really BELIEVE in it. WTF? I mean, really? WTF?
Oh yeah, he did promise good times, and you pinheads insisted the only reason we can't have them is republicans, so.... no more excuses after this election! Let the Good Times Roll! I'm ready for it! Got my fishing gear all packed up, cooler iced down... I can hardly wait!
This is the best case of sour grapes I have EVER seen. No mention that it is his dream boy in jeans that has brought this change in power. Obama has NEVER promised that life was going to be wine and roses if he is elected. All he has promised is that he will do things differently than they have been done in the last 8 years. He may screw things up, and if he does people will vote for someone else. What pisses you off most Dixie is that it, at least for the moment, appears that a large enough group of people in this country are going to reject your political leanings. You remind me of the Dems after they lost congress in 94. Lots of whine, but no real alternatives to the oppostions plan. I know you put on a good face, but inside it burns.
I think that Dixie has confused Native American with American idiot?

Don't want to be an American idiot.
Don't want a nation under the new mania
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck America.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along to the age of paranoia.

Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.

Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's calling out to idiot America.
Well what the fuck? Are my eyes deceiving me here, or are the pinhead liberals already backing down on this "hope and change" bullshit? For the past year and a half, all we have heard is how fucked up things are because of Republicans, how we need fundamental change to make things great again, how Hussein Obama represents this new approach to our problems and is the solution... but here you are, telling us that things aren't going to really be any better under Hussein? WTF? Why vote him and the Socialists into power, if they aren't going to make things better as promised?

I really thought you pinheads would be happy that I was now on board with the plan here... I figured you'd all be congratulating me for finally coming around and seeing things your way! I mean to hell with conservatism, to hell with conservative principles, let's embrace socialism and enjoy it, that's what I say! We're a wealthy nation, hell... the top 5% pay 95% of all taxes, might as well make it 100% and enjoy life. Who really gives a shit if corporate fat cats have to pay for my shit? I don't! I am a Native American, and I'm entitled to be completely taken care of from cradle to grave, and since I haven't been taken care of from the cradle to this point, I certainly can be taken care of until the grave, and I fully plan to be! But now you all seem to be telling me, this isn't going to happen, that things aren't really going to change... I thought that was the mantra... HOPE AND CHANGE... CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN.... Right? Except, you are telling me, we can't really HOPE for this change, and we can't really BELIEVE in it. WTF? I mean, really? WTF?

Who said things are not going to get better?

Where did he get this Native American shit?

Wow, he has really lost it.
This is the best case of sour grapes I have EVER seen. No mention that it is his dream boy in jeans that has brought this change in power. Obama has NEVER promised that life was going to be wine and roses if he is elected. All he has promised is that he will do things differently than they have been done in the last 8 years. He may screw things up, and if he does people will vote for someone else. What pisses you off most Dixie is that it, at least for the moment, appears that a large enough group of people in this country are going to reject your political leanings. You remind me of the Dems after they lost congress in 94. Lots of whine, but no real alternatives to the oppostions plan. I know you put on a good face, but inside it burns.

These Republicans sure have turned into whiners!
This is the best case of sour grapes I have EVER seen. No mention that it is his dream boy in jeans that has brought this change in power. Obama has NEVER promised that life was going to be wine and roses if he is elected. All he has promised is that he will do things differently than they have been done in the last 8 years. He may screw things up, and if he does people will vote for someone else. What pisses you off most Dixie is that it, at least for the moment, appears that a large enough group of people in this country are going to reject your political leanings. You remind me of the Dems after they lost congress in 94. Lots of whine, but no real alternatives to the oppostions plan. I know you put on a good face, but inside it burns.

Who's whining? I see Libtards whining! Already making excuses why Hussein Obama is not going to bring any of this great "change" they have promised! I am fully expecting to be taken care of, I want every fucking penny of money I can get from the government, for every fucking thing I can think of! I expect this, and demand this! It has been promised, and it will be delivered! No whining, I have nothing to whine about, my life is going to be great! I'm not some rich fat cat, I am a lowly disadvantaged minority who needs government to wipe my ass and pay for my shit! I don't need or want an "alternative plan" because Socialism is the ONLY plan! It's what you've all been pushing for the past couple of decades, now you're going to have it! So, what's the deal? Are you all going to suddenly admit it's a big fraud, and there is no real hope for change? No Liberal Utopia? What the fuck is the purpose of electing you to power, if that is the case? I don't get it!
They always were whiners.

It's my money and I wanna keep it, etc.

On this count, I think they have a right to whine.

At least its better than "I need a gov't program, and you have to pay for it".

Or to quote Joseph Sobran, "Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's money --- only for wanting to keep your own money.".