I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

cancel2 2022

A“Never Trumper” has a change of heart.

I have a basic set of standards that a candidate has to meet in order to earn my vote. When Donald Trump was the Republican nominee in 2016, he did not meet my set of standards. As a result, I found myself unable to vote for him on election day.

He was unprincipled, willing to compromise on issues 9that should never be comprised upon. He seemed to change his stances on important issues as frequently as many of us change our favorite television program. What’s more, he was morally unfit for the presidency, in my view. This was a man who bragged about extra-marital affairs,made numerous sexist remarkstoward women, told his supporters to“knock the crap out of”protesters,mocked a handicapped reporter, and bragged about being able to grope women because he was “a star.”

Despite Mr. Trump’s shortcomings, I found Hillary Clinton to be even more detestable.* Her across-the-board support for what I found to be evil, progressive policies, including*partial-birth abortion, combined with what she “allegedly” did to silence her husband’s rape victims was despicable, to say the least. So if Hillary Clinton was worse than Donald Trump, why did I not vote for the latter?

I did not vote for Mr. Trump because I thought he would be the end of conservatism within the Republican Party. His presidency would not only cost Republicans the moral high-ground, but it would also mean the conservative faction of the Republican Party had lost. Mr. Trump’s European-style, right-wing populism would then dominate the party. Supporters of Donald Trump had abandoned conservative principles to support a man who was entirely unprincipled. Donald Trump did not believe in limited government; he merely wanted to be a voice for the American people.

Now, while I think many of those things have held true, I feel that my decision to refrain from supporting President Trump was a mistake. Donald Trump has been the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. Sure, he has been erratic and is certainly still flawed for many of the same reasons I did not vote for him in 2016; however, Mr. Trump has been a tremendous president in his first year.* Here’s why:

Neil Gorsuch was confirmed. Justice Gorsuch may be a more conservative Supreme Court Justice than both Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas – and that’s saying something. The pick was a huge win for conservatives, and nobody can be credited more for this victory than the president.

ISIS has been defeated. This is a story that should be huge in the mainstream media; just a couple of years ago, many claimed that ISIS posed the greatest threat to the Western society in the world. Now they have been obliterated under the leadership of the Trump administration.

The corporate tax rate was slashed by 40%. Republicans have been trying to cut corporate taxes for decades, but failed to get it done. Under President Trump, it finally happened. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan also deserve credit for this victory, but without Republican control of all three branches of government, tax cuts would have never happened.

Federal income taxes were reduced for most Americans. The vast majority of Americans will keep more of their own money for the foreseeable future. The tax code is all-around more conservative in approach than it was under President Obama. The bill was not perfect, but it did close many loopholes that gave unfair advantages to the wealthiest Americans. Most Americans will save money, and that is a win for conservatives.

The United States embassy to Israel will be moved to Jerusalem. A largely symbolic move, this represents the United States’ loyalty to our closest ally in the Middle East. Conservatives who believe in the existence of Israel as a sovereign Jewish state should applaud this move. No other president has been courageous enough to move our embassy to Israel’s true capital city.

Regulations have been slashed. This is one area where I was happily surprised with President Trump. Many regulations have been eliminated, modified, or slowed-down by the executive branch under the Trump administration. The president has focused more of his attention towards cutting regulations in his first year in office than any president since at least Ronald Reagan.

The Paris Climate Accord has been tossed out the window. Another almost entirely symbolic move, withdrawing from the Paris Accord was a big step in the right direction for conservatives with regard to the battle over ‘climate change.’ Not only are there uncertainties with regard to the changing climate, but this deal did absolutely nothing to punish countries that would certainly never comply with what was in the Accord eg. China, India, etc.

The Obama doctrine concerning Iran has been reversed. The Obama administration was relatively friendly with the Iranian government. The Iran nuclear deal is the epitome of Mr. Obama’s coziness with Iran. Contrast that with President Trump’s response to the uprisings against the Iranian government: “Big protests in Iran. The people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism. Looks like they will not take it any longer. The USA is watching very closely for human rights violations!”

Donald Trump is not a perfect president by any stretch of the imagination. Many of his past actions are still troubling in many ways. Often, his decision-making appears questionable—just check Twitter.

However, I have seen his judgement improve over the course of the last year, and I have hope that he will continue to make strides as a leader and as a human being. Don’t listen to the media about Mr. Trump. His approval ratings may continue to fall, but as for me, I am falling in love with the way this presidency is progressing.


