I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

The guy's a conservative so all we're seeing here is that he voted for another conservative rather than trump. He would've been happy no matter which Republican won.
not true.. #neverTrumps are specific in their hate of Trump.
Bill Kristol etc. are normally supportive of cons- but they've lost a wheel bearing and squeal about Trump
not true.. #neverTrumps are specific in their hate of Trump.
Bill Kristol etc. are normally supportive of cons- but they've lost a wheel bearing and squeal about Trump

It's not about hate it's about him not standing for conservative values.
The guy's a conservative so all we're seeing here is that he voted for another conservative rather than trump. He would've been happy no matter which Republican won.

Alex Baltzegar


The government sucks at everything. Conservative Contributor at @MerionWest Opinions are my own. #GoHeels


That's the whole point of #nevertrump, it was conservatives who didn't support Trump

I didn't vote for Trump but I didn't stop being a conservative
It's not about hate it's about him not standing for conservative values.
yet the OP shows he does..exactly what are your objections?

Remember he was elected as a populist, some of the social issues he supports I don't
but the basic concept of economic nationalism trumps so called free trade.
Because our free trade agreements aren't really about free trade.

MAGA works as intended ( so far)

In some ways, character is the top quality for a leader to have.
That's like telling me realpolitik doesn't work because Putin is a corrupt oligarch. He's a bad guy so don't deal with him etc.

Obama was a smooth talker, but his foreign policy left a wasteland in the ME and to a lessor extent Asia.

Results matter -character not so much.
character is not governing.
I hate his noxious tweets, but I'm adult enough to know the tweets are ephemeral, while the policies are what counts

To each his own how someone chooses to vote but to me as a conservative character and leadership do matter. And I'm looking big picture long term when I think of the conservative movement and Trump isn't the person I want leading it.
That's like telling me realpolitik doesn't work because Putin is a corrupt oligarch. He's a bad guy so don't deal with him etc.

Obama was a smooth talker, but his foreign policy left a wasteland in the ME and to a lessor extent Asia.

Results matter -character not so much.

Everything is connected. As I've said before, I think it's a bad trade-off...even if the good effects of Trump's policies last, which I'm skeptical about. But regardless, we're sacrificing a lot toward that end.

If something like the truth becomes a quaint, old-fashioned notion...what does that do to a country?
Trump did more for your movement then Bush or any Republican I can think of ever did..
Plus if we ever get past a CR funding, we can eliminate sequestor, and rebuild the military.

your movement ( i say with respect) is going to have to decide what it wants, because it's not going to get it's
social planks passed..

You never said just exactly what you disagree with about Trump, besides the obvious bluster/bloviation.

would you rather have had Hillary?
Everything is connected. As I've said before, I think it's a bad trade-off...even if the good effects of Trump's policies last, which I'm skeptical about. But regardless, we're sacrificing a lot toward that end.

If something like the truth becomes a quaint, old-fashioned notion...what does that do to a country?
truth?? really? no comment on the vast amount of fake news out there?

How about the run-away Deep State abuses of power that led to this bogus "Russian collusion" crap?

Maybe it's me,but all I care about is results.
Politicians come and go- "truthiness" comes and goes- but the policies they make are what effects the nation
Trump did more for your movement then Bush or any Republican I can think of ever did..
Plus if we ever get past a CR funding, we can eliminate sequestor, and rebuild the military.

your movement ( i say with respect) is going to have to decide what it wants, because it's not going to get it's
social planks passed..

You never said just exactly what you disagree with about Trump, besides the obvious bluster/bloviation.

would you rather have had Hillary?

I would have rather had Gary Johnson who I voted for. Not everyone is going to be Reagan I understand but that man spoke conservatism to the people and led with character and we had the Reagan Revolution. Hence why I'm still a Reagan Conservetive to this day.

The way Trump speaks about America is vastly different than Reagan does and I don't care for Trump's version.
I would have rather had Gary Johnson who I voted for. Not everyone is going to be Reagan I understand but that man spoke conservatism to the people and led with character and we had the Reagan Revolution. Hence why I'm still a Reagan Conservetive to this day.

The way Trump speaks about America is vastly different than Reagan does and I don't care for Trump's version.
Reagan was a quality dude. what was his best characteristic? I think it was his patriotism.

"America First" really does matter as a governing perspective..Reagan or Trump.

I look at Trump the same way as Reagan who came in and cleaned up Carter's foreign policy based on human rights. Without the personal likability of Reagan. Obnoxious even.

Trump is a bit too expansive -keeping troops in Syria is bad from any point of view,
but at least they won't be tasked with a mission of "humanitarian corridor" that Clinton promised.
Trump's foreign policy is looking valid so far.

You're from Ca. It's a sanctuary state which is a bad way to shelter illegals ( don't know you're feeling on this)

But isn't it better to make progress on immigration/border security -including but not limited to DACA?
We actually need this wall ( protective border) because immigration enforcement varies so much from POTUS to POTUS

What I'm saying...get past the TRUMP persona, and view his governing/policies ideas/outcomes- judge that
Quote Originally Posted by Threedee View Post
I do find some of my fellow #NeverTrumpers to be a bit much. Jeff Flake has developed quite the Martin Luther complex, and has become absolutely insufferable. His vote against the CR is the final straw for me. People like him and Corker need to remember that simply being anti-Trump doesn't mean you get to stop being conservative. It's like when the #Resist movement passes on compromises that would give them leftist policy initiatives at the table.

since you apparently have stopped being a dumbfuck I am taking you off ignore.......now that doesn't mean I am prepared to let you back in the party, but you are making progress.....
That's like telling me realpolitik doesn't work because Putin is a corrupt oligarch. He's a bad guy so don't deal with him etc.

Obama was a smooth talker, but his foreign policy left a wasteland in the ME and to a lessor extent Asia.

Results matter -character not so much.

We didn't win the Cold War with realpolitik. We caste Nixon, Ford, and Carter aside, and elected Reagan.