I Didn’t Vote for Donald Trump. Now I Wish I Had

Well done avoiding the question. You supported Obama twice. How did that work out for you?

I did not support Obama at all and you know that.

You have been asked repeatedly what policies Trump has pursued that violate your supposed conservative beliefs and all you can do is hide like the pussy you are.

You say you “appreciate” the attention you get? Good. Because it is my personal mission to expose you as the drunken fraud that you are.

You are actually worse than Deshtard

You come here on some supposed moral high horse spouting conservative principles while whining and complaining about your political state of affairs, but really you are just a liberal and just don’t know it yet.

I don’t say you support Hillary because you didn’t vote for Trump. I say you supported her because you share her liberal beliefs. You share her democrat goal of big government. Get the difference yet cupcake? Or are you going to continue to be Deshtard stupid

Now go virtue signal for BAC
Anecdotal of course, but a good friend of mine was a very outspoken Never Trumper prior to the election. She would load her FB with daily rants about how Trump would be a disaster—Trump was a closet liberal etc.

Then she got quiet lol.

Now she’s a closet Trump supporter. I can tell by reading her posts. I wonder how many of them are out there.
Anecdotal of course, but a good friend of mine was a very outspoken Never Trumper prior to the election. She would load her FB with daily rants about how Trump would be a disaster—Trump was a closet liberal etc.

Then she got quiet lol.

Now she’s a closet Trump supporter. I can tell by reading her posts. I wonder how many of them are out there.

I think we have one or two here. I won't call them out by name lest they let pride get in their way. There is one who is either too much of a pussy to admit he was wrong or is really a liberal. Of course both could be true. They aren't mutually exclusive
do you really think another Republican like McCain or Romney could have stood up to the lies of the media and beat Hilliary?.......

Well we know Romney couldn't. He folded like a cheap tent with the attacks Obama and his minions sent his way. Did Cawacko come here and defend them daily? Did he call out the left and call them morally inferior?

No, he apparently likes this moral high ground wherein he is an incessant loser but feels really, really good about it. Difficult to explain.
Comey beat Hillary, not Trump

Comey won Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan?

Who knew he was even on the ballot.

Can't you fuckers make up your mind? Was it Comey or Russian collusion that beat your cunt candidate? Or was your cunt candidate so fucking awful that she didn't even stand a chance?

Grind and I told you Trump would win, but you didn't listen. Too busy being a cuckold boy I guess
Reagan was a quality dude. what was his best characteristic? I think it was his patriotism.

"America First" really does matter as a governing perspective..Reagan or Trump.

I look at Trump the same way as Reagan who came in and cleaned up Carter's foreign policy based on human rights. Without the personal likability of Reagan. Obnoxious even.

Trump is a bit too expansive -keeping troops in Syria is bad from any point of view,
but at least they won't be tasked with a mission of "humanitarian corridor" that Clinton promised.
Trump's foreign policy is looking valid so far.

You're from Ca. It's a sanctuary state which is a bad way to shelter illegals ( don't know you're feeling on this)

But isn't it better to make progress on immigration/border security -including but not limited to DACA?
We actually need this wall ( protective border) because immigration enforcement varies so much from POTUS to POTUS

What I'm saying...get past the TRUMP persona, and view his governing/policies ideas/outcomes- judge that

Reagan was a B grade actor hired by a then unpopular spook to play Clown POTUS, the same role Cheney tried to replicate with his son 20 years later.

Reagan gave the middle class it's first near fatal stab wounds, famously declared that the US would become a service based economy. (Impossible since service creates no wealth but rather is parasitic to wealth).


Worthless blather

LMFAO again ...The Gentleman Farmer from Georgia was obnoxious?
His brother Billy was a humorously obnoxious drunk....perhaps you are thinking of him...

Trump is too Expensive.
3 of his golf weekends would have funded Meals on Wheels, which he de-funded.
His expansion of military spending is unforgivable.
His border wall will stand as un unfinished monument to the most wasteful president in history.

What I am saying...get past your delusions that reasonable men like Cawako will ever support the Clown POTUS
You allies here should tel you all you need to know about being a Trumpet;

Incurious Darth LOL
Juvenile Tsuke
Idiot/ Hater ILA
Toad Irish
racist idiot CFM

Idiot racist Text Driver
erc., need I go on?

Show me a moderate Republican on this site that supports Trump.
Reagan was a B grade actor hired by a then unpopular spook to play Clown POTUS, the same role Cheney tried to replicate with his son 20 years later.

Reagan gave the middle class it's first near fatal stab wounds, famously declared that the US would become a service based economy. (Impossible since service creates no wealth but rather is parasitic to wealth).


Worthless blather

LMFAO again ...The Gentleman Farmer from Georgia was obnoxious?
His brother Billy was a humorously obnoxious drunk....perhaps you are thinking of him...

Trump is too Expensive.
3 of his golf weekends would have funded Meals on Wheels, which he de-funded.
His expansion of military spending is unforgivable.
His border wall will stand as un unfinished monument to the most wasteful president in history.

What I am saying...get past your delusions that reasonable men like Cawako will ever support the Clown POTUS
You allies here should tel you all you need to know about being a Trumpet;

Incurious Darth LOL
Juvenile Tsuke
Idiot/ Hater ILA
Toad Irish
racist idiot CFM

Idiot racist Text Driver
erc., need I go on?