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I do find some of my fellow #NeverTrumpers to be a bit much. Jeff Flake has developed quite the Martin Luther complex, and has become absolutely insufferable. His vote against the CR is the final straw for me. People like him and Corker need to remember that simply being anti-Trump doesn't mean you get to stop being conservative. It's like when the #Resist movement passes on compromises that would give them leftist policy initiatives at the table.
I do find some of my fellow #NeverTrumpers to be a bit much. Jeff Flake has developed quite the Martin Luther complex, and has become absolutely insufferable. His vote against the CR is the final straw for me. People like him and Corker need to remember that simply being anti-Trump doesn't mean you get to stop being conservative. It's like when the #Resist movement passes on compromises that would give them leftist policy initiatives at the table.

Yep. Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post is another.
Looks like she won't be buying the Examiner or Wall Street Journal anymore

We got all the talk radio superlatives on the supposed Trump achievements, and it is suppose to a surprise this person is suddenly a Trump advocate, I wonder if she would still back him if he did shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight

She voted for him
Looks like she won't be buying the Examiner or Wall Street Journal anymore

We got all the talk radio superlatives on the supposed Trump achievements, and it is suppose to a surprise this person is suddenly a Trump advocate, I wonder if she would still back him if he did shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight

She voted for him

Who or what are you talking about?
Whatever Trump does she is now against. So yeah, all principles gone.

I was also irritated with guys like Romney, who, having stood his ground and lost the primary, went and sought a cabinet position. If I had been in his place, there's no way I would want to have a role in DC, because that's the definition of selling-out.
Who or what are you talking about?

Oh, my bad, it's a guy, "Alex Baltzegar," author of the topic post's narrative of why he is now a Trump supporter

And as I said, he regurgitated the talk radio's supposed achievements of the Trump Administration, hard to believe he wasn't always a Trumpkin
I was also irritated with guys like Romney, who, having stood his ground and lost the primary, went and sought a cabinet position. If I had been in his place, there's no way I would want to have a role in DC, because that's the definition of selling-out.

Romney, what about a guy like Cruz, Trump personally insults his wife, father, and family, and today he is a Trump supporter,
Romney, what about a guy like Cruz, Trump personally insults his wife, father, and family, and today he is a Trump supporter,

Meh, I'd say that's true about Little Marco. All Lyin' Ted did was campaign for Douchebag Donald to keep Texas Republican. Aside from that, he hasn't exactly developed cordial relations. Granted, he isn't known for having cordial relations with too many people.
Oh, my bad, it's a guy, "Alex Baltzegar," author of the topic post's narrative of why he is now a Trump supporter

And as I said, he regurgitated the talk radio's supposed achievements of the Trump Administration, hard to believe he wasn't always a Trumpkin

What on this guy's list policy wise do believe a real conservative wouldn't support?
I was also irritated with guys like Romney, who, having stood his ground and lost the primary, went and sought a cabinet position. If I had been in his place, there's no way I would want to have a role in DC, because that's the definition of selling-out.

Don't know why I'm drawing a blank on this but did Romney run again in '16?
Oh, my bad, it's a guy, "Alex Baltzegar," author of the topic post's narrative of why he is now a Trump supporter

And as I said, he regurgitated the talk radio's supposed achievements of the Trump Administration, hard to believe he wasn't always a Trumpkin

The guy's a conservative so all we're seeing here is that he voted for another conservative rather than trump. He would've been happy no matter which Republican won.

Alex Baltzegar


The government sucks at everything. Conservative Contributor at @MerionWest Opinions are my own. #GoHeels

I do find some of my fellow #NeverTrumpers to be a bit much. Jeff Flake has developed quite the Martin Luther complex, and has become absolutely insufferable. His vote against the CR is the final straw for me. People like him and Corker need to remember that simply being anti-Trump doesn't mean you get to stop being conservative. It's like when the #Resist movement passes on compromises that would give them leftist policy initiatives at the table.

At what point does just 'being conservative' cross over into just doing what you're told?

The government can't run by CR, a truth conservatives used to know.
At what point does just 'being conservative' cross over into just doing what you're told?

The government can't run by CR, a truth conservatives used to know.

Someone does need to start playing hardball to force a real budget. I guess this game of chicken is the first move.
Doesn't the OP have better things to do, than give us this distorting nonsense, from his computer thousands of miles from this? Maybe he could try an online dating simulator.
Oh, my bad, it's a guy, "Alex Baltzegar," author of the topic post's narrative of why he is now a Trump supporter

And as I said, he regurgitated the talk radio's supposed achievements of the Trump Administration, hard to believe he wasn't always a Trumpkin
Alex Baltzegar serves as Director of Marketing at Merion West, and also writes about American politics. A native of San Antonio, Texas, Alex’s experience is in business and economics. Contact Alex at alex@merionwest.com.
The enemy of the good is the perfect. On the whole MAGA has been very very good for the USA