I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

there is nothing more pressing or long term than locking up a supreme court judge. No thanks to your kind we could have almost gotten fucked up the ass for the next 30 years by liberal activist judicial policies. Pragmatism matters.

Or we could have had a different Republican president, and still put a conservative on the bench...
When did you become a conservative, again?

i have already answered this, I have often used this term to describe myself ever since politics.com so I don't know why you are blown away at that.

I use it for a shorthand that overall describes I think, at least he majority of my beliefs or my way of looking at the world. While I am socially liberal in many areas, I suppose you could say the priority with wish I think of issues, conservativsm wins out more. So to me it essentially sums up to mean I want small government, low to no taxes, see the value in some structures in society as well as and the preservation of the status quo, I am a staunch gun supporter, constitutionalist, etc. These are conservative values.

so while I am a libertarian, that is a label more abstracted away from my core. It's like higher level software and conservatism is machine code.

I typed this while high and I think i might have gone to....... a more verbose space in my mind, not intentional.
Or we could have had a different Republican president, and still put a conservative on the bench...

you live in disneyworld where everything is magical and possible and a fairytale.

In reality, existence is not that. There are more natural born serfs, more takers, than there are makers. We can't be choosey. We don't have that luxury. Think of America right now as new orleans circa 2005. Now, you could say it's all in well in good that our long term goal should be raising the ground up 200 extra feet, or maybe re-locating the city all together. But right now the levies are about to break, water is sprouting through, we are literally going to get flooded if we dont fix these levies right now.

The levy is gorsuch. It's taxbreaks, it's getting rid of the mandate. It's telling europe fuck off

These are high priority issues. If we lost gorsuch it would be a liberal 5-4 court and we would have been dicked hard for the next 30 years. It's 1/3rd of the gov with life time appointments, shit is absolutely crucial.

Would I like to raise up the ground 200 feet? fuck yes I would. But we only have one life to live and we gotta make sure we don't get flooded first

the massacre of the serfs has to be on the backburner.
you live in disneyworld where everything is magical and possible and a fairytale.

In reality, existence is not that. There are more natural born serfs, more takers, than there are makers. We can't be choosey. We don't have that luxury. Think of America right now as new orleans circa 2005. Now, you could say it's all in well in good that our long term goal should be raising the ground up 200 extra feet, or maybe re-locating the city all together. But right now the levies are about to break, water is sprouting through, we are literally going to get flooded if we dont fix these levies right now.

The levy is gorsuch. It's taxbreaks, it's getting rid of the mandate. It's telling europe fuck off

These are high priority issues. If we lost gorsuch it would be a liberal 5-4 court and we would have been dicked hard for the next 30 years. It's 1/3rd of the gov with life time appointments, shit is absolutely crucial.

Would I like to raise up the ground 200 feet? fuck yes I would. But we only have one life to live and we gotta make sure we don't get flooded first

the massacre of the serfs has to be on the backburner.

Whether spoken with Reagan's eloquence or Trump's obscenities, don't both presidents essentially convey an optimism in American greatness that is derided as Hollywood/Disneyland fairytales?
Doesn't the OP have better things to do, than give us this distorting nonsense, from his computer thousands of miles from this? Maybe he could try an online dating simulator.

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Its just priceless how the Trinity has fallen apart, it's called growing up and everybody goes through it. Well, most anyway.

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the trinity is always strong. we never waiver. we are united in our elitness
Keep telling yourself that, self delusion is a powerful force.

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hey stupid,

you don't get to define the trinity.

you sound very jealous of our special club.

Consider the fact that watermark has been a deepstate communist for years now. He's still been in the club.

We are united by our elitness. Not our political views.

A prole like you would no doubt not understand

go have your wife love you long time :laugh:
Romney, what about a guy like Cruz, Trump personally insults his wife, father, and family, and today he is a Trump supporter,

Maybe he’s tired of establishment republicans and their well-mannered mediocrity.

I know I am. I’m done with them. I’ll take Trump, and his warts, any day of the week.

Cruz understands we’re in a war for the future of the country while the Never Trumpers fret over decorum. Kudos to him.
This again? Says the two time Obama supporter

Tell us again which policies that Trump has pursued that have offended the market you have cornered on conservatism. List them please

Again, you sit there like a child who was given a Samsung Galaxy when he wanted an iPad and is throwing a shit fit.

Maybe one of these days you will grow up and realize that this idealistic view you have of politics is a mirage

Let me ask you this. Given the trajectory of illegal immigration into your state, do you think Commiefornia will ever turn into a Red State? Are you content with that?
Tell us again which policies that Trump has pursued that have offended the market you have cornered on conservatism. List them please

Again, you sit there like a child who was given a Samsung Galaxy when he wanted an iPad and is throwing a shit fit.

Maybe one of these days you will grow up and realize that this idealistic view you have of politics is a mirage

Let me ask you this. Given the trajectory of illegal immigration into your state, do you think Commiefornia will ever turn into a Red State? Are you content with that?

Well done avoiding the question. You supported Obama twice. How did that work out for you?
Romney, what about a guy like Cruz, Trump personally insults his wife, father, and family, and today he is a Trump supporter,

The DNC rigged the primaries in favor of Hillary over Bernie and what does Bernie do. He endorsed Hillary.