I can hardly wait!

Who's whining? I see Libtards whining! Already making excuses why Hussein Obama is not going to bring any of this great "change" they have promised! I am fully expecting to be taken care of, I want every fucking penny of money I can get from the government, for every fucking thing I can think of! I expect this, and demand this! It has been promised, and it will be delivered! No whining, I have nothing to whine about, my life is going to be great! I'm not some rich fat cat, I am a lowly disadvantaged minority who needs government to wipe my ass and pay for my shit! I don't need or want an "alternative plan" because Socialism is the ONLY plan! It's what you've all been pushing for the past couple of decades, now you're going to have it! So, what's the deal? Are you all going to suddenly admit it's a big fraud, and there is no real hope for change? No Liberal Utopia? What the fuck is the purpose of electing you to power, if that is the case? I don't get it!

Cite? Quote? Where was it promised? By who?
Well, it certainly does offer a unique opportunity to see how Dixie sees the left in that twisted brain of his. What an open book...
Ahh Part of the fiat currency system and our great country Sol. We just rent property from the govt and just pay them to stay out of prison.
Who said things are not going to get better?

Where did he get this Native American shit?

Wow, he has really lost it.

Well go back about a dozen posts, and several of you pinheads were telling us that Obama never promised us a rose garden... tells me, you don't think things are really going to be better. I'm expecting Liberal Utopia! I like the idea of sitting on my ass, not worrying about a damn thing, and letting government take care of my every need! That's the life I am planning on living under a Hussein Obama administration. I don't want to hear how this won't be the case, because that is what you've all been telling us, that is what has been promised... free health care... more entitlements... tax increases on the rich to pay for my shit... solutions to the foreign relations and energy problems... hell, I can't wait for it! Let's get going with it!

As for my Native American status, I have mentioned it before here. I am 1/8 Native American. Therefore, I am fully entitled to government benefits because of the deplorable way white Europeans treated my people in the past. I have never sought reparations or entitlements before, because my Conservative principles wouldn't allow it, but now that we are going Socialist, I might as well take full advantage of what is rightfully mine. It's going to be so sweet to not have to work.... just lay around getting drunk all day, high on government-supplied prescription drugs.... just waiting for that next check to arrive in the mail. Like I said, I can't wait!!
I’m definitely willing to foot the bill for his prescription drugs.
No telling who’s going to get hurt if we don’t pump him full of that shit, post hasty.
Well go back about a dozen posts, and several of you pinheads were telling us that Obama never promised us a rose garden... tells me, you don't think things are really going to be better. I'm expecting Liberal Utopia! I like the idea of sitting on my ass, not worrying about a damn thing, and letting government take care of my every need! That's the life I am planning on living under a Hussein Obama administration. I don't want to hear how this won't be the case, because that is what you've all been telling us, that is what has been promised... free health care... more entitlements... tax increases on the rich to pay for my shit... solutions to the foreign relations and energy problems... hell, I can't wait for it! Let's get going with it!

As for my Native American status, I have mentioned it before here. I am 1/8 Native American. Therefore, I am fully entitled to government benefits because of the deplorable way white Europeans treated my people in the past. I have never sought reparations or entitlements before, because my Conservative principles wouldn't allow it, but now that we are going Socialist, I might as well take full advantage of what is rightfully mine. It's going to be so sweet to not have to work.... just lay around getting drunk all day, high on government-supplied prescription drugs.... just waiting for that next check to arrive in the mail. Like I said, I can't wait!!

A rose garden and a liberal utopia are different than things not getting better. You have a severe comprehension problem, is English your first language?

Where has Senator Obama promised any checks to people who are 1/8 Native American?

Who promised free healthcare?
Cite? Quote? Where was it promised? By who?

Well... by Liberals goofball! Go read the platform! Every American is entitled to free government health care.... every American is entitled to 'fair wages' and free prescription drugs... affordable housing... free education... and minorities like myself, are entitled to even MORE than average Americans! We've been disenfranchised and discriminated against, so we deserve to be compensated for this. What the hell? You act like you forgot what the fuck Liberal Socialism was about!
Well... by Liberals goofball! Go read the platform! Every American is entitled to free government health care.... every American is entitled to 'fair wages' and free prescription drugs... affordable housing... free education... and minorities like myself, are entitled to even MORE than average Americans! We've been disenfranchised and discriminated against, so we deserve to be compensated for this. What the hell? You act like you forgot what the fuck Liberal Socialism was about!
Does your voice in your head get as shrill as it does in mine when I read your posts? Your posts come across with a lunatic quality. You really should take something for that. Fuck sake have a shot of Rebel Yell.
A rose garden and a liberal utopia are different than things not getting better. You have a severe comprehension problem, is English your first language?

Where has Senator Obama promised any checks to people who are 1/8 Native American?

Who promised free healthcare?

Government provided health care is the top Democratic platform issue, and has been for the past 8 years. Where have you been? Hussein doesn't have to promise a check to Native Americans, it's already being done. I've never claimed mine, but that changes in January baby! English is actually my 'second' language... Cherokee is my first.
Well... by Liberals goofball! Go read the platform! Every American is entitled to free government health care.... every American is entitled to 'fair wages' and free prescription drugs... affordable housing... free education... and minorities like myself, are entitled to even MORE than average Americans! We've been disenfranchised and discriminated against, so we deserve to be compensated for this. What the hell? You act like you forgot what the fuck Liberal Socialism was about!

Nope, you are wrong.
Government provided health care is the top Democratic platform issue, and has been for the past 8 years. Where have you been? Hussein doesn't have to promise a check to Native Americans, it's already being done. I've never claimed mine, but that changes in January baby! English is actually my 'second' language... Cherokee is my first.

Where is it stated, as you claim, that all Americans are entitled to free healthcare?
Does your voice in your head get as shrill as it does in mine when I read your posts? Your posts come across with a lunatic quality. You really should take something for that. Fuck sake have a shot of Rebel Yell.

LOL... I plan to be high as a kite come January. Free government-paid prescriptions for me! Yea! I should be able to stay drunk most of the time, since I won't be working anymore, just sitting on my ass drawing that nice little entitlement check from Uncle Sam!
LOL... I plan to be high as a kite come January. Free government-paid prescriptions for me! Yea! I should be able to stay drunk most of the time, since I won't be working anymore, just sitting on my ass drawing that nice little entitlement check from Uncle Sam!

Wow he is pissed... HAHAHA
Wow he is pissed... HAHAHA

... and if that's what he actually believes, he's in for a huge disappointment! Hasn't Obama repeatedly said that his goal is to create a climate wherein people can work hard to succeed for themselves?

He also has come out strongly against government takeover of health care.
LOL... I plan to be high as a kite come January. Free government-paid prescriptions for me! Yea! I should be able to stay drunk most of the time, since I won't be working anymore, just sitting on my ass drawing that nice little entitlement check from Uncle Sam!

I don’t know how we will know the difference???
... and if that's what he actually believes, he's in for a huge disappointment! Hasn't Obama repeatedly said that his goal is to create a climate wherein people can work hard to succeed for themselves?

He also has come out strongly against government takeover of health care.

That’s not what Sean Hannity said.