I can hardly wait!

Good point, will he buy Dixie's shack?

I was pissed about that, I did the smart/responsable thing and sold my house and am now renting to ride out the crisis. I guess instead, I should have over bought a huge McMansion and waited for McCain to take over my mortgatge.
Good point, will he buy Dixie's shack?

I was pissed about that, I did the smart/responsable thing and sold my house and am now renting to ride out the crisis. I guess instead, I should have over bought a huge McMansion and waited for McCain to take over my mortgatge.

It will not work unless you live on Wall street or main street.
That is the olnly two streets they are working on helping.

and that is the sad truth of it. Main street businesses and the market. the rest of us are on our own.
You guys are on your own, I've got it made in the shade. After I started checking into this, I am regretting that I didn't do it sooner, I had no idea of the perks available to Native Americans. Did you know, I am qualified for a quarterly royalty from the Cherokee Casino's? Yeah, it amounts to around $650 every three months. I can also get free tuition and guaranteed acceptance at almost any university I want to go to, as well as a monthly stipend to cover my living expenses as a student. I am eligible for free government-paid-for housing, if I want to move to tribal lands, and special government mortgage programs, anywhere I chose to live. I already have 'free health care' from the government, as well as a host of legal and cultural resources available to me. This is a pretty sweet gig!
Hell, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Right?

The way I see it, I am just taking what is rightfully mine. My ancestors had their land taken, and were marched into the desert to die. I've never pursued any kind of reparations for this, because I believe in Capitalism and Conservatism, but since we are going Socialist, I might as well make the best of it. I am planning on quitting my job in January, and I will do like Stories4u did, and go around to libraries and schools in Cherokee regalia, telling the children about my culture. I figure, with my benefits, I can do pretty well with this. At least until the whole system collapses, then I'll move to Montana. ;)
blah blah my ancestors were slaves. etc

And actually, since I have 1/16 African-American blood, my ancestors WERE slaves! If the Socialist Liberals ever get around to paying reparations for that, I'll line up for it too! Why not?

I tell ya US, you ain't being a very good Liberal here! I would expect you to have a little more sympathy for us oppressed peoples. I thought that was what you guys stood for! You sound like a greedy ol' NEOCON to me, not willing to fork over rich people's money to help us poor disadvantaged minorities! What gives?
And actually, since I have 1/16 African-American blood, my ancestors WERE slaves! If the Socialist Liberals ever get around to paying reparations for that, I'll line up for it too! Why not?

I tell ya US, you ain't being a very good Liberal here! I would expect you to have a little more sympathy for us oppressed peoples. I thought that was what you guys stood for! You sound like a greedy ol' NEOCON to me, not willing to fork over rich people's money to help us poor disadvantaged minorities! What gives?

at the beginning of the civil war about 20% of the blacks in the south were NOT slaves.
No rights but not slaves.
Just because you have african american blood does not mean you are descended from slaves.