Show me a moderate Republican on this site that supports Trump.
Was this written by Desh?

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk
Reagan was a B grade actor hired by a then unpopular spook to play Clown POTUS, the same role Cheney tried to replicate with his son 20 years later.

Reagan gave the middle class it's first near fatal stab wounds, famously declared that the US would become a service based economy. (Impossible since service creates no wealth but rather is parasitic to wealth).


Worthless blather

LMFAO again ...The Gentleman Farmer from Georgia was obnoxious?
His brother Billy was a humorously obnoxious drunk....perhaps you are thinking of him...

Trump is too Expensive.
3 of his golf weekends would have funded Meals on Wheels, which he de-funded.
His expansion of military spending is unforgivable.
His border wall will stand as un unfinished monument to the most wasteful president in history.

What I am saying...get past your delusions that reasonable men like Cawako will ever support the Clown POTUS
You allies here should tel you all you need to know about being a Trumpet;

Incurious Darth LOL
Juvenile Tsuke
Idiot/ Hater ILA
Toad Irish
racist idiot CFM

Idiot racist Text Driver
erc., need I go on?

Show me a moderate Republican on this site that supports Trump.

Cawacko is a liberal
Well we know Romney couldn't. He folded like a cheap tent with the attacks Obama and his minions sent his way. Did Cawacko come here and defend them daily? Did he call out the left and call them morally inferior?

No, he apparently likes this moral high ground wherein he is an incessant loser but feels really, really good about it. Difficult to explain.

Never Trumpers somehow have to square the circle of their principled Never Trumpism, with Trump’s results. They don’t like Gorsuch? They don’t like the economy? They favor the status quo on immigration?

Ironically, one is forced to wonder what their principles are, exactly. Since they’re apparently not conservative principles.

And yes, they unwittingly end up sounding like liberals.
Do you not know that Trump is attempting to greatly change the rules of nuclear engagement?
why don't you source your shit?
Then it can be shown what it is - a response to Russian attacks on NATO countries or the US itself..

If we get to the point Russia is going after NATO members..we have already crossed the rubicon.
( another reason to stay out of the Ukraine's business/war)

I'm sure this is bluster, but for once I agree with you. it's a very bad idea.

Where does it come from?? Our new Deep State friend - Russia phobia.

If you had a brain you'd connect the dots to our new extreme hostile posture started under Obama and continued under Trump , given life because sane people like Flynn were politically thown out in favor of "Trump's Generals"

Where the review goes ballistic is its assignment of U.S. nuclear weapons to deter — and if deterrence fails, to attack Russia if Russian President Vladimir Putin orders a non-nuclear strategic attack against the United States and its NATO allies. This mission is alleged to justify acquiring additional weapons with low-yield explosive power (in addition to the 1,000 already operational or held in reserve) to buttress the credibility of this first-use threat.

What is the feared scenario of Russia aggression that would warrant such escalation? The document points to what it calls non-nuclear strategic attacks against civilian populations and infrastructure: “The United States would only consider the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States, its allies, and partners. Extreme circumstances could include significant non-nuclear strategic attacks. Significant non-nuclear strategic attacks include, but are not limited to, attacks on the U.S., allied, or partner civilian population or infrastructure.”
fucking tactical nukes -battlefield nukes.
This shit started as a response by Putin to Obama's European Reassurance Initiative
Originally Posted by noise
That's like telling me realpolitik doesn't work because Putin is a corrupt oligarch. He's a bad guy so don't deal with him etc.

Obama was a smooth talker, but his foreign policy left a wasteland in the ME and to a lessor extent Asia.
The severity and depth of stupidity in this post damages the credibility of the internet.
Dolt. study up on Russian expansion into the Middle east, and not just Syria.
Lots of soft power in Egypt and soon Libya, as well as geo-political with Iran.
Never Trumpers somehow have to square the circle of their principled Never Trumpism, with Trump’s results. They don’t like Gorsuch? They don’t like the economy? They favor the status quo on immigration?

Ironically, one is forced to wonder what their principles are, exactly. Since they’re apparently not conservative principles.

And yes, they unwittingly end up sounding like liberals.

Agree 100%

It is like the liberals who used to say “I support the troops, but don’t like what they are doing in Iraq”
I did not support Obama at all and you know that.

You have been asked repeatedly what policies Trump has pursued that violate your supposed conservative beliefs and all you can do is hide like the pussy you are.

You say you “appreciate” the attention you get? Good. Because it is my personal mission to expose you as the drunken fraud that you are.

You are actually worse than Deshtard

You come here on some supposed moral high horse spouting conservative principles while whining and complaining about your political state of affairs, but really you are just a liberal and just don’t know it yet.

I don’t say you support Hillary because you didn’t vote for Trump. I say you supported her because you share her liberal beliefs. You share her democrat goal of big government. Get the difference yet cupcake? Or are you going to continue to be Deshtard stupid

Now go virtue signal for BAC

So now you are just making stuff up. That's all you have left, that and name calling.

Of course you love big government as you've shown with the war on drugs. And after TDAK called you a white hating racist you now no longer went even legal immigration.

Your anomisity comes from not sharing the same racist beliefs you do. I'm glad you are afraid to say where you live because we know you live in the south and are a stain for such a great region of the